***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Thanks for the support re. sleeping...will consider how much she's eating during the day to see how that impacts us at night time. So far, no change. Still waking every 2 hours with a 1 hour stretch of wide awake somewhere around 2-3 am every night. She doesn't take a dummy, or anything else to really sooth her. Maybe I should try that?? A blankie or stuffed animal?? Would be happy for anything that helps her to self soothe.

She goes down for naps 3 times a day, normally 45 minutes - 1 hour each time, after a feed -- she falls asleep on the breast, then I move her to her crib. She wakes up crying every time though -- not sure if it's because she can't see us, or if she just doesn't know how to call out to us otherwise.

Sigh, so happy to hear about your best few days :) Gives me hope!

For foods -- we have done pear, carrot and apple. So far she loves them (all steamed purees). We tried rice cereal, but she kept coughing as eating it, though we tried really runny and a bit thicker...then she developed a little diaper rash, right around where she pees, so we stopped until we can find another type.

Bean - for Rosa's heat rashes, which she gets often since we're in the muggy Pacific, we just keep her naked except for her diaper, and I sponge her down with cool water during the day so her sweat doesn't really dry on her. Then at night, instead of using just baby oil for massage, we instead, on affected parts, use Aveeno excema cream that I brought from Canada, but perhaps any oatmeal-based cream would work? It tends to clear itself up quickly.

Rosa is sitting and plunking herself down into a crawling position; I think we will skip over the entire rolling stage to move to crawling like crazy. She still rolls but just in one direction and then calls for us to come get her.

A few questions:
-Do I have to worry about iron if we are breast feeding and doing fruits/veggies without rice cereal?
-What did I miss about carrots and nitrates?

:) to all
Re carrots - when making purees, steam the carrots then use a fresh pot of water for purreeing instead of the cooking water, they say the nitrates released into the water are harmful. That's all I know on that subject though!

Mia rolled from back to tummy the other day! So now she rolls both ways, but her preferred method of travelling is wriggling on her back and doing a make-believe backstroke. Lazy baby here :) Congrats on all these crawling babies! I'm always impressed and in awe when checking in on this thread.

Things have taken a turn for the worse with the MIL situation. I just knew three weeks is too much time spent 24/7 with a MIL. She was driving me crazy, but I held my tongue as best as I could. To better understand the situation a little backstory: the house we live in belonged to OH's grandmother, who then left it to his mother, who hasn't lived here in 15+ years but comes out once a year to visit family. His sister lived in this house for many years with her daughter before buying her own place and now OH and I live here. The entire time she has been here though, she has made us feel like unwanted guests in her home. She sleeps in our bedroom while I sleep on the couch (or sometimes the floor) yet then complains about her lack of privacy and how I'm always occupying the couch! She flew out 16 boxes of old clothes from her house in england to put here for "storage" and complained about not having space in the closet (you know, because my clothes are in there.... so I took them out and put them in suitcases to oblige)

Yesterday my mum came over because she hasnt seen us in a month due to MIL being here and the three of us went out to the park. This pissed MIL off and she was unbelievably rude to my mother and made snide comments about my living there. When I got back, I found stuff of mine in bin bags :( I was devastated to understand how little she thinks of me that she would just throw my stuff away, even though I have done nothing but be nice and offer plenty of bonding time with LO. There's a lot more to this story but I don't want to go into too much detail/complain too much.

Basically I grabbed some of Mia's essentials and came back with my mother to her place and will probably stay here until MIL flies back to England. I feel horrible for OH for being caught in the middle of all this. Worst of all is once all is said and done, I don't know if we'll have a place to live anymore. Ugh :(

Sorry for the huge rant! I had to let it out somewhere, I can't stop thinking about it :/
Thanks for the opinions. Scooby I agree I'm not introducing meat just yet. I don't feel like I've been through enough veggies yet anyway.
Expat about the carrots I came across a few things that said not to give your baby fresh carrots because they contain nitrates and could harm your baby. So I was asking others if they'd been told this. But I've read up a bit more and it seems to be fine to give them.

For those interested I came across this website today: https://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/
I haven't been through all of it but seems pretty interesting and informed. And its part of momtastic's like bnb so it must be good!! :)

IST Amber also rolls all around her cot and I mostly just leave her. Occasionally she gets an arm and a leg through the bars and I move her then so she doesn't end up stuck. She has slept on her tummy since she was a few weeks old (it helped relieve the gas pain) so I suppose I'm used to it. But I have read that once they can roll in both directions its not an issue to let them sleep however they choose.

