***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Kelly - how fun for Carter to be a baby model!

Wondering how everyone is faring with offering water to their LOs? I've been giving Camden water in a sippy cup since we started solids and she chews on the spout but doesn't seem to actually drink much. I've tried both the Nuby and Playtex brands, she prefers the Nuby, doesn't bother much with the Playtex I think because it's not rubbery, it's more hard. I thought maybe she just didn't like water, but then today I was drinking water out of a plastic cup and she was on my lap and reached for it, so I let her have a sip and she did great! She held on with both hands and tipped it up (I was helping so she didn't dump it all), and she drank some and then went back for more and more. I never thought she would do so well with it at such a young age.
IST - Yayy Cait! Amazing! Blacking out the windows didn't work for us so I'll have to figure something else out. I have the Motorola MBP36 Monitor.

KellyM - Aww poor C. I think she's teething soon because I feel something there and she was extra grumpy today. The modeling thing sounds cool!

scooby - we're trying the munchkin sippy cups. She just chews on it mostly and it ends up on her clothes.

Honey - Any tips on the no cry method? I need to figure out how to get her to settle for naps without me. I tried not singing for more than a minute today and she cried so hard, even though I was right there 1 foot away from her.

Daydream - we had a few nights like that a few weeks ago. She's used to waking around 5 am so she will always wake then regardless of whether or not she has had any other wakings.
Daydream - Rosa is missing the first stretch, but our big issue right now is sleep, so it's not a normal pattern we are on.
Am so tired that's really all I can say. 2 months TWO MONTHS of waking 5 - 6 times per night. I'm exhausted. Writing on another bnb thread about sleep issues, so fingers crossed. Thanks for all the support :hugs:
Honey.bee so glad moving Ava is working out for you! We unfortunately had to move Amber back into our room! The static from the camera was driving me insane and there was no way to turn off the camera and just have sound. And we have to have both our door and the nursery door closed because of the cats so there was no way I could hear her otherwise. So dh moved the crib back to our room. The new monitor is supposed to be delivered tomorrow so hopefully we'll try again and all will go well!
Amber is still insisting on waking at 5am. I know I can't complain because she sleeps through the night but I miss 6am. And the past three nights she's been waking up between 1 and 2am and wanting to play. Last night I gave her the dummy and then left her. I don't want to form a habit of putting her back to sleep, she needs to learn to do it on her own. She's very good at putting herself to sleep for naps and bedtime so I'm sure she'll be fine.

I'm not having much luck with the rash. It looked much better the day before yesterday but then yesterday it started coming back and today its worse. Its all over her head & coming onto her forehead and arms, a bit on her shoulders and back and her bum. It doesn't seem to be worrying her so I'm thinking its a heat rash. We're trying to keep her inside with the A/C on so she doesn't get too hot and I'm using expats advice of wiping her down every so often. Right now she's playing on the play mat with a bare bum! I really hope its not something more serious.

Amber doesn't mind drinking water now. She wasn't too keen on in the beginning but now she does fine. Sometimes I give it to her in a bottle or otherwise I have a tommee tippee explorer sippy cup. She makes a bit of a mess but does manage to drink some.
Well done Honey.Bee and IST with your crib nappers/sleepers! They look so little in those big empty cribs, not snuggly at all, but they do seem to sleep better :)

Kelly - I could totally see C as a model baby! He has such lovely long lashes and pretty eyes, I remember thinking "gah, gorgeous!" when you posted the vídeo of him trying to crawl. What a fun experience that should be for him (especially if he's outgoing like you say)

scooby - I'm not sure what brand it is as OH got it, but we use a 3-in-1 transition cup (has a sippy spout with valve, then a fast flow cover and finally just the cup) but I've had better luck by taking out the "no spill" valve so the water flows freely. I have to help her a little otherwise half of it goes down her shirt, but she drinks a lot better this way. Plus I wasn't too thrilled with the idea of teaching her to chew something to make liquid come out... my nips are already battered enough as it is!

