***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Chloe, I've been struggling with the decision of whether to cut into bite sized pieces or not. Camden has gotten really good at chewing, and her pincer grip is great, and I feel it would make things less messy if I did start cutting things. Not sure what to do at this point.
Chloe that is the same issue I have. We do cereal and/or fruit shortly after she wakes up then purees at 5 for her dinner and she eats the gerber cereal puffs when we eat/ She has gotten a lot better at picking things up with her fingers so it's going well. She doesn't choke on the puffs because they disintegrate. When I give her a stick of squash, zucchini, cucumber, watermelon, etc she has been choking a lot more than she used to so I'm really put off by it. I'm not sure what to do because I feel she's not chewing as thoroughly as she was. I guess I should just persevere and keep giving things to her in order to get her to chew? I'm where you are with that, scooby. Should I cut things so she can swallow smaller pieces or what? So confusing:wacko:
Chloe - I did the interview because I am a Children's dentist and now a Mum too! It was a bit weird getting the work brain going again!

As for the BLW - I gave finger sized foods to begin with but now she's more competent at the picking up/chewing/moving her food around her mouth I just give it as it comes. I would go for food they can hold rather than food that is bite sized. Seems to work better for us. I also leave the skin on for foods like melon and mango as it stops the food disintegrating (until LO gets the idea of how hard to squeeze!). I give her pretty much what I eat now. Breakfast is usually a combination of toast (with something like peanut butter or mashed banana) plus yoghurt and fruit. She also likes cereals like Cheerios. Lunch - I give her something like pasta/sandwich/cheese on toast/finger foods and tea - whatever I'm having. I do think around cooking a meal we can all eat - its much easier. She loves roast dinners but will also enjoy picking what she likes from pasta, salads etc.
Hope you are all well xxx
Kelly, Amber doesn't eat at all at night. She has a bottle at around 7pm and then goes through the night. I usually give her some water when she wakes up at 5:30am and then she has a bottle at 7am.

Scooby, that video is adorable. I give Amber solids three times a day. She has porridge for breakfast, then either toast & fruit or yoghurt and fruit for lunch and then veggies & sometimes meat for dinner. I have also seen people giving their babies snacks on top of that and wondered if I'm giving enough! And I've surprised at how much some seven month old's are eating!!

Chloe I was worried about the same thing as you! I haven't given bite sized food yet, just stick stuff. But I will say that when Amber bites off too much she just pushes it out of her mouth with her tongue. So I don't panic as much as I used to. I haven't given meat as a finger food yet. That still worries me and I'm not sure how to give it. That was the one thing I was wondering about making bite size.

We took Amber for her shot today. She was such a champion she didn't cry at all. She stuck her lip out, thought about it, stuck it out again and then was like 'oh well, that's over with'.

Where do you bath your LO now? I'm trying to move over to the big bath but its such a pain! I don't have a bath seat or even a non-slip mat so I'm terrified of Amber falling over and smacking her head. So one hand is always holding her and its so awkward!
I use the regular bathtub. I used to use one of those bath sling seats when she was younger, but now she just sits in the tub. The bottom of our tub is textured and not slippery. I bought some floating bath toys, but she seems to enjoy playing with the washcloth more than anything.
Is anyone else finding it hard to get things done now the babies are mobile? I'm always either watching closely to make sure he doesnt hurt himself or holding.him because he crawls to me for a cuddle.
Along with that are others having shorter naps and less often?
hi all sorry i have been mia.. lots going on.. as food solids angel one gets a veggie and half of container of fruit for lunch time.. and she gets rice cereal with fruit mixed in for a bedtime snack as that helps them sleep better.. im not ready to give up that much bf yet. she still eats every 3 hours durning day for atleast 15 mins and we co sleep and i sleep topless so she has free range to the boobs at night for whenever she wants them lol
Hi ladies

Its been weeks since I've been on. Like a few of you I've been having a tough time but didn't feel like moaning. It's sometimes hard not to compare our progress to some of you who seem to have it sussed!!!

