***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Oh my! As soon as I wrote that Carter wasn't clapping yet he started doing it today! Also, here's a video of him using his stand up walker. So big! :)

Kelly, I'm in love with the fox costume at Carter's, but can't bring myself to spend that much money on a halloween costume that will only be worn for an hour or less I'm sure. I was able to find a giraffe costume from children's place at a consigment sale for $8, looks brand new!
Coco I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. I have friends who are firefighters and EMTs and it really hits home when I hear this. My thoughts are with you and your friends' family at this difficult time. -As for Mia's development, I really wouldn't worry. 8 months is still quite young and I personally know of 2 children who didn't do any of those things until they were about 10 months. They just didn't want any part of it and they are now very smart children who are developmentally on track in every way. It's probably just that she isn't interested in any of that yet.

Cait clapped twice in one day and hasn't done it since so I don't know whether she's forgotten about it or what? Other wise she isn't really doing anything new.

We did the interview and it'll be on our local news station at 5 on Tues. I know I will look dumb so I'm going to have DH DVR it and I'll watch it when I feel brave enough, lol.

Chloe, I was by myself from Monday afternoon to Thursday night and it was tough doing it all on my own. And Cait missed daddy and I could tell because she looked for him and was rather cranky.

Cait is going to be the pink owl from carters. I love owls so I naturally had to get the costume. It was 22$ or something which is much cheaper than party city anyway. I can't wait until she wears it!

Bean congrats on the job! I also couldn't see the vid but don't have FB.

I'm going to watch Camden's and Carter's now. I'm sure they will be adorable as always

Oh and Cait has no teeth here either So I am awaiting/dreading them.

So much to read up on I hope I didn't miss anything important. I'm sorry if I did!Hope everyone had a great weekend.
IST - just looked at the Carter's website and I see that the halloween costumes are on sale now for $22. When I saw them in the store they were $38, which was way over my budget! The owl is super cute, I'm sure Cait will be adorable!

I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to dealing with OH being away from home. I think it's easier! He was away in Atlanta all last weekend (friday through sunday) and I loved have Camden all to myself, plus I didn't have to worry about cleaning up after him. I guess I'm kind of used to not having help because our work schedules are very different, and our paths often only cross for an hour or two a day (awake anyway), usually late at night after Camden has already gone to bed. It's rare that we have an entire day off together, and even if we did he will lots of times go out to play golf for a good part of the day. That's not to say that he doesn't spend time with LO, because on his days off I'm normally at work and Camden is home with him, and also he normally goes to work later than I do so he gets her up and ready for daycare and takes her in around 11 or so, so they do get time together.

Anyway! I just finished baking some mini breakfast muffins because I've been struggling to figure out something nutritious for Camden to eat in the morning that doesn't make a mess. I found a recipe on pinterest for greek yogurt muffins that you make with pancake batter, water yogurt, and then you can mix in fruit too. I tried one and I think they're pretty tasty, although they do have a strange texture because of the yogurt. I used peach greek yogurt and mixed fresh blueberries in. I like that they have protein from the yogurt in them. I hope she likes them! I'm sure she's tired of dry cheerios and freeze dried yogurt drops.
Sorry the video didn't work! I'll see if I can make a plan when we are back home again tomorrow.

Thankfully we have found a new apartment! Now to get the packing done!!!!!!

Still no sign of a tooth if Amber us teething! But we'll see.
No teeth here, either, and Gabby will be 9 months in 2 days! She spent all day yesterday clapping and looking so proud, yet I still haven't managed to capture it on video. bad mama!

kelly, love the walking video, and that is a clever little hat/helmet that he has on. I may need to invest in one of those once G starts walking. She still doesn't get the whole 'one foot in front of the other' concept. She will lean forward holding on to her walker until she falls over :dohh:

Camden looks so cute clapping! Love it.

I think DH has convinced me to dress gabby in this for halloween https://www.costumecraze.com/SW89.html although that means I have to dress as a star wars character too. He wants to paint her face green, but that is where i draw the line. no painting my baby!

I made G beets last night. Messiest food ever! Red everywhere...little thing looked like a vampire! I hope daycare doesn't freak out when she poops red today :haha: ...i'm sure those beets will not lose their red color via digestion. She liked them at first, but lost interest half way through. we had to alternate spoons of beets and puffs, and then she would take a spoonful and realize she didn't want them. I went to a lot of trouble roasting them, sauteeing onions, and mixing that with applesauce and nutmet. I even made her some beet sticks, but decided against giving them to her to hold since they were so messy. I chopped them up and added to the puree for a little texture.
Scooby I love the owl costume! Owls are my fav and Cait looks adorable in the costume. It's still a tiny bit big because I got 12 months. We're probably going to get her picture taken in it so I'll post when we do. As for DH being away it was only hard because I was here alone with Cait for 24 hours. Usually he comes home between 430 and 530 and I have him watch the baby so I can make dinner, stretch my legs a bit and do what I need to do. Especially now because Cait is into everything and I'm so busy with her. The only free time I have is when she naps. It was nice eating the way I wanted and not having to clean up after DH but I had no one to watch the baby while I did things I needed to do. Oh and Camden's video is adorable. She's such a smart and beautiful girl!