Mia's 6 month appointment was yesterday (yah, a bit late) and due to the whole logistics of it, I had to come down to the house for the day so we could make it. I told myself that no matter how angry I was at MIL, I wouldn't deny her her grandchild and I'd put our troubles aside if she wanted to hold/play with Mia as much as she wanted. The sad part? She couldn't care less about us being there. She ignored Mia the entire day, not even a word. She didn't ask us to stay or ask how long we would be gone, nothing. She actually seemed excited we were leaving, announcing all these plans she had made without us (not to anyone in particular, just loud enough so I could hear). I felt so infuriated, I had the worst headache all day from all the pent up anger! Be mad at me sure, but don't ignore the baby. The whole point of coming out here was supposedly to meet her. She actually said "Finally, now I can have some privacy". All I could think was, thank god Mia isn't old enough to pick up on these things and was happily oblivious the entire day. :growlmad:

On a happier note - she got her jabs and didn't even cry! She's gaining weight and growing and is healthy as always. The doctor said I can introduce meat now and I realized how I have really dropped the ball on this whole solid food thing. Ever since the vomiting incident I haven't tried any new foods or textures. How much are your babies eating at each sitting? (how many "ice cube portions" would you say?) xx

Hope all is well and thanks for listening, its nice to come on here and vent :haha:

edit: Bean we have a horrible heat rash going on here too! It's worse on her shoulders, back of the neck, bum and back. I have her nappy-less for the most part of the day, if I could I would put her to bed naked. I'm going to try an oatmeal-based lotion as someone else suggested (was it you, expactttc?)
Also, expactttc - :hugs: 5-6 times that's rough. I don't think this weather really helps out either. I hope someone gives you some helpful advice and her sleep improves! Even 2-3 wakings seems like cake in comparison. Hang in there! These babies will learn to sleep...eventually (I hope)
expat - I know exactly how you feel... I must've googled sleep 5 million times in the last few months. Do you wait before getting her when she wakes? Some babies take upto 20 minutes of fussing to settle themselves between sleep cycles (what my dr said). I used to run to Ellie the minute she woke because I was afraid she'd wake herself up even more and then she would want to nurse so she can fall back asleep. I started waiting a little and she was sometimes able to settle herself after a few minutes. I hope you get some rest soon!

coco - wow, I hope she doesn't act that way when Mia is older. Glad her appointment went well! I am not measuring how much food i give her... I put a few spoons of puree, mixed with maybe 0.5-1 oz of bm and a few spoons of rice cereal. I also add a little boiled water to warm the mixture up. I think it's probably 1.5-2 ice cubes total? If she wants more, I usually mix 0.5 an ounce of formula with rice cereal... I figure she'll get some vitamins and stuff from that and I won't have to stress if she doesn't finish it (I hate when we waste breastmilk!).
expat, 5-6 times a night is extreme! Does Rosa cry or just talk? how long do you wait before getting her? I can't recall if she is in your room or not. I used to get gabby at the first sound, and then i started waiting until she would cry out as opposed to just talking, which resulted in her falling back asleep quite often. So now i get her if she cries or if she has been awake and i'm ready to get up for the morning too, even if she is not making noise, but is still awake (having to leave for work also forces me to do this so i can feed her).

Coco, sorry again about the continuing MIL issues. It is good that Mia doesn't understand what is going on. DH and I try so hard to not act differently around Gabby even when we are mad at each other. :hugs: to you!

As far as ice cube portions, G gets 1 ice cube per meal, 2 - 3 times a day. daycare claims she is always starving and wants more than 1 cube, so we gave them more to see how many she will actualy eat. For dinner I give her one cube + 1 rice cracker, and sometimes some applesauce for 'dessert'.

We use the avent sippy cup/bottle conversion thing. G just chews on it. I am thinking about taking the valve off and seeing what comes of that. She definitely does not have drinking from it down at all!

Kelly, would love to see the pic you sent to the modeling agency! 8 hours is quite a drive, but if he could get a good bit of money for his college fund, could be worth it a couple times?

Daydream, I hope H's sleep patterns aren't too disrupted by your work trip. maybe its just more teeth?

Honey, I'm not UK, but when the temps here are 23, i put G inshort sleeve bodysuit and light weight sleep sack. Often its closer to 26 and humid in her room so I will alternate between just sleep sack and diaper and shorts/tshirt only, depending on humidity and how cold it is supposed to get at night. She has yet to wake up in the middle of the night because she is too hot or to cold. She has also slept through some really loud thunder. Sometimes i worry that she is too sound of a sleeper...

I think G is sick and thats why she was being a crank. Yesterday she threw up at daycare, and right before I picked her up she was in such a deep sleep it almost scared me. Then when she did wake up, she started heaving again. Poor baby. But by the time we got home she was her normal happy self and went to sleep with no issues, so I don't really know what is going on. Parenting is so confusing sometimes!
coco that's just awful. I hope your MIL goes home soon. She seems super rude! It makes me angry just thinking of it! All I can say is Karma...You're doing such a fantastic job being the bigger person!:hugs: What a trooper Mia is with her shots! That's great!

