***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Sorry about your mom scooby, and sorry also about all you working moms missing time with your LOs. I know that must be difficult.

As usual I am busy just chasing Cait around and she is getting faster and more into things as time goes by! She is standing up and using the coffee table and couch to do so now. She's also falling a lot and bumping her head:wacko:. She's got me an absolute nervous wreck! So nervous that I took her to urgent care yesterday. She had a bump and a red mark on her head that didn't look right to me. It turns out it was a suture or whatever where the plates of her skull meet because it isn't fused yet and a scratch....:dohh: I felt like an idiot but at the same time I guess it's better to be safe than sorry! I guess I just never noticed the little skull lumps before because of all the hair. Also they weighed Cait on a baby scale and she, in fact, did NOT lose weight. The scale at the ortho's office was way off because she now weighs 17lb 6.7oz! And she's still 27in obviously. The ortho's scale said 14lb 8oz (when she was weighed at her last pediatrician appt on June 13th she was 15lb 11oz). The orthopaedics building doesn't have a baby scale, only a walk on that we set her on and it's obviously off about 3 lbs! It's not a big deal for most of their patients obviously but for a baby that's a big deal! I think they should get a baby scale!

Cait has since fallen and gotten a real bump on her head but it is small and not very swollen. I just can't be there behind her every time and I'm seriously considering getting her a little helmet or a bubble or something. lol She's eating well and sleeping pretty well (so much better without the harness as she loves sleeping on her stomach which makes me nervous).

The car seat I wanted is on sale for 20%off which is awesome and we are getting a new car soon! So we are going to be broke but have nice things to show for it!

I hope you are all well!
Bean, wow did she actually get food lodged in her throat or was she just gagging? Sounds scary!

Scooby, rant all you want! My mom freaked out when I tried BLW and if I had continued it I'm sure she would have gone against my wishes because she is old school and wouldn't want anything to happen to gabby on her watch. I don't think BLW was a thing when I was born. Speaking of people going against wishes, I was about to knock DH over the head when he let G put her hands in his beerig and then thought it was ok to let her put them in her mouth with beer on them. Sure, it won't kill her but no beer is hitting my babies lips for many many years. Then he asked me if I was going to be one of 'those' parents who shelters their kids from alcohol until they are 21. There is a huge difference between not wanting my 7 month old to taste beer and being staunchly opposed to alcohol for anyone under 21. Sheesh!

Bby and cookie, yay for mobile babies!

Ist, I'm glad u got the reassurance u needed regarding her weight, and the bump on her head. I'm sure many more bumps will follow. G has 2 bruises on her upper thighs, like a bar had come across her lap too hard or something. Not sure what it can be, possibly something at daycare. I did give her one of those sit and stand activity walker things and put it on her lap once. Maybe that bruised her?

Not much new to report over here. Trying to dabble back in to BLW a bit since she doesn't like her purees much anymore.
Hi cookie! Congrats on having a mover!

IST, how stressful for Cait to be falling and hitting her head all the time. I don't look forward to that at all. And yay for getting an accurate weight! It sounds like she and Camden are almost exactly the same size. Camden was weighed about 10 days ago and was 17lb 4.5oz, and was 27in also.

Chloe - I can't believe your DH would let Gabby put her hands in her mouth with beer one them! I would have been upset too. In the big scheme of things I guess it won't do any real harm, but its sort of the principle really. Boys!!

I think Camden is on her way to being mobile. She's started getting her legs under her, but hasn't figured out quite how to use them to go anywhere.