Wish I'd have checked in really as it seems I'm not the only one struggling a little?

Joseph has ONLY JUST really taken to solids and hes 8 months in 2 days. Ive been at my wits end but hes finally eating a couple of ice cubes of fruit etc a couple of times a day and a tiny bit of porridge at breakfast. Its taken so long. He just wasn't ready. Hes puked on finger food puked on any thing with texture or new flavours. Its been so stressful.

Hes become such a handful too. 2 short 30 mins ish naps a day and like a tornado the rest of the time. He's bouncing and climbing on me constantly. HATES being on his tummy so I doubt he'll crawl. Wants to stand and jump ALL the time.

Hes sooooo inquisitive. Wants to be into everything. Far too busy to stop to breastfeed or nap. Most feeds I have to fight him to feed and regularly get bitten in temper! He bucks and gyrates when feeding like trying to feed an octopus!

He's very clingy at the mo crying when I walk out of the room. This along with the short naps and being breastfed every 3 hours means I can't get anything done and feel a mess.

I feel a bit isolated as all my friends work and have older kids. Our baby type groups have broken up for summer too.

I worry a lot about his health. About things that could happen in the future and about mine too. I find myself sometimes thinking what if I had an accident and he was alone crying all day til dad came home!!

please tell me I'm not alone???

I gotta say though he's absolutely adorable and I am besotted with him. Am bizarrely feeling a bit broody too. Just feeling a bit....well as I described! I am NOT moaning about him. Just venting!

Thanks for listening xxxxx
Forgot to say im still feeding 2-3 times a night which I'm sure he need as he really gulps it down. Hes over 22lb or 10kg and with not having much solid food still needs milk.

I can't get him to take water from sippy cup either.
Hey bbygrl. Happy you're doing well.

Hey tooth, long time no see! You have certainly not been the only one having a hard time. :hugs: We all have a hard time once in a while. Some more often than others. Joseph sounds like a typical boy always ready to go and very headstrong to do what he wants (Cait is a bit daintier but definitely only does what she wants when she wants:dohh:) I don't think there is anything wrong with him only just eating solids and not crawling yet. It's fine. Every baby is different.He will do everything he wants to do in his own time and if that means skipping crawling completely, he will. As for food he will eventually find more things that he likes and he will eat more and more. At 22 lbs he sounds plenty healthy and you are doing great at breastfeeding! I only wish I had been able to do it so long and so well! You sound like super mom, to me! As for worrying about something happening to you and him crying all day...I have those sort of thoughts all of the time. I have begun trying to work off the baby weight and I jog on the treadmill in the basement. I always think about going to hard and passing out and the baby be up in her crib all day, and what if DH comes home late! I think these thoughts are normal yet unfounded so try not to worry as much. You seem to have your hands full but all of us do and we know how you feel. As for feeling broody I definitely do! We will be ttc again next summer we've already decided. I hope you feel better!<3

Cait is doing well. Going non stop today. Does anyone notice their LO falls a lot when they are tired. Last night Cait was over tired and she fell while standing more so than usual. She even fumbled a bit while crawling which scared me. She seems fine today though. :shrug:

I hope everyone is well!
hi bbygurl! :wave:

Tooth - I totally understand! I feel isolated too. I work but I work from home so I don't get to interact with people face to face much and it sucks. I can't take Ellie out to mingle either because of work. You guys are my mom group :) You are doing such a great job with Joseph! Glad he's finally taking to solids :)

Ellie was late to roll back to front so she never went through that "baby yoga" phase to strengthen her core... so now she butt scoots a little, leans forward and gets on all fours, rocks for a few seconds then flops to her belly, rolls to her back and cries for help to sit back up... and repeat. lol. No crawling yet here.