Kelly Carter is such a beautiful baby I'm sure he would make a fantastic model! I'm sure a lot of babies on this thread would be actually...our snowflakes are the cutest :winkwink:

Scooby we have two soft top cups and Cait mostly chews on them but I know she gets a few sips here and there. I'm not too worried as long as she is still getting enough formula.

Bean I hope you can figure out how to relieve Amber's rash.

Honey bee It's great Ava is still in her own room and I hope you can get her to sleep better and better. Especially cutting out that awake for 2 hours at night!

Expat I hope Rosa's sleep improves as well. I am tired getting up once or twice with Cait, I couldn't imagine getting up 4 or 5 times!! You are one tough lady and I hope it improves for you soon.

Cait slept beautifully in her crib for her naps yesterday. She surprised me by waking at 3am for a bottle anyway and I had a hard time getting back to sleep. I hope it was just a fluke thing. She's napping now though I heard her flop around for quite a while before settling. We have another new skill and that is standing. We have a seat, like a bumbo seat with a play tray around it (made by summer infant) and Cait crawled over to it and was playing with the toys. She suddenly put 2 and 2 together and put her back feet on the floor so she was kind of standing up hunched over the toy. I was so shocked I gasped and DH nearly had a coronary and came running. I am so not ready for any of this and I'm not even adjusted to the crawling! At first I didn't think that she had figured out what she did but she did it three more times today so I'm sure she knows. I will have to take a pic when I get a chance. I am shocked and amazed but also slightly disturbed. I miss my tiny little baby!

I hope you are all well!
Coco, your mil sounds like such a bitch! Hope she leaves you alone soon.

Chloe, sorry G is sick! Hope she feels better.

Bean, I'd take her in to get the rash checked just in case, if you are worried. Hope it goes away.

Expat, we are right there with you again. Sleep is back to crap for us and I don't know why. Teething I assume.

Ist, wow Cait is progressing so fast! I can't believe it. She'll be walking at 10 months I bet you!

I'm trying to talk dh into letting us do the modeling thing but he says we can't afford it. Gas, food, hotels to go to Denver.... We'll see. I just sent the agency a couple smile pics of C but I recently did his 7 month photos and wanted to share those instead. We shot 20 pics before he smacked his head and it was all over.

I'm having trouble keeping up with all that's going on with everyone!

Coco - your MIL sounds truly dreadful. How could she possibly ignore Mia? How completely horrible of her!

Kelly, Carter is so handsome! We still haven't done any professional pictures of Camden yet, I hope I don't regret that in the future.

IST - holy crap! Cait is going to be walking in no time! Better you than me, hahaha.

I'm so sad, Camden cried when I dropped her off at daycare this morning. She's never done that before, always happy happy happy. It made it so much harder to leave her today. I'm hoping it was just a fluke, since another baby was already crying when we arrived, and continued to cry the entire time I was there. Does one crying make another more likely to do the same?

She's doing really well with BLW all of a sudden. She actually seems to be taking in a decent amount of what I offer her, especially the fruit, I think because it's softer. We tried dill pickle yesterday which she surprisingly liked quite a bit, and today had nectarine which she also enjoyed. I'm thinking about making her some regular oatmeal (as opposed to the baby oatmeal with no texture to it), and then preloading the spoon for her and handing it to her to start teaching her to feed herself with a spoon. Guess we'll see how that goes!
Scooby, I watch another baby and one day she was crying. I had her in the swing and brought Carter downstairs and he saw her crying and made a huge sad face and started wimpering and crying. It was kind of cute but sad. He totally did not like her crying and he looked like he felt really bad for her!
Kelly, Carter is gorgeous! I have hair envy all over again!!

Coco Amber seems to be eating a fair amount at the moment. She has rice cereal in the morning and polishes off about two table spoons. Then she has a vegetable in the evening. Last night she had carrots (from a bottle because I didn't have any fresh veggies at home) and she ate half a bottle, which was probably a bit more than two table spoons.

The heat is absolutely ridiculous here! We're averaging 35 degrees C (95F) during the day with 95-100% humidity and 28-30 degrees C (82-86F) at night. We got for a walk at 6am otherwise we keep Amber inside during the day with the A/C on. Her rash is doing better today. Her sleeping is not! Last night she was not quite awake but rolling everywhere at 2:30am. Then awake at 4:30am and again at 5:15am. She wouldn't settle after that so we got up for the day. Its annoying in our room because if we leave the A/C on it gets too cold but without it, its pretty warm. The fan just isn't enough.
But the new monitor has arrived so she'll be going back into her own room. Its a little cooler than ours so hopefully the night waking will stop.

