***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

bean good luck with the job! I hope you get it! Those hours seem decent and the holidays will be fantastic.

Also I've been working out and dieting for the past few days and really getting back into it. ( I lost 30 lbs before getting pregnant) I have 30DS but I only did it once and then I found out I was pregnant so I didn't do it again. I think after a few more days on the treadmill I'll have the courage to try it again. Awesome about the lost cm already! Keep it up! I hope I can lose a few too.

I've been thinking about calling up my old job and seeing if they need anybody for 2 or 3 days a week. Cait would have to stay with MIL. I'm so nervous thinking about it but we are pretty strapped lately.

Not much new here. Cait slept decent last night and just took a nice long nap. I'd better go and get her a bottle.

I hope you're all well
GL, Bean! Is the job in China, or another country? And great news about the 1 cm loss! I could use some loss around my middle as well....

I'm so excited, DH said we could get central air installed! There is a special for end of the season :)cry: what happened to summer???) so its $2,000 off! DH really doesn't think we need it, but he knows i won't give it up, so might as well get it with the discount :happydance:

On the baby front, I am taking Gabby for swimming lessons starting in early september. Very excited for that! But its not easy to sign up, i have to produce all this proof of residency and show up to their office at some ridiculous time that is only possible if you don't work. blah!
Yay for AC Chloe! Dh has been bugging me to let him put it in our house (he does it for a living) but I haven't let him yet. It seems too expensive (we're broke now:wacko:) and I let him put window units in. It's so nice though on those super hot days! And it's great you got a deal!

I keep looking for mommy groups because I really want Cait to see other children and I need some friends. I finally found one today that is cheaper than daycare or gymboree. I found out on of my friends from school also had a baby right after I did but I can't seem to find out how to get in touch with her. She must not want to be found? I'm hoping this new group is good.

I can't believe my baby is going to be 8 months old tomorrow! It's amazing how time flies, yet I don't really remember life without her. So strange and wonderful!

I hope everyone is well
Hi all!!

Chloe - Yay for AC!! Our summer has been HOT so I don't know how I'd manage without it!

Bean - gluck w/ the new job!! fx-ed for you!

IST - I found a mommy group a few days ago in my development! They have a facebook page too so I'm excited to meet people. I feel like I have nothing in common with my old friends now since most of them are still single and bar hopping.

Hilarious Ellie story... I was visiting our development clubhouse to get some of the paperwork finished for reserving the room for Ellie's 1st birthday. I had Ellie in the ergo and she was in one of her goofy moods. The woman at the clubhouse was telling me about her divorce and situation with her kids (a serious conversation) and Ellie decided that this was the perfect time to put her face between my boobs and move her head side to side and blow razzes (yes, she motorboated me). She then did her goofy evil laugh afterwards (her version of MUHAHAHHA) soooo sooo funny.

Ellie is very close to crawling. She can butt scoot around but has been trying to get on all fours from sitting. I get teary eyed a lot because I can't believe how fast she's growing. 8 months yesterday!!

Those of you BFing - how many times and for how long does LO eat? Ellie is eating only for 5-10 mins at a time, 4-5 times a day. Shes also only wetting 3-4 diapers... has me nervous. Her poo has gotten more solid too... is this happening to anyone?
Hey girls. I haven't been on in a while. Today I found myself wishing I was working just so I could have some peace. I feel terrible because I know so many mums who are at work and want nothing more than to be at home with their babies all day :( Mia is just so needy and cranky lately. I can't leave her for two seconds or she'll scream like she's being tortured. I know it's probably the teething... feels like she has been teething forever.

She's still waking twice at night to nurse. I'm hoping once that first tooth cuts she'll settle at night, but who knows? She nurses 8-9 times a day. I think she's using me as comfort since she doesn't really use the paci and she only nurses for 5 minutes at a time. She's 8 months next week and still isn't sitting up unassisted. Is there anyone else here whose LO isn't sitting yet?

The good news is she is finally accepting solids again after two vomiting incidents and a strike, which led to three weeks of EBF. And she says "Mama".

It's my birthday this weekend, but I don't think we're doing anything. Can't afford to.