Cococobain I'm sorry about your MIL issues. Mine has just been to visit and I must say I had to bite my tongue a few times. In general we actually have a really good relationship but there are a few areas of conflict that are sometimes hard to deal with. Thankfully she didn't stay with us while she was here so at least I did get a bit of a break. I really hope you still have a place to live by the end of this! Hugs.

Amber's rash still hasn't cleared up. It is looking a bit better though. But I suspect that the pineapple may have caused it. I've only given it to her once before and I think she got a small rash then too. But she'd had shots that day so I wasn't sure. But today and yesterday its been raining & its cooler so I'm pretty sure its not still a heat rash. Think I'll just stay away from pineapple for now.
Coco - how horrible about your MIL. I don't blame you for going home with your mom, that's what I would have done also. I hope OH can get things straightened out.

Bean - thanks for the link! Happy to see there's a BLW area of that site too. Camden is waking up from her nap now but I'm excited to read more when I get time.
Bean - here is the NHS link to weaning, incase you hadn't come across it;
The only things I am avoiding really are cows milk (unless in cooking), honey, whole nuts and adding salt/sugar to anything. We don't have any allergies in my family but I think it's wise to take care, as some of the other girls have suggested, if you do, as there an be cross-reactivity.

Also came across this site which those of you considering BLW might like. Think it's the same one Lolly posted a while back because it looks familiar!

Sigh - Awesome news on your good few days. Catch your breath and then tackle naps. You can do it! I have sat and cried about Ava's sleep on more occasions than I care to remember, so I know how you feel x x x

Kelly - Look at Carter go. Ava has a similar technique but she's not quite so quick just yet!

Coco - My goodness. You have the patience of a saint. Every time I read one of your posts about MIL I want to scream. She makes me so angry and I have never even met her! You did right to escape. I'm afraid DH needs to tackle this one.....

IST - Ava always rolls onto her side or front. I leave her. She can roll both ways now and she is happier sleeping like that.

Yes, I have wondered about some of the other snowflakes. I PM'd a couple a few weeks back but no reply......

So, my news here is that I have finally moved Ava to her own room. (You've inspired me, Bean) Tonight is the first night and it feels odd to sit here without her. She has had both of her naps in there today (I'm just going all out) and didn't fuss overly. Her first nap was only 30 min but this afternoon was the usual 90 min without a peep so FINGERS CROSSED we do ok tonight. I feel really anxious but I have to try it. I'm sure I must wake her when we are in the same room.....DH is out tonight. I was cross but actually maybe it's a blessing. If you don't hear from me in a few days, you know it's because I am like a sleep-deprived zombie!
Honey, good luck with the move for Ava. I wake Carter up sharing a room with him and it sucks. Oh, speaking of... there he goes. Will reply to the rest later.
Coco - :hugs: You are so patient!! Um... Let's just say I would've told her where she can put her clothes...lol. I hope things get better for you soon!

Expat - the small blankey lovey thing is working for us at night. I hold it against me while I'm nursing her and then put it in with her. She doesn't always hold it but the other night she woke up and cried/whined, but then found the blankey and held it with both hands and fell asleep (so cute). I hope you get some rest soon!!

Honey- Yayy Ava!! It may seem sucky to move her at first but it'll get easier soon. It's good for both of you to have your own space :)

KellyM - Things any better on the sleep front?
Ahh, ok C is in bed so I can type now. He was so tired he nursed to sleep despite my best efforts. But, it's so easy to put him down when he falls asleep nursing, although we are trying not to do that very often. He's been tired and cranky as his other bottom tooth is popping up today. I can see the edge of it and a small hole where the rest will pop through. It looks so painful, poor guy. But now he has two teeth!

Bean, hope Amber's rash goes away soon. C had one a while ago and the dr. prescribed hydrocortisone cream for it as she said it was an eczema breakout that was probably food related so he can't have green beans for awhile. They aren't a common trigger food but it's the only new food he'd had in a few days so just to be safe we are staying away. I only put the cream on a couple times and it went away with that and some baby oil and vitamin e salve.

Coco, I'd be fuming at your mil. Can't believe you've handled it so well. I'd tell your oh to get on that and put a stop to it. Hope you don't have to move! That's horrible!

Expat, I don't do any iron supplements or cereal or anything. Just breastmilk, fruit and veggies. No meats either. I take a prenatal vitamin still but that's all. C recently had a blood test and his iron levels are just fine so I'm sticking with what we are doing.

Sigh, sleep is much better here. He still wakes up early from naps and I have to rock him back to sleep but it's not that bad. He is up about once a night although the last couple nights he's been crankier since his other tooth is coming through. The lovey works so well for us too. C loves his blankie and when he wakes up he grabs it, rolls around and sucks on the corners of it until he falls back asleep. He hugs it all night! It's the cutest thing ever. Only, he loves sleeping with it over his face, like the photos I posted awhile back, which I don't like.
Thanks ladies! Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without this thread and your support sometimes....