Feeding is becoming a struggle here. Ellie eats 4 times during the day and once at night. She is so distracted most of the time that the only way I can get her to eat is to put her on the ground and feed her like a cow lol (I call it the moo cow position). Her top left tooth is coming in and she has bit me a few times (ouch) while trying to be playful. "No" and "Ouch" are funny to her so I'm not sure how to get her to stop. What sucks is that I worked so hard to get my supply up and she is only drinking for 5-10, maybe 15 minutes total (both sides) and I can feel my supply going down again. Sometimes she'll randomly want to eat and there isn't enough so she cries :( I offer her the breast more often and she'll drink for maybe a minute then wants to do other stuff.

Sleeeeeep - hilarious but Ellie woke at 4:20 am Sunday morning and sang really loud for 20 minutes. It was sooo cute! So we just transitioned for 3 naps to 2. I used to put Ellie down for her first nap 2 hours after she woke and then other naps were spaced out by 2.5 hours of awake time. I started putting her down 2.5-3 hours after she woke in the morning and around 2.5-3.5 hours after that nap and MAGIC...she has (KNOCK ON WOOD) been sleeping 1.5 hrs for the morning nap and atleast 50 mins for the afternoon one. For those of you having nap issues, try keeping LO awake longer and distracting them with toys, outside, or whatever. It may work! We also upped her bedtime from 8/8:30 to 7:30 ish and she still wakes the same time in the morning. Our new schedule is 7:30 wake, 10 am nap, 3 pm nap, 7:30 bedtime. Hopefully we can stick to it! She is still in the swing (booo) but hopefully we can transition her to the crib once her teeth aren't bothering her and she has become used to the 2 nap schedule.
Cait has been refusing her nap for 2 hours now....:wacko:I'm going crazy! She is tired and cranky. She slept well last night but woke up crying and has been cranky ever since. I'm listening to her now on the monitor just crying away and it's breaking my heart but each time I go up there she thinks it's play time and she screams if I won't pick her up. I tried for a half an hour to settle her without picking her up and no luck. She isn't hungry, no fever, no teeth that I can feel. :shrug: I feel awful but I've tried everything. At this point it's either let her be awake and be cranky all day or listen to crying which breaks my heart. I feel just awful...
So sorry IST, I would have totally given in by now. You're far stronger than I am! I just can't bear to listen to her cry.

So guess who was discharged from PT today?!! We're all done, with no more signs of torticollis! I'm so happy, we worked so hard to get to this point.

I'm going to a consignment sale today and have no idea what to buy. I probably won't worry about clothes too much because it's just too crowded in that part and I have too much fun shopping for her clothes in regular stores, I would hate to miss out on it. But anyone have any suggestions for things our LO's will be needing over the next 4-6 months that I should look for? I have 2 strollers, a high chair, a bath chair (that I don't use). I may just end up keeping my friend company, she has 2 boys and will need help looking through clothes for them.
I totally gave in and rocked her to sleep. It took a while but she slept about an hour:wacko: All of that for a measly hour. She usually fusses for 10 minutes or so and goes to sleep but today she was having none of it. She cried and screamed on and off for nearly 2 hours until I gave in and rocked her to sleep which I haven't done in at least 2 months. :shrug: I don't know what her issue is but I hope it doesn't continue...So frustrating!

Scooby that is great about no more PT! It's such a relief when your told you LO is perfect now after stressing about these kind of things for so long. We actually just got a call from our doctor's office and we are going to be interviewed by our local news station about Cait's hip dysplasia. That will be on Tuesday so I'm not sure when it will be on TV. I'm so nervous but I think more people should be aware of hip dysplasia in infants...I had no clue it could happen to my baby and I had no idea it was such a big deal. We'll see how it goes. I hope I don't look like some idiot on TV...hahaha

Ugg I need a nap or something....I hope you are all well!
:hugs: aww IST I know how you feel. We had 2 hours of on and off crying last night. I sent DH in to rock her but it didn't help. She finally rolled to her belly (for the first time at night) and fell asleep. I got paranoid because she smushed her face into the mattress and flipped her back and thank god she didn't wake up! I think the top left tooth is coming in so that might be why. Hopefully tonight goes better... I can't stand to see her cry poor thing :(

IST, are you still on 3 naps or 2? Ellie did this before we extended her awake time. She's doing really well on a 10:30 ish, 3ish nap schedule.