On an unrelated note, how the heck does anyone find time to keep their house clean with a baby around?! I'm seriously struggling. I try to do some cleaning when Camden is napping, but I feel like as soon as I get something clean its a mess again before I can even move on to the next task. It doesn't help that I'm at work all day and when I get home I just want to relax and enjoy my time with her. DH helps some, but i depend more on him for the outside jobs like mowing the lawn. And my 16 yo step daughter has chores such as taking out the trash, vacuuming/sweeping the floors, and dusting, but honestly she does a horrible job and i spend more time nagging her to do things and do them correctly than it would have take for me to just do it myself. I need to write out a schedule or something to make sure every area of the house gets some sort of attention.
Ist, glad Cait is ok. That must have been scary! Better safe than sorry I say. I'm in the same exact boat as you. C learned to pull up to stuff but he sucks at standing so he constantly falls. He hasn't figured out that he has to keep a hold on things so he just lets go and falls. He's cracked his head so many times I'm worried he's going to have brain damage. I spend most of my time following him around preventing death and destruction. It's exhausting! I was just saying today how I wish I could put a helmet on him. So funny when I read that you said the same thing! lol He pulls up on stuff that isn't stable, like a pile of blankets while I'm folding laundry or a chair and then he falls hard onto his head on the tile floor. I'm such a nervous wreck about it too!

Scooby, I can hardly keep this place clean either. I sweep and vacuum pretty much every day but the dog hair is atrocious and C crawls all over the floor. I'm trying to keep it clean but it's impossible. He requires so much attention now that he's mobile I seriously can't do it. Plus we have 9 people in our house Fri-Sun since my sister's four kids come to stay every weekend and they trash the place. I'm so sick of trying to keep up, I can't wait to move out! I've sort of gotten used to the fact that I can't keep it as clean as I want because naps are more important to me right now if I get any sort of free time. I'm still so tired being up with C at night a lot.
I have a 2year old too and keeping the house tidy is a nightmare, I just make sure its clean now and other than that just have a good tidy if we are due visitors as otherwise I would be tidying up constantly. I just have to watch what ethan leaves about though as hayden is always interested in his big bro's toys but obviously some arent suitable for him.
Wow so much to catch up on :)

KellyM – YAYYYY C! Time to really bolt everything down!

Bbygurl – Awesome! Angel must look so cute doing the army crawl ☺ Happy belated bday!

Scooby – Soooo cuteeeeeeeee!! Love the ravioli!! She looks so happy ☺ Love the doggy pic as well! Does she try to grab the dog? We’re having problems with Ellie roughly grabbing our dogs face. He is not aggressive at all so I’m not worried about him biting her but we’re trying to teach her to keep her hands open while petting him. Clearly it isn’t working yet lol. Rant away, we’re here to listen! This seems to be a universal mom thing… no matter how much you tell them, they’ll probably do what they want or think is right. My house is getting better… it no longer looks like a massive hurricane passed through… maybe a level 1 tornado lol. I made a “schedule” of areas of the house (ie. Tuesday = Bathroom day) and try to do atleast 1 thing to make that area of the house a little cleaner and ask dh to do the same (sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn’t). It is helping though!

Expat – Haha glad I’m not the only one feeding on all 4s. Good luck with the training! Rosa is soo gorgeous! Love the pictures!

Chloe – Looks like G is going to skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to walking ☺ I know how you feel about working. I’m lucky to be able to work from home but still wish I could spend more time with her.

Bean – omg glad she’s ok! That must’ve been scary!

Coco – Ellie’s Dr said the same thing! She said it’s probably not the drops causing tummy trouble, but I came home and googled it and found so many people having the same problem with the vitamin D drops we were using.

IST – Aww better safe than sorry! Glad she’s ok! Which carseat did you decide on?
Sigh - yes Camden is constantly grabbing the dog wherever she can, face, ears, tail, etc. Poor dog has long hair so really anywhere is up for grabs. Luckily she is a very patient dog and never says a peep, even when Camden comes away with a handful of hair. I try to show Camden how to pet with open hands but definitely not sinking in so far! The dog always comes right back around to the baby though so I guess she doesn't mind it too much. Here's a cute series of pictures I took yesterday of the two of them together...you can only see the dog in one of the pictures but she is the reason Camden is smiling in the other pictures.



