Ist, yay for Cait's perfect hips! That's so exciting! Bet you guys are ready to burn that harness.
Chloe, I say no sometimes to Carter but usually I just grab his hand and redirect him or move my face away. He loves pulling hair, fish hooking me, grabbing my face and other babies' faces. I mostly take him and move him away and say something like "no you can't grab so and so you'll hurt them". Of course they won't understand it now but after saying it for a few months they'll start to get it.
Honey, glad Ava is starting to show some progress. It's rough so big hugs to you!
Sigh, Carter is getting more and more fussy about the breast lately. I've been having to rock him while standing to get him to latch and sometimes he doesn't want to feed in the morning when he wakes up. Today I had to pump because I was exploding and he wouldn't nurse. My dh said he wants solids instead and that made my heart hurt. He's starting to eat a lot of solid food and wanting to nurse less and less.
He's also very distracted while nursing lately. Good thing is when we are out and about I can give him some solid foods instead if he won't nurse.
Expat, that is so sweet that your grandfather wants to see Amber so badly. Cute
Coco, with the sitting and crawling comes constant injuries and keeping them out of trouble so don't worry. I used to coach C to roll and crawl, etc. but I stopped doing that when I realized he's growing up too fast already and I wasn't really ready for him to be mobile anyway. I know many babies who didn't crawl until 10 months or skipped it all together. I know how it feels though when most other babies are doing something and you feel like yours should be too.
Oh and Honey, C has so many neat toys and he insists on playing with the electrical cords, the rocking chair (where he could pinch his fingers), the trash cans and the heating vents. I can only move so much out of the way before my house is just an empty space so I spend most of my time fishing him out of dangerous things all day. I miss my little baby that just stayed in one spot where I left him.