Ugh. Can you tell I'm a little down? :/ Hope everyone else is doing well, I'm going to read back on your posts and give proper responses when I'm not feeling so blegh. Okay, pity party over! :) Hugs to all your little ones xx

Edit: And now I feel bad for ranting. UGH. It's just been one of those days.
:hugs: coco I know how you feel. I wrote a long tmi rant last week and then ended up deleting it because I felt a little weird about posting it. You need to give yourself a break from the baby and have some you time a few times a week. Is there anyone who can watch her for an hr or two? You should go do something you enjoy! Hope things get better soon. Yayy for saying "mama!"
Chloe - Hooray for A/C! I don't know how you've lived without it, I would be absolutely miserable! Also, swimming lessons sound fun! Hope Gabby enjoys them. Speaking of swimming lessons, has anyone seen the video on youtube about Infant Swimming Resource, where they teach self-rescue swimming to infants? The video is terrifying but it's awesome that they can teach such young babies to "swim".

Infant Swimming Resource Self-Rescue

Sigh- hilarious story about Ellie's great timing! Silly babies. I'm breast feeding and Camden usually only eats between 5-10 minutes also, unless she's really relaxed and then she might stay latched for 15. On days when I'm home with her she will nurse 5-6 times. If she's at daycare and is taking bottles of expressed milk she eats way less, I'm not sure why. She hasn't always done this, just the past 2 months or so.

Coco - sorry you're down. Sounds like you need a little time to yourself, and who wouldn't! As much as I would enjoy to stay at home with Camden, I will also admit that it's much easier for me to be patient with her when I've been at work missing her. I hope that you're able to arrange for someone to watch her for a short time just so you can have some time to yourself. You deserve it!
Chloe, yes the job is in China. But I'm pretty sure I haven't got it. I was told they would be making a decision this afternoon and I still haven't heard anything. Its so frustrating waiting! The least they could do is send a quick email saying 'sorry you were unsuccessful' to put me out of my misery. I'm supposed to be going out with some friends this evening and now this lack of response has just put a damper on my mood. Ok rant over...

Sigh that is quite funny!

And chloe yay for A/C! I think we would have actually died in this heat without it!! Swimming lessons are exciting.
Scooby I watched that video and it is a little scary! I wish I could take Amber somewhere to get her water safe.

IST so glad you have been able to find a group! It is so hard not having people in the same stage of life around.

Coco sorry you are a bit down - I totally relate. Awesome that Mia is saying mama! I've been trying to get Amber to say mama but whenever I say it to her she whispers dada back at me!

Have a good weekend everyone! And happy women's day! (its women's day in South Africa today)
coco awesome that mia says mama! Cait laughs at me and growls or coughs at me when I tell her to say mama. I think how your feeling is normal especially because Mia is cranky with teething. I agree you should have someone watch her for a few hours and get away for a bit. I know when Cait is having a cranky day I sit here and grind my teeth and I wanna pull my hair out. Then DH comes home and gives us a kiss and sits on the couch with the computer I want to attack him! :growlmad:I don't think it's a big deal that she isn't sitting unassisted and she'll probably surprise you and sit, crawl, and stand all at once. She still has some time. Happy birthday this weekend! We're broke too so probably won't be going out for our anniversary in October. I hope you and Mia get a little relief from the teething. Feel better!

Sigh, hahaha that made me laugh. So funny about Ellie's antics and evil laugh. Do all babies have an evil laugh cause Cait has one too, It's quite hilarious.

Sorry about the job bean. Hopefully you enjoyed your time out with friends and you'll find something else. Lol that Amber whispers dada at you.

About the mommy's group I couldn't find any outings on the site? I was so excited but now I'm not sure because no meetings in my area came up:nope:. I'm not sure if the group isn't really active or what? I do know one other person who has a child around Cait's age but his wife doesn't particularly like me. He and I worked together and she thought something was going on between us but there wasn't anything. Maybe she's past it since they're married and have a child now? I guess it couldn't hurt to ask if they want to get together even if they refuse.:shrug: Also I could always take her by the daycare I used to work where I have friends and she could play with the kids for a bit while I chat with them. Eh I'll find someone eventually...

I hope everyone is well
Thanks for being understanding :) I'd been cooped up inside for too long. That same night OH came home late from work and then went out with a mate. I waited patiently a few hours then took myself to bed. I ended up crying when I realized I had gone the whole day without having a real conversation with someone (that can, you know, talk back that is).

sigh - That Ellie story is so hilarious! I would have peed myself laughing if that happened to me haha. Are the wet nappies full btw? Maybe Ellie just doesn't fuss every time she wets herself? I read once somewhere that babies grow more used to being in a nappy and over time won't fuss as much.

scooby - I saw that video when I was pregnant. I remember thinking "wow, amazing! so cool!" I watched it again now and as soon as the baby hit the water my stomach turned! I kept seeing Mia. It's funny how differently I reacted to the same clip. (it's still amazing though)

Bean - I hate when companies do that. I totally think there should be a rejection call/email or something. I hope it didn't damper a fun night out though!