Well...we made it and AVA SLEPT IN CRIB IN HER OWN ROOM ALL NIGHT! (Can you tell I'm a proud Mummy?). The first few hours were a killer. She could sense something was up and kept looking around to try and tell me that. I couldn't say how many times I went in to her between 7 and 1130 but then, what can only be described as a miracle occurred. It was almost as if she suddenly realised what she had to do and began to settle herself in the crib. Each time she got better and I intervened less plus we had no awake hour in the middle of the night and she slept until 0645. Please, please let this be the start of something good.

Thanks for listening, ladies. Big :hugs: to you all. xxx
Yaaay Honey.Bee, that's amazing news! Well done Ava and well done mummy :hugs: it's so hard at first moving them to their own room, but when they STTN and you get a good solid night's sleep it soon gets easier :lol:

Bean, the BLW site is great for advice. We give Millie everything, except for cow's milk (the exception is if we've used it in a recipe). We don't have any nut allergy sufferers in the family so she has nuts, well smooth buttered versions! Meats good as it's rich in iron, and Millie loves scrambled egg but I don't use a lot of the white and always make sure it's thoroughly cooked.

Kelly, wow Carter is a fast little mover! It's time to grow some eyes in the back of your head!
Honey Bee that is great! I know it's super weird at first but you and Ava both will get used to it and you will both sleep so much better! They do realize that the crib is for them and they seem to like it once they get the point. I hope she continues to sleep better in her crib for you!

coco you handled the mil situation really well. I can't say that I would have been so nice about it. I'm sorry she's been so rude. My mil and I used to not get along but when DH and I got married I guess she let go of whatever she had against me cause she figured she wasn't getting rid of me. Now she is always so pleasant. Sometimes it's annoying actually. I guess I can't win either way...MILs!:dohh:

Scooby and sigh, what kind of video monitor do you have? I'm not sure I'll be able to buy one but I wouldn't mind looking into them. I feel better knowing that a lot of you don't bother to roll LO back over though. Because I know Cait will roll directly onto her belly once her harness is off. She rolls onto her side with it on and sleeps 95% of the night on either one of her sides, most usually her right.

As for foods I'm trying to give Cait things she can pick up to improve her dexterity. She gets frustrated though and I sometimes help her put the food in her mouth because she's so upset. The only reactions she's had is occasional constipation or mild diaper rash and the occasional baby acne bump. We don't have a load of food allergies in the family but I have had a few mild reactions to some fruits. Cait however seems unfazed so far, fx'd. I'm still planning on avoiding nuts until at least a year and take it slow with everything else. She's not a great eater to begin with so I don't want to rush her.

Cait is crawling all over. She even followed me into the kitchen twice yesterday. Which is a pretty far distance for a teeny little thing. She's getting faster and faster and I am getting more tired. She's still taking very short naps and I think our next step is naps in the crib. I got a blackout shade for her room but haven't had time to hang it so once that is done. we will be trying naps in the crib. I hope it works!

I hope you're all well and having a good weekend.
Yay, Ava! Great news, Honey! I hope her good sleeping continues :)

Coco, I would have handled your situation the same. It frustrates me just reading your story!

I supplement with cereal, but not for the Iron, just because I feel like its good to give her something else to eat besides milk and veggies. We don't do much fruit because i have heard it doesn't freeze well. We give natural applesauce, and I discovered if i give mango slices, but leave the skin on, that makes its easier to not choke/gag, and she still can eat from it and actually pick it up (very slippery otherwise). BLW still freaks me out. I gave her watermelon last night and she bit a small piece off and i saw the red gagging face. MIL about died when she witnessed this. I could tell it was coming so i tried to warn her, but it was still so freaky. I love the Baby mum mum rice crackers! no nutritional value, but it helps gabby to practice picking things up and eating them, without giving mommy and daddy a heart attack :) I can spread stuff on them too to make them nutritious and give gabby the accomplished feeling of feeding herself. we tried scrambled eggs and toast the other day but I think she just played with it rather than ate it.

Last night was the first night in a while that gabby didn't settle herself to sleep. she cried every time i put her back, so i finally caved and picked her up for the 4th time, and this time we sang and rocked and she drifed off in my arms witin 5 min. prior to that she was crying and doing a lot of pulling at her ear. So perhaps teething, finally? the Dr said she had wonderful long wide ear canals that could help with drainage and preventing ear infections.
We're settling a strange sleep pattern. H is waking up 2-3 times a night, once around 11:30-2am to eat (which DH does with a bottle) and then again between 3-4am and around 6am. Our dr says the first wakeup is strange because usually babies do their first long sleep cycle at the beginning of the night. I have no idea what to do about it, and in general H has been difficult to settle to sleep the past week or so. Of course we're going to mess things up royally this week because we are all travelling to Salt Lake for a work trip that I have. Is everyone else's babies doing the long stretch at the beginning of their sleep?
Coco - yes you are a saint for putting up with her. I'm having inlaw issues, but they are tame compared to that!