Chloe lol about the red poop at daycare. I'm sure they've seen it before. I saw a bunch of crazy things in babies' diapers at the daycare. Cait has had an earths best beets puree and she didn't seem to mind it. She'll eat pretty much anything but she won't always finish it. I tasted it and thought it was pretty awful but I love regular red beets.-lol about Gabby being yoda for Halloween. How cute. I agree though I wouldn't want to paint my baby's face either. Not yet.

Bean great about the job and the apartment! Things are really going great for you! Congrats!

Kelly The vid of carter walking is so great! I love the helmet too, lol! I need to get Cait a push toy so she can maybe start to do the same thing, she has been inching around the furniture for weeks now. Maybe we'll have to get her a helmet too. She bumps her head so much!

So Cait has been so difficult lately. I have to wrestle her to change her, wrestle her to put her in her highchair, wrestle her to feed her, I have to follow her around because she gets into everything! She was sleeping ok at night but last night she woke up at 1am and 4am and needed me to help her back to sleep. She also skips naps when we leave the house. I literally can not get her to sleep unless we are at home. Then her whole day is messed up and she is cranky in the evening. Then those nights she either wakes up or fusses a lot in her sleep. I can't win, I'm just so tired! I've been feeling really awful lately and I know it's because of lack of sleep. Plus I'm dieting and trying to exercise and always worrying about something. I worry about my health, the baby of course, money, the dog, DH's job. I just need a break! I don't dare leave Cait with any one though as I know she won't eat or sleep for any one but me lately and I know I'd just come home to a mess and a cranky baby which is just more work- Not relaxation....Sorry for the rant.

I hope you're all well!
Ist, I could have written that myself! Add teething to the mix and I'm soooo over it! Luckily C is a really happy baby (when he's not teething) but he's just so busy! Ughh...
Ist, I could have written that myself! Add teething to the mix and I'm soooo over it! Luckily C is a really happy baby (when he's not teething) but he's just so busy! Ughh...

Same! Cait is usually so happy unless overtired. No teeth here yet but that may be an issue later as well. Do you notice though if Carter 'shows off' for other people though? Even when Cait is tired she is pretty happy and well behaved if anyone besides DH and I are around. They all tell me how wonderful and happy she is and I agree.99 % of the time, she is. But they have never seen her fight me or get REALLY tired. Then and only then is she a force to be reckoned with. haha
Ist, yes! For the longest time my sister didn't believe me that Carter could be a cranky pants sometimes but she doesn't have to spend the night with him! One lady at the grocery store asked me if he ever cries because he was just beaming big smiles at her for a very long time. I don't think I've ever seen such a happy baby (and I know LOTS of babies) but he has his cranky moments for sure. And diaper changes are the worst! I dread changing him because he throws a little fit and tries with every muscle in his body to get away and usually succeeds in crawling off with a poopy butt, smearing it on the floor, etc. Gotta love it! lol
Happy 8 months Camden and Amber (one day late, srry!)

Ha, we certainly don't get the "Does she ever cry?" questions here. She is actually quite grumpy in public! She especially hates bald men and cries whenever one tries to interact with her. I often find myself making excuses like "Oh, she's just tired" when she stares coldly at someone cooing at her, because it's better than "I guess she just doesn't like you".

I'm super excited because I'm finally getting inked on Friday. Technically, it's my second tattoo, but I see it as my first since my first is this iddy little thing on the back of my neck that I never see/forget it's even there. This one is going on my arm and it'll be quite large. Here's the rough sketch I drew up for the artist:

It's so bad :blush: I got so tired I rushed the lines so they're all wobbly. Still, it's his job to make it look good, not mine. The clock will have the time Mia was born and the owl, well...I just love owls, to be honest. Plus, the owl is associated with Athena, goddess of wisdom, justice, strength, courage, etc... all the things I hope to emulate as a mother some day. I'm nervous too though. It's gonna hurt.
Coco, gorgeous owl! If that is rushed and 'bad', I would love to see what a good drawing is! Looks perfect to me! I would love to get a little tattoo to remind me of Gabby on my foot, but I hear you need to not wear shoes/socks for like 2 weeks, and I work in a chemical plant and often wear steel toed shoes, so i'm not sure if that would really work. I have one other tattoo on my back, and i don't want to get one in a very visible place. I will just keep dreaming for now. Maybe one day i'll take a 2 week vacation only in sandals and get a foot tattoo.

Gabby is 9 months today! so old! Where is my tiny baby? I looked back at a video of her fussing when she was about 6 weeks and she had such a different cry/voice back then.

Happy 8 months to Camden and Amber, and happy 9 months to Millie! Haven't seen Lolly on here in a bit. Hope all is well!