Chloe.. I don't think its a good thing that dh let her do that with a beer.. but or right it will not hurt her. We live with my mom, dad, gramma, and grammas boyfriend.. my grandmas boyfriend drinks beer everyday and when Ella was like ten months or eleven months (she started walking at 8 months 3 weeks old) he got a phone call and set his beer down without thinking she was right there and it was in her reach.. so she seen him set it down grabbed it and started guzzling it lol... she had it all down the front of her. And it wasn't the last time either.. dhs. Brothers n wife's r beer drinkers n she's has got ahold of there's too ... and ty sigh.... n yes she is really cute when she does the army crawl... its so funny Cuz she's so tiny still.. only 15lbs so we have this little thing scooting around like s lil worm...
Scooby, vent away! I'm sorry your mum is still going against your wishes when feeding Camdem, how annoying :wacko: have you properly spoken to her about it and let her know how you feel? Loving the pics too, she's such a cutie pie!

Oooh more movers! They'll all be walking in no time, it's crazy to think about! Millie is just starting to pull herself up on us and furniture and falling over all the time like Cait, IST. You feel like they should be wearing a crash helmet at all times :lol: they really are tough, resilient little things though :)

Not much to report from me. Millie will be 8 months in just 5 days time and I'm already thinking about birthday and present plans! With having 2 kids birthdays this year I need to be extra prepared and start saving as their birthdays are close. And then of course we have Christmas not long afterwards. I predict being very poor at the end of the year! :haha:
I'm happy that there are a lot of you who would have taken your Los in as well. The bump scared the 'daylights' out of me (or scared the devil outta me, like my Gram would say :haha:) but I'm happy it wasn't anything. She really does need a helmet....:blush:

Scooby that is funny that Camden and Cait are the same size! Cait is finally catching up! She was on the peanut side for a while. I LOVE the pics of Camden! She is such a happy baby! How beautiful! It reminds me of Cait, lol. But I cannot get a pic of Cait's big smiles because she's too quick!

Sigh, We chose the evenflo Symphony LX in color/style AVA. I've been looking at it forever and when I went to babies r us it was 20% off. I just bought it today and it's on sale until Saturday. We're going to get a new car tomorrow also which I'm nervous about only because money is a little tight here sometimes.

She's getting miserable so gotta go, hope all is well!
All your babies r going to leave angel behind in the peanut side lol.
Ellie is about 17.5 lbs now and is one of the lighter ones heres, which is crazy because she was a huge baby (8 lbs 4 oz). I've pretty much accepted the fact that my milk sucks. lol. Atleast she's healthy!

The distractions are getting out of hand. I can no longer feed her lying down anymore because she just rolls away with a big grin on her face. I had to feed her like a cow again today and my back is killing me! I tried to multitask by doing planks over her while she fed. She also multitasked by punching the other boob and kicking me in the stomach lol. i need some suggestions on how to get her to focus!! I worked so hard to get my milk supply up and now that it's finally up, she doesn't want to drink and I'm so afraid it's going to tank again. No time to pump except for the night time... ahhh it's always something! :growlmad:
C is a big boy at 20 lbs and a bit over 28" long. He was 8 lbs even at birth and 20.5" long so he's grown a lot but he didn't exactly start off small either.

Sigh, have you tried a nursing necklace or anything like that for her to play with while she eats? C is super distracted now that he crawls too. He just wants to get down and move. He's like, "whatever mom, nursing is soooo passé! I'm onto bigger and better things!" He only nurses at nap and night times now (about every 4 hours) and if he does nurse at any other time, he usually makes me go upstairs to our room and sit in our nursing chair in the dark. I've been pumping a lot more lately because I get so painfully engorged and get clogged ducts. Uugh, these babies! It IS always something Sigh.

I'm so freaking tired now. I spend all day chasing C around trying to prevent death and he's hell bent on concussing himself before the day is over. I really need a helmet for him. Seriously, do they make those? lol Not to mention I watch another little baby, a five month old girl 2-3 days a week and she's kind of a grump so by the end of the day I'm so damn tired!
Omg, they really do make these!!!!!

Speaking of distractable babies, I forgot to tell you guys about Camden's new trick she learned yesterday. She was nursing and seemed to be going along just fine, then randomly she got a mouthful of air and then blew raspberries on my boob making a really loud farting noise. For some reason I found it absolutely hilarious and couldn't stop laughing, so of course she did it over and over and wouldn't go back to actually eating. Silly babies!
Hahaha, boob farts. Silly baby! :p (and adorable photos too!)

