***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Sorry, bean :hugs: men have no idea sometimes what makes us feel bad. Tell him the sooner you can have another baby, the sooner you can work towards losing the weight and keeping it off. I almost feel like why bother working hard to lose if you are just going to get pregnant again soon (not u specifically, just people in general) and if u are the size you were when he met you, then he is just extra nuts!

Can you girls tell me your experiences with any fevers when teething? How high was fever, was it
before u saw any teeth break through? How long did it last or did u see no fever at all?

G and DH are sick. G had fever but no other symptoms, and DH has upset stomach. I swear, whenever g is under the weather DH also has some ailment that forces me to be the sole caregiver. Seems like a fishy coincidence...
Bean I'm sorry that your dh isn't being particularly sensitive about your weight issues. It's so hard to lose the weight with a baby. I'm struggling now to do so and I'm a SAHM. I've lost 8 lbs in the past month and I'm about 7 lbs from my pre preg weight but I'm aiming for more as I was somewhat overweight to begin with. It takes a lot of work and dedication and men don't understand what pregnancy does to our bodies and what a sensitive subject it is for some of us. My DH and I have been at each other's throats for weeks now and we're really trying to work through it. If he said anything about my weight I think he knows he'd be in for more of a fight! :hugs: to you and I hope your dh agrees to another baby in the future. Once your done having babies you have the rest of your life to worry about losing the weight. I just know if I don't lose some weight now I'll have trouble getting pregnant again and I may have preE or GD in a future pregnancy that's why I'm trying now. Congrats though on Amber crawling! Chasing her around will be a workout in itself and maybe it'll help the whole weight issue.

Chloe so sorry to hear that Gabby is under the weather. I've had no experience with teething so I can't help you there but I hope she feels better soon. Also I doubt my dh would be much of a help if Cait was sick and he seems to be useless when he has any type of ailment big or small.

We're doing great. Got Cait's pics taken once last month for her baptism and again yesterday for her 9 months. (I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE IS 9 MONTHS!) Maybe if I have a chance I'll post later. Also we were on the news yesterday for her hip dysplasia and it's posted on wnep.com. I'm awful with links and stuff. I look so terrible in the video but the baby is super cute and keep in mind if you track it down I've lost 8 lbs since then!

Hope you;re all well!
I watched the video IST! You were awesome and you don't look terrible! There is no way I could have spoken so calmly and clearly in front of a camera. And of course Caitlyn looked adorable!

Chloe sorry I can't give any advice on teething either. We haven't reached that milestone yet (thankfully!!!)

The scariest thing happened yesterday! Amber was sitting on my lap playing with her new nuby dummy and the next thing she just started crying. I looked at her and she had got it stuck in her mouth! I couldn't get it out so had to yell for dh to come and help. Thank goodness he got it out but she cried so much, it was awful! I think she put the side into her mouth and then turned it so it got stuck between her gums. Needless to say we won't be using that dummy again! I'm going to post a picture of it on baby club to warn other parents. I'm really disappointed because I've been impressed by other nuby products and this dummy is so cute!
bbygurl - good luck with the drive!

coco- oh she is a BEAUTY! Yay for teeth! We had a lot of problems with the top ones too and it took weeks for them to finally break through. Good luck, hope she's feeling better!

Scooby - :hugs: that sucks man. Hopefully he'll realize it on his own because it sucks to have to tell them. My DH likes to watch movies (zombie horror type movies that I'm too scared to watch) and play video games so he spends a lot of time in the basement instead of hanging out w/ me and Ellie. I've brought it up a few times and he doesn't do it as much now but it's still a problem.

Bean - congrats on the new job, place, nanny, and crawling!! I TOTALLY understand about the weight thing. I;ve actually gained 10 lbs after having the baby so I'm up about 35 lbs from where I was a few years ago. I tried exercising and dieting and everytime I try my milk supply tanks :( My parents and inlaws make comments about my size and I cry about it a lot. Nothing in my closet fits and I just feel horrible, esp when I see other moms with babies the same age or younger that have already lost all the weight. sucks. OMG you should call or email the company and let them know about the dummy!! That's so scary!

Chloe - Ellie got a fever when the top teeth were breaking through (same day). It lasted 2 days and was mostly around 100-101 and spiked at 102.3 the first night. She only had the fever the first day then was congested after and still is slightly 2 weeks later. Her dr says it could be drool because she's more congested when she wakes up.