I feel like such a bad mom - Amber was supposed to go for shots last Tuesday and I completely forgot! I only remembered last night,when it was too late so we have to wait all the way til next Tuesday! Oh well...
Scooby I hope the crying is a one off. Must be so hard to leave Camden like that! Hugs!
Chloe - How is she doing now? Poor bubs, I wonder what it could have been. It's so hard to decipher what is going on sometimes. Hope it was just a one off thing and she's doing fine now xx

IST - Wow! That's amazing! I didn't even consider pulling to stand a possibility this early. Post pictures please! You must be so chuffed :)

Kelly - Beautiful photographs, I'm so jealous - I wish I could take professional looking ones like that too. It's a pity the modeling agency is so far away!

Scooby - Oh no! That must've been so hard on you xx Could it be seperation anxiety kicking in? I think it's around 7 months on that it happens. Most likely was just having a crying baby in the room, they pick up on these things, a little girl was crying at the doctor's office the other day and I could tell it affected Mia as she got this little worried face and kept looking to me for reassurance. Hopefully it doesn't happen again!

Bean - We're staying indoors too! The air is so hot and thick outside. We've been struggling with keeping a nice temp in her room too - with the fan on it gets a bit chilly, but without it on it's horribly sticky. I had to change her sheets last night as they were soaked in sweat :/ Can't wait for this heat to die down.
Kelly, Carter is beautiful! Love his hair! Gabby is jealous :)

Scooby, I too haven't had any professional pics of G. DH keeps saying the ones we take are so much better than professional, but I disagree. he will just get cranky if i spend hundreds on professionals, and I probably can do a better job than a Target/Sears type of place. So i don't know. I may try for professional 1 year pictures. There is a place offering a groupon for $19 that will do a nice fall shoot in October for 30 min at a nature park right by my house. But all you get is one pose of prints, and then small pictures that you can put on your phone, but can't actually print out. That might still be worth $19. Its $150 to get the CD of images. I think I just talked myself into buying it as I type this! Lol :)

To help with the heat, I either give G a dip in the tub or a sponge bath every night before bed. I think it really helps with the stickyness in the air.

Coco, she has been better, thanks. Last night she was a dream. Went to sleep at 8 and woke around 530 because there was really loud thunder. She didn't actually cry and wasn't scared of it, so i let her talk herself back to sleep. She has started pushing off with her feet and scooting backwards, so when i found her, her head was all the way back in the corner of the crib. This is getting to be a problem when we are on the changing table. She may not roll off, but she is very close to scooting her way off!

bean, don't feel bad. mommy brain has hit us all! I hope the new monitor works out for you!

I gave Gabby a sippy cup without the valve yesterday, so water was just free flowing. Pretty sure 99% of what was in the bottle ended up on her instead of in her. But she was having fun with it.
Ist my dd1 was doing all that stuff at this age and she started walking at 8mo. 3 weeks old n running at 9 more. Never did I expect that but I just wanted to give u a heads up. Cuz I wish I would have had a heads up.lol. nothing new over her.
Scooby I'm so glad Camden didn't cry when you dropped her off. I know it must be hard to drop her off at all let alone crying:hugs:

bbygurl thanks for the heads up, lol. I really didn't expect this at all! I was expecting this would happen more around 9 or 10 months, not 7! I'm in complete shock and just so worried for all of the falls and mischief she will be getting into.

Kelly, Carter is a very handsome boy. What beautiful pics! I love the white t shirt and jeans look, lol. very 50's. So cute! He'd make a perfect model!

Bean I hope the new monitor works out for you and Amber will return to sleeping in her own room comfortable. It's pretty hot here as well and I'm not too fond of the heat myself. You aren't a bad mother for missing Amber's appt. Like some of the other's have said it's baby brain because I still find that I'm not as clear as I used to be. Too many other things on my mind!

Cait slept AWFUL last night. I was shocked because she had decent naps and was in good spirits all day. She literally woke up every two hours and wouldn't sleep unless I rocked her back. Then around 5 she fussed on and off until 730 like she was fussing in her sleep. Then she slept from 730 to 930. I can't figure out why but I just hope she sleeps better tonight. She just couldn't settle herself back to sleep I guess?

I'll try to get a pic of Cait on her feet near her chair. The pic I took says it's too large a file? DH was messing around with the pic quality of my camera so that's probably why. Be on to post one later if she'll do it again.
Here is a pic of Cait standing. She hasn't really been able to stand up strait yet because everything she can reach to pull up on is short. I'm quite glad she cannot reach the top of the coffee table or the couch. But both feet are on the floor and she is using her diaper bag and the books on the shelf to hold herself. This is the first time she's ever used anything but her chair. I'm in for a lot of trouble....:dohh:


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