IST - Thanks for the wishes :) It's hard, I prop her in a sitting position and she just throws herself backwards/to her side. She is just not interested. Sucks about the mommy group. Have you tried facebook? I don't have an account, but I know moms who use it to get deals on baby stuff/find groups or baby events. I hope you find some mommy friends xx Happy 8 months Cait!

This morning I was letting Mia use my knuckle as a chewie and I felt something sharp. Took a look a sure enough her first tooth is cutting!
We are very lucky with baby group we have a lovely one in the village. At the moment I go more for our 2.5year old but it is nice to get out and talk to other grown ups. Its a rare occurance since we moved as we have hardly been out of the village in the 3 months we have been here!
Hayden has been busy and decided he can sit up by himself, crawl and stand up by himself all within a couple of weeks, I just hope he doesnt continue with his big learning curve and start walking too. He has only just turned 8 months.
Hi everyone :wave:

Sorry I've been away for so long. It's been a combination of things - a week's holiday, teething, colds, sleep training, trying to find a nursery and work and then more teething!

Firstly, big :hugs: to all of you who have been having a rough time of late. Lolly is right - this thread is to get those rants out and support each other. Sigh - you should never feel embarrassed about needing to do that. It's quite a journey we've all been on together. I honestly feel that if women were more honest about the downs of motherhood, then maybe we wouldn't all beat ourselves up so much and feel that we were somehow failing. I look at all the gorgeous photos of our babies and actually we've produced such wonderful, happy LO :)

Sigh - Ava has her milk around 4 hourly now so approx 7am, 1030, 1430, 1845 plus one night feed. It's difficult to say how long but around 6-8 mins (she's v distractable so I go up to her room if we are at home).

Scooby - Love the chubby painted toes!

Bean - Any news on the job?

Lolly - loved the crawling - Ava still commando crawls but she's super-speedy.

So I guess my news is that I have a baby who finally sleeps at night! I feel as if its taken all of my energy but we've made it. Now I lie awake wondering whether she is ok, whether I will find work closer to home etc etc but at least she sleeps like a log! (She's a front sleeper too - I've just got used to it). She's on two naps now at 0915 and 1330 which from a psychological front does help as I can plan my day and get out and do things for me, as well as her. I'll update some photos tomorrow of my gorgeous girl.

As for teething solutions - I've just been interviewed for an article on that very subject! It s a tricky one as there is very little evidence-base for signs, symptoms and treatments. Its very difficult to work out what is "teething" especially when it can go on for months and the little germ bags are crawling around on the floor, drooling over everything and picking up bugs seemingly every few weeks! For Ava I used chilled teething rings and damp flannels, chilled cucumber sticks and paracetamol when she seemed very out of sorts. Take care with teething granules as most have some form of sugar base. That said, I know loads of Mum's swear by them. Oh and as for BF - it hasn't made a difference (much to my surprise). She doesn't chomp now and her tongue lies over the lower teeth so I barely know they are there.
Haven't been on in awhile! I'll have to catch up and reply to everyone soon but I just have a quick question for now. How much do your babies eat at night? C wants to nurse all night long and I'm trying to night wean again (for the second time as I failed the first) but so far I have done horribly. I decided I need to sleep downstairs for a week and let Casey deal with it because he can't break down and nurse him like I do. C's pediatrician said three months ago that he was at a very healthy weight and height so he doesn't need to eat at night if we wanted to stop night feeds. I'm just so tired! Last night he was up at 10:30, 12 am (nursed), 2 am, 4 am until 5:30 am when I nursed him and up for the day at 7:30 am which is sleeping in for him!
We nurse once at night. She's too distracted during the day so we haven't dropped the feeding yet but she keeps pushing it later and later (gets up around 5-6 am now for a feeding). Before that when she was getting up repeatedly, I'd send DH in first. If she was really hungry, he wouldn't be able to settle her so I'd come and feed her. We noticed a pattern that she was hard to settle around 2 am so that became her feeding time. Are you going to ST again? Hope you get some rest soon!
Kelly, Camden had been sleeping through the night up until we went on vacation when everything went wacky, and she began waking every 3 hours and would not settle unless I nursed. Now that we're back home she seems to be waking one time, either at 2am or 4am. I try to settle her without nursing but all it does is waste time and I end up nursing in the end anyway. I wish she would go back to sleeping all night, but I guess I'm just thankful it's not every 3 hours at this point.