IST - congrats on the weight loss! Yay for 9 months :) Just watched the video - you did great and look great! Cait looks so much like you and she is beauuuuutiful! Love the little pigtail :)

Sorry I've been off the board for a while. Yay to all the 9 month-ers! Our babies have been out of the oven longer than they were in :) A LOT going on here. Ellie had her 9 month appointment on Monday and it went great. She caught up on her height (she barely grew between her 3 and 6 month appt). She is now 19 lbs 2 oz, 28 1/4 inches. She was heavier but has lost a little weight the last 2 weeks due to being sick. She doesn't eat as well and I feel like I have to force her to nurse because she is sooo distracted. She is now crawling and getting into everything. She sleeps like a crazy person - rolling, crawling, sitting up, trying to stand up, randomly yelling, knocking on the side of the crib - ALL WHILE SHE'S ASLEEP.. freaks me out!! She is usually feeding once a night around 4-6 am but sometimes doesn't go back down afterwards if it's 6 am so I think she's phasing it out. We now have 4 teeth and more on the way. Her dr said her gums are hard and swelling on the top, bottom AND the back so I have no idea which tooth is next but she is a drooly mess! She looks so different as her hair has gotten thicker... like a little girl! I miss my tiny munchkin but am excited to see her discover new things each day. <3
Bean - congrats on your crawler! Sorry DH is making you feel crappy about your weight. I agree with going ahead with having another sooner rather than later, that way you don't have to lose it the weight, then regain, then lose again. And holy crap, that's so scary about the dummy!

IST - I would love to see pictures! We still haven't done any professionals of Camden :(

Sigh - congrats on your growing girl! It's sort of sad to see them becoming less baby-like. But exciting too!

For those that have moved from infant seats to convertable seats, any idea why they are so hard to install properly rear facing? Or am I the only one with this problem? We're using Eddie Bauer 3 in 1's (one in each car) that my very close friend gave me. I've never been crazy about the idea of a used car seat, but these are my best friends in the world and I know for a fact they have never been in an accident and are in good condition. I just find it crazy that when you install them they don't sit flat on the seat. There has got to be a more effect way to manufacture them to make it dummy proof. I still would really like to get the Chicco Next Fit that has the ability to pivot on the base a great deal, and also has the levels that tells you when it's in properly. I just don't have the money right now and Camden hates it when I put her in her infant seat because she doesn't want to lay back like a "baby". This is our compromise for now.
Omg bean and sigh I can't believe you tracked the video down, lol :blush: I was so embarrassed that I wouldn't even watch it in the same room as DH lol.

Bean I think I would call up the nuby company and complain. You'd think that they would make them so the baby couldn't get the whole thing stuck in her mouth. So glad you were able to get it out of her mouth. Poor Amber and I'm sure you were scared.

Sigh I miss my little baby too! Cait is so big and doing so well. Probably about the same size as Ellie, we will see at her appt tomorrow. I can't believe Ellie is doing all of that in her sleep! I know when Cait cries in her sleep (which she hasn't done in weeks, thank goodness) it's the strangest thing. Maybe Ellie is going to be a sleepwalker?

Scooby I know what you mean about the car seats. With all of the technology and how expensive they are, you'd thing they would have made them easier to install by now. Ours doesn't seem to sit perfectly in the car either and I'm constantly tightening it and stressing about whether it's in right, whether she's in it right or whether it's squeezing her or whatever. So annoying.

Below are pics, One taken on Aug 20th( one in white) and one taken on Tuesday. DH scanned them and they look really weird so I don't know what he did.

I hope you're all well.


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IST, watched the video, you look good! and Cait is a doll :) Its great that you are helping to educate everyone!

Sigh, that is too funny about her sleep patterns. Do you watch her on a video monitor? I actually have a friend whose daughter (not sure of her age...somewhere between 3 and 6 tho) is a sleep walker and she actually will walk out of her house! Its scary what kids can do in their sleep! Thanks for the info on fevers. I keep thinking every time she has a fever maybe its teething, but I don't know how high a teething fever can actually get. Still no teeth to be found...

Scooby, I have read a lot of reviews on the convertible carseats and how hard they are to get properly leveled while rear facing. So many need pool noodles or rolled up towels in order to level them rear facing. I bought a Britax Boulevard because the reviews specifically said it could be installed rear facing without needing extra support. And it has 3 degrees of recline. I like it, but it kills visibility out of my back passenger window (i think any carseat would, i have a pretty small car)

Breast feeding mommys: Those who pump, do you find you pump less now than you used to? My pumping supply keeps dropping, but the amount I give G for daycare in bottles hasn't decreased, and she drinks it all, so I'm having a real hard time keeping up with her demand! I can't wait until she can go on regular milk. I really don't want to have to start supplementing with formula now, but I have noticed a defnite supplly decrease. butyet when I am with her all weekend, i have no problem satisfying her with whatever my supply is at that time. Ugh! I started taking 'more milk plus' supplements but so far haven't noticed a difference. Anyone else have this issue??
Bean, how exciting! Yay Amber! And yay for Ellie too! Congrats to all our crawlers and 9 month old babies! That's really scary about the dummy getting stuck. I've heard that happening before when I was reading reviews on pacifiers one time.

Bbygrl, hope the traveling goes well! Sounds like quite a trip.

Sigh, congrats on Ellie's wonderful growth. She's about the same size as Carter, same length exactly and almost as heavy as him. Everyone tells me he so big for his age but he's really slowed down a lot and didn't gain any weight from 7-9 months probably because of crawling. I know what you mean about missing the little baby but it is exciting thinking of all the fun things C will do as he gets older. I'm excited to hear him talk, ride a bike, play sports or music or whatever he is into!

Ist, I'm dying to see the video. Please share the link if you can! The pics are so cute btw.