Wow, I think I might have the lightest baby here! Let's see, at her appointment on the 8th a week short of 7 months, she was 6620 grams (14lbs 9oz) and 63 cm (24 inches) in height.

Ugh I don't know if it's teething (she has a nappy rash and she's never had one before, plus lots of drooling so maybe?) but she has been getting up every 2 hours now screaming, which is very unlike her. Ahhh, will we ever see the end of these sleepless nights?? She's rejecting purees now too, but that could just be a growing interest in finger foods... I hate not knowing what's wrong!

I've been considering the 2,3,4 routine as her naps have gone to shit too, but how does that work when you have a catnapper? She won't sleep for more than 20 mins at a time. That'd mean I'd be putting her to bed by 4pm... or in adapting to the routine, will she magically start napping for longer?

ttc_lolly - Ugh, my heart twinged a little at the mention of birthdays. It really isn't that far away is it? Oh yes and Christmas shortly after... luckily I could give Mia an empty packet of wipes and she'd be ecstatic, there's always that if money is tight :haha:

kelly m - omg, brilliant! I was thinking more along the lines of a giant hamster ball though...
Gabby has finally caught up with the back to front rollers! She did it yesterday and wouldn't stop rolling back and forth. she can only go one way so far, so she wasn't rolling across the room, but she was so excited. and i woke up this morning to find her yelling for me while on her stomach (definitely put her to bed on her back!) So exciting!

Sigh, have you tried using a hooter hider while she nurses? to really block out any distractions, and maybe go into a room with only white noise, so she can't hear any banging or people talking to distract her? G gets distracted when she hears DH's voice and will stop nursing then, but thats about the only time she does. She likes to play with the buttons on my shirt while nursing in the mornings.

I used to have one of the bigger babies on this thread, and now I think she's probably right there in the middle. She was 18.5 lbs a month ago. I would imagine shes probably around 19 now. She really slowed down in growth from 4 to 6 months (thankfully, we were on pace for a 30 lb 1 year old!). Its amazing the size range of babies at this age. 5 lbs is nothing for an adult, but its like 25% of body weight for our LO's! All adorable tiny peanuts or chunky monkeys :)

Good luck keeping all your babies from bumping their heads! If you find any magical solutions, please share them! That safety helmet is hilarious!
Kelly I know exactly how you feel as Cait does not stop she just moves and moves and moves! She bumps her head at least a half dozen times a day though it rarely leaves a mark. It's so hard keeping the house clean and chasing a mobile baby... I can't imagine how rough it must be to be a working mom! OMG I had no clue the made bump helmets, lol. too funny!

Scooby you mentioned you have very little time to clean as a working mom...it isn't much easier for me either and my housework is lacking. It drives me nuts because I was always super super clean. Dusted and vacuumed daily. Even when I was in labor (perhaps nesting) I made the bed, put laundry away, clean the bathroom sink and put the clean dishes away before we went to the hospital. Now there are toys all over, toothpaste in the sink(DH 'forgets to rinse the sink'), laundry that needs putting away and dust! It gets overwhelming but I keep thinking one day I'll have more time.

Coco Mia is a peanut but that's fine. I know that I was much smaller than Cait so odds are she's going to be average sized where as I am short and used to be very thin, lol.

Cait is a bottle baby but even she is easily distracted. She drinks best in her room before a nap in the rocking chair. Anywhere else she flops her head around and wiggles and kicks and doesn't finish her bottle. I just assume she'd rather crawl and isn't hungry enough to finish it. I can see how you breastfeeding moms would get uncomfortable and worry about supply though. I'm not sure what to do about it.

Caitlyn woke up at 1230 for a bottle last night and didn't want to go back to sleep. I did eventually get her to go back down but then she woke up early this AM too. I'm exhausted because I was getting used to sleeping well the last 2 weeks or so. Will she ever get on a schedule? I feel like it's hopeless already!

She needs a bottle, hope you are all well...

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