IST - I have the motorola video monitor, really like it!

Chloe - I have no answers because clearly Gabby is sleeping better than we have it.

HoneyBee - that's so awesome sleeping in her crib went so well! I hope it's continued that way!
We began napping in the crib today! DH lowered the crib because she is crawling and we tried the blackout shade but stupid mommy (me) ordered the wrong size! So I took the curtains out of our bedroom and put them in hers and I've ordered her some curtains due to come next week! This morning she woke up at 5 for a bottle and then again at 615ish. I think she was having tummy troubles because she was gassy. I gave her some gas drops but she wouldn't go back to sleep. She was up her 2 hours and went for a nap in the crib at 815 she woke up at 1030! Then I took her up again at 2 because she was very cranky and I just hear her now on the monitor! That's 3 hours already! Amazing! I wish she hadn't woken up so early this morning but 3 hours of naps is just great. I hope she keeps sleeping in her room as well as she has today! I think darkening the room did wonders and I just did the same thing we'd do at night minus the harness. I'll look into video monitors but I'm not sure DH will let me spring for one.

Chloe sounds like something is going on! Lets hope it's those little teeth moving in and nothing more. Or maybe even Gabby just wanted to cuddle mommy!

Cait has been super clingy and whiney the past few days and it's driving me crazy! It's hard to even get a shower some days so I'm wondering (hoping) that there are maybe some teeth coming in here too. I guess we shall wait and see!

Hope everyone is well!
I'm happy Cait was such a good napper, for you, IST!

G is getting clingy too! She doesn't like being held anymore by anyone other than me, DH, or my parents (she seems them at least once a week). I will giver her to my other family or friends, and she gets this adorably sad little pouty face and starts to whimper and then cry if we don't actually take her. But she is totally happy with me or DH.
Chloe, hope things get better soon!

Ist, that's great that Cait slept so well! Go Cait!

Carter has been sleeping awfully the last few nights. He's back to his old routine again. I've not been very strict on the no nursing and no touching or rocking rule either. He knows how to self settle but I'm pretty sure it's his other tooth coming up that's disrupting his sleep again. Nursing feels good when he's teething so I've been nursing him a lot at night the last couple nights. I hope I'm not making it harder for us but he's been so fussy at night.

I sent Carter's photos into a modeling agency in Denver yesterday. It's about 8 hours from where we are but I was just curious what they would say. Carter is a very outgoing and extremely happy baby so I think he'd be great for modeling and it's probably the only way he'll go to college. I never thought I do anything like that but he really has the personality for it and many people have told me he should be on t.v. because he just smiles at everyone and he has "star quality". lol Not trying to brag or anything though. They got back to me today and said they loved his smile, he's adorable and would do well at their agency. Now I'm not sure I'm willing to drive to Denver all the time but it could be worth it. I don't what to do....
Thanks everyone! I think we are getting there, slowly but surely. This is Ava's 3rd night in her own room and I'm confident that the move is for good. She still wakes frequently but is settling herself with minimal help from me now and not asking to feed all the time. Last night she fed 3 times which is a big improvement, but had an awake spell of nearly 2 hours from 3 am so we are not quite sorted yet. I feel pretty positive though, the progress has given me a new lease of energy to really nail it. The best thing is that we have managed on a no-cry method, but only with a lot of patience. (That's no disrespect to those of you who have successfully used CC - all of our babies and situations are unique).

Chloe - yes sounds like something is up. Hope those teeth come through quickly and that Gabby is back to her normal self soon. Good news on the ear canals though. I wouldn't wish an ear infection on my worst enemy having seen what Ava went through.

Daydream - We don't quite have a long stretch yet but Ava seems to be in her deepest sleep between 7-12 pm and lightest from 3-6 am. She also tends to go longer between feeds in this first stretch.

IST - Wow! Hope that great sleeping continues!

Kelly - is there an agency closer to home? If not, you could compromise and maybe do a few, just to put some money away for him? Lolly might be able to help you here as DD1 has done some modelling work. Hope Carter's sleep gets back on track too.

Quick question UK ladies. What are your LO wearing to bed? Our thermometer is reading 23 deg even now and so tonight I have Ava just in a short sleeved bodysuit (no legs). Her body still feels very warm but her legs are cool, it just doesn't seem like much?

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