How often are you guys giving your LO's solids? We're BLW, and I pretty much only feed her at dinner time because she ends getting food in her hair and I can't bathe her 3 times a day. Plus with daycare it's hard to find time in the morning. I'm not really worried that she's not taking in enough solids, but it seems like I read about lots of other babies her age eating 3 meals plus snacks each day.

On that note, she had her first spaghetti and meatball dinner tonight and loved it! Had to take a video https://youtu.be/D9Wcq67JS6I

Also she rode one of those little plastic car toys today for the first time. It's been in her room in a corner since she was tiny because a friend gave it to us since her boys had outgrown it. I had to move it because she dropped a pacifier, and when she saw it her eyes lit up and she was so excited! I hadn't really thought of putting her on it because it seemed too soon, but since she was so happy about it I thought I'd give it a try. She loved it!!! She bounced up and down and pressed the horn button. She didn't move it much, but she had her sleeper on which has slippery feet. Guess we'll add that to our entertainment rotation!
Nursing wise we co-sleep so Hayden can nurse freely but he often doesnt nurse at night now after a last feed at about 11pm.
Solids wise we also blw and he does have 3meals plus snacks. Normally toast or fruit in the morning and something not to messy for lunch so we dont end up constantly washing him. Cheese, crackers, apples, bread sticks, carrot and cucumber are all good and not too messy.
coco I don't do facebook either. I don't want to see everyone's drama or life story so I don't bother. I have friends but only one of them has kids and they are already 8 and 3 so she's way past the baby stage where I am. It's difficult. I know what you mean about going to bed without ever having a real conversation. It drives me crazy and I know how you feel. I hope you're doing better though.

As for night feeds, Cait is formula fed now, but she wakes maybe once a night to eat or not at all. Last night she did wake at 230 for a bottle. I had gotten to bed late and then woke up at 5 am because she was fussing. I'm very tired now...Yesterday we were all over the place so her schedule was disturbed and I'm hoping that's why she was up and fussy as much as she was.

Honey happy you are doing well.
Kelly I hope you can get Carter to sleep better.
Sorry if I missed anyone.

I hope you all are well
Oh scooby that swimming video is terrifying to me,, and Camden's spaghetti one was adorable. For those of you BLW what else are you giving LO. Cait has been choking more than she used to. I don't know if she just got over confident or what...But I've been afraid to give her the things I had been such as watermelon, cucumber, etc. Nervous mommy I guess...

I hope you all had a great weekend.
Kelly, Gabby doesn't do any night feeds, hasn't since she was maybe 4-5 months. Eats at 8 pm and then when she wakes up around 7 am. However, she MUST have the boob as soon as she wakes up. I can't tell you how many times she has woken up with a poopy diaper and screams bloody murder if i try to put her on the changing table before feeding her, so i just end up feeding her as she sits in her poo. The fact that she is OK with this makes me wonder if potty training is going to be hard because she clearly doesn't mind sitting in her own filth...

Scooby, I feed her 3x a day. she has oatmeal around 9, 2 oz of pureed solids around 2/3, and then 1-2 oz of purees with 1-2 baby mum mum crackers for dinner around 7. She acts so hungry all the time and i feel like my supply has not increased so i am just going with the solids thing.

For you BLW moms, are you still giving sticks of food rather than cutting into bite size pieces to pick up? I can tell Gabby really wants to pick up food and eat it, as she gets so excited when I give her a cracker, but I hate the gagging thing. So now i'm wondering if i give her a stick and she shoves the whole thing in her mouth and bites, then she will have a giant piece vs giving her things she can practice her pincher grip with. I am so lost with BLW, which is why we do the purees, but at some point I'm going to have to trust her with real food...(she still has no teeth)

Honey, that is excellent news about ava's sleeping! And why were you chosen to be interviewed about teething? That's pretty neat! Gabby already loves to chew cold wet wash cloths, so once her teeth come in, i know i'll be employing that trick!

Hope everyone is well! G and I survived our week alone without DH. It was exhausting, but she really is such a good baby I can't really complain.

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