Am I the only one still using the carrying carseat? I just realized today how hard it is to hold her in it and she's around 19 lbs... I think It might be time to get another one. You would think I'd lose weight from all this weight training but nope lol :dohh:
IST, sorry you had such trouble with nap time! Hope it was a one off thing :hugs: hearing them cry is the worst! and thats great that you can share your experiences with hip dysplasia with your community.

Scooby, yay for no more PT!

Sigh, i JUST got gabby's new carseat from amazon today. Got the Britax Boulevard 55. She is 20 lbs and her carrier only goes to 22 lbs. It was getting hard to stuff her in it, and even harder to carry her around in it. I'm sure she will be swimming in the new seat, however.

Has anyone used a walker with their LO? I know they aren't recommended because people are idiots and put baby in there and dont gate off the steps, so baby can fall down them, but I think other than that, they aren't any worse than jumparoos or exercausers. I'm thinking about getting one second hand so Gabby can have some fun walking around. She loves to be on her feet so much, she just doesn't quite get the concept of one foot in front of the other yet :)
Sigh, that's so funny that Ellie likes to eat with you in the cow position! The things we do for these babies! lol I hope things get easier for you on the nursing front. Glad she's sleeping well though.

Tooth, I get cabin fever so bad too. Hope you can find some mammas to hang out with. We go to playgroups a lot and have a great mommas group here. I love all the ladies and their babies and we are making awesome friends.

Ist, sorry Cait is being cranky for naps! C has been AWFUL on the sleep front lately (of course it's always been bad but it's worse now as if it could get any worse). Hopefully it's just a passing thing and she was just off today.

Scooby, that's awesome that you don't have to take Camden to pt anymore. C had his last pt appointment a few weeks ago but his torticollis is not completely gone. It has improved and we bought that infant cradler for the car but he still has a slight tilt at certain times. The pt wasn't too worried though and said it should continue to improve with stretching and such which I never do because he hates it and won't sit still for a second.

Chloe, C LOVES his walker. We only use it downstairs so no risk of falling. It's stupid that they are deemed as dangerous when there are so many other dangerous baby items out there that you just have to use properly and baby will be perfectly safe. C runs in his walker and is always running our feet over and smashing into the walls like it's a bumper car. He has so much fun. We got one second hand for $10 and it's a cute Whinnie the Pooh walker with music and neat toys on it. It's great because he can't hurt himself so I can put him in it while I go the bathroom, etc.

bbygurl, I'm so happy I'm not the only one who nurses a thousand times a night still! I'm hoping to night wean soon as it's killing me. It's too hard for me to resist though because he just cries for hours until I feed him even though he doesn't technically need to eat all night long.

C has a horrible cold right now and I feel awful for him! He has been crying for naps/night time and needs me to rock him to sleep. He screams all night and is so congested. I hope he gets well soon, I'm exhausted! On a positive note, he got his first hair cut on Monday! His hair was SO long. I'll post a before/after pic soon. I can't believe my baby already has his first haircut. I wanted to wait until he is 1 year old but it was in his eyes all the time.
Oh, and here are some pics from his 8 month session. My mom made him a chef's hat and he looked pretty adorable!

IST - so cool that you decided to do the interview. I think it's a great idea to raise awareness. I also had no idea it was something an infant could have until our ped sent us for an ultrasound.

Sigh- we're still using our infant seat too. It's so freaking heavy! Ours is good up to 30 pounds, and there's still plenty of room in it for her, but I hate carrying it around.

Kelly- Camden still had a bit of a tilt last month at this time, especially when she was tired. I haven't done the stretches in I can't remember how long, but we were trying to keep up with some other things they showed us in PT, and I guess in the end all the little things paid off. I'm sure Carter will continue to improve as he gets older and stronger. Sorry he has a cold. Have you tried hylands tiny cold tabs? I used them for Camden and I think they did make a bit of a difference.
Hylands cold tablets are awesome! I just wish I didn't have to give them every hour. I can barely keep up remembering.

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