Scooby, our convertible is a pain in the butt to install the first time and we finally put a blanket under it to make it level. It reclines too but not far enough imo because C's head slumps forward which I hate. I bought the summer infant cradler but I can never get it to stay in place. Sometimes it helps and other times I'm constantly trying to adjust it to fit properly. It drives me nuts! I'm paranoid about him not being able to breathe when he falls asleep and his head slumps over. Ours is huge too, takes up tons of room but they all seem to be big.

Chloe, I'm not pumping often anymore. I'm too tired and just never feel like it but I don't have to pump for daycare anyway. I drink mother's milk tea and nurse like crazy when I'm feeling low and that usually helps. Luckily, now that our lo's are eating solids, the milk will be phasing out soon and she can go with just food if you don't have enough for the day. I know milk is the main source now but it won't be long before it will be just a bonus! I'm hoping to nurse as long as C wants to (until 2 years max though), but I like that if he won't nurse when we are out I can give him food and water instead. He gets so distracted sometimes. I don't know why but my supply dropped big time last week for no apparent reason but is back up now. It seems to fluctuate like that all the time.

I hope I didn't miss anyone, lots to catch up on. C is doing well, his top tooth still hasn't burst through the gums but any day now... He's had a runny nose and little cough for two weeks now and we saw the dr. She said it could be teething, his ear had a little fluid in it so keep an eye out. I hope it's just teething because he just had a cold before this so it's been non-stop sickness around here. He seems to act fine though. He stood up on his own for a few seconds last week and has done it a couple times since. I hope he gets the hang of it soon and stops falling so much!
Ist, just found the video. You and Caitlyn look great! She's so cute! Glad she is doing so well and that you could help to educate others about hip displaysia.
IST - such cute pictures of Cait!

Chloe - I haven't had too much trouble with my supply, but some days are lower than others. I notice a significant increase when I make an effort to drink lots of water. I've been so lazy lately and skipping my morning pump at home after she nurses, I wouldn't be surprised if my supply drops some soon.

Kelly - We stopped using our summer infant cradler when Camden got her DOC Band because the combination of the two took up too much room in the seat. I think I may get it back out now though because she always falls asleep in the car and in the new seat her head falls over to the right (same side as she used to tilt), and I'm paranoid that it will contribute to bringing the tilt back. Can't have that!
AAHHH I just have to boast a little! Carter took his first steps today! I can't believe it! I'm so proud! He's still so unstable but he has so much confidence and is just ready to run. Here's a video of him taking off running and then he falls of course. :)

IST - She's so beautiful. Such a bright smile :)

Chloe- Yes, I watch her on the monitor and it drives me nuts!! I miss the baby who used to sleep in the center of the crib the whole night. I'll try to tape in one day... it's just so weird!

KellyM - YAYY C!! He just took off!!! That's amazing!
Kelly that is amazing! Contacts - I can imagine you must be such a proud mom! As soon as I get on a computer I'll watch the video.

Sigh I also have a baby that moves and cries out and things in her sleep! I'm planning to get a bumper because I hate how much she hits her head on the sides.
Kelly Yay for Carter's first steps! I love how the little girl was there to catch him, lol. Too cute. They are getting so big already.

September is half way over and it's under 3 months until my baby turns a year old! I'm shocked!

We had a good doctors appt yesterday. Cait is 18lb 11oz and 27 1/2in. 50th percentile all the way around and perfectly healthy and happy. :cloud9:

I hope everyone is well
Good job carter. Ella took her first steps at 8 months 3 weeks old. But angel hasn't yet lol. But I think its coming soon.
Kelly - Wow! Amazing! Forget first steps, that was a first sprint! You must be so chuffed xx

Happy 9 months to all the 9 monthers! Mia cut her third tooth yesterday and I'm praying the other one cuts soon because she has been getting up 5x a night the past two weeks. I'm tired :( I seriously can't wait for her to be STTN.
Camden finally crawled a proper crawl last night. She's been scooting and shuffling for quite a while, but she was up on all 4s trying to grab onto our dogs tail. I was beginning to wonder if she was going to skip real crawling altogether!
yay mobile babies! Cute video, Kelly! and your dog better watch out, Scooby! I keep wondering if Gabby will skip crawling. She now sits up in her crib in the mornings, and then this morning I went in and it looks like she sat up, and then fell asleep sitting up because she was essentially folded over still in the seated position in her crib, fast asleep. It was hilarious. She has started taking actual steps while holding on to people and things, so we are seeing progress in the walking department. And she is a super cranky baby now, so some sort of milestone should be on its way, whether its teeth or some developmental wonder week thing. This crankyness/lack of sleep better not be for nothing! :)
Scooby that is awesome! Yay for Camden!

Chloe that is very funny! I'm actually quite glad Amber hasn't mastered sitting herself up yet because she moves around enough as it is!

It looks like Amber has certainly caught up to the other babies with her weight now. Amber weighs 8.5kgs (18 pounds 11 ounces). I'm not sure about her height but she's still pretty short. She is still in 3 to 6 months outfits!

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