We gave G some beef and cut up cooked carrots and lasagna yesterday. She is so good at chewing with her little gums. But she coughed once and DH and I freaked out and went back to our purees. I.Hate.This! I realize she will never learn how to eat if she doesn't first try something and realize that it isn't right (like take too big of a bite and gag), but wow is it hard to deal with. I'm going to spoon feed her purees until she is 5 :)
Kelly exactly. Same same same. I could have written that post myself.

Coco Beautiful tattoo. I have 2 rather small ones and I love them and I do plan on getting one for Caitlyn eventually. Maybe when I'm no longer poor, lol. I love owls too. They are my favorite! Beautiful drawing!

Chloe I'm the same with Cait. She'll eat some things well just gumming them and sometimes she gags and it's really rough to watch. I just wish the child had a tooth or two but that probably wouldn't help, would it? I just don't know what to give her and I'm not comfortable with a lot of things.:shrug:

Happy 8 and 9 months to those 'celebrating'.

I cannot believe Cait will be 9 months soon. I feel like she was just born. I get so broody when I think about her as a little baby. She's so big and independent now. Soon she'll be walking and 12 months is just around the corner...I'm not ready! I need more time with my baby.

Things here have been going decent the past few days. I'm tired but what else is new? Our piece on the news hasn't aired yet. It was supposed to air yesterday but I guess maybe it wasn't ready. Hopefully it'll be on soon. I really want to get it over with because I'm dreading being on tv.

I hope you are all well!
Thanks! The clock and stuff is just an overlay on photoshop, but I drew out the owl myself because the artist was really pushing the old school/americana style and I wanted to make sure he understood what I wanted exactly.

I know what you mean, time has flown by. My downstairs neighbor just had her baby and I could hear her crying in the halls when she got back from the hospital yesterday. Like a little sheep bleeting! Sometimes I feel a little broody, but I think about the sleepless nights and horrible colic and am not ready to face that again any time soon.

And yes, Chloe, I'm with you on spoon feeding until 5 haha. The gagging really does freak me out and I know it's something I have to get over and accept is a part of the learning process, but it's just so hard.
Hi girls. Just a quick one. Am sooo glad some of you feel the same about the gagging and puree! Progression onto texture is slow but sure for us. I tried to push the BLW and he kept vomiting every meal so we took a step back.

quick question. Joseph is starting to become mobile rolling pulling up sitting self up etc attempting crawling so what have you guys done to baby proof???
Happy 8 and 9 months to Camden, Amber, Gabby, and Millie! I really hate how quickly time is passing. There are 2 new babies in Camden's daycare class (one 6 weeks, one 8 weeks) and it makes me miss when she was tiny sooo much! Also one of my good friends at work just found out she's pregnant, and there are two other people at work who are having babies within the next month and a half. It's making me want another one!

Not much to report here. Camden is still not crawling, but has just learned to sit herself up from a lying flat position. That's convenient for me because now I don't have to do it myself every few minutes when she gets tired of laying on her belly.

Ladies who will feed purees until LO's are 5, hahaha, hilarious!! I understand where you're coming from, Camden does still gag sometimes with BLW, but I've learned to just stay calm and she has never had a problem where I needed to intervene. It definitely takes some time to get comfortable with table food though.
Oh ladies who want to do purees forever I feel ya! C gags often and it doesn't phase me as much anymore but my mom always freaks me out and goes, "he's choking!".

I have a horrible story I forgot to tell you all. It ends well though. A couple of weeks ago dh was playing with Carter in our room and I walked in to feed him because I could hear him getting antsy. So I picked him up and latched him on and it felt like he bit my boob! I pulled him off and looked down at him and he was chewing on something. I felt in his mouth and could see something shiny but when I tried to grab it I may have poked it further down his throat because he start choking! I sat him up and smacked him on the back and it came out into my hand but my heart was in my throat. Turns out it was a long dangly earring, the kind that hooks through your ear not the straight back kind. I was shaking so bad after that and I started crying thinking about what could have happened if I didn't try to feed him at that time or if I wasn't able to get it out of this throat. I don't how it ended up on the floor! I was just looking for that earring that morning and couldn't find it but I figured it was just lost from our move.
oh Kelly, how scary! Its good that patting him on the back worked. I have no doubt that gabby will find something on the floor that i missed and try to eat it. That thought scares me! But it just takes one scare to really make you extra consious, so I would bet money you will know where every single earing is in the future!

Question about flying with your LO...any advice now that they are of the age where they woudln't just sleep the entire time? I am taking G on a 1.5 hour flight to DC on Saturday, and this will be her first flight. I'm terrified she will be loud and out of control, although she doesnt walk yet, so she cant complain that she can't run around. But she loves yelling for fun. and I dont really know what to do to entertain her in such confined area. And then there is what to pack for a 2.5 day trip, and do i bring my electric pump, or just a hand pump, and how much extra milk, if any, and how much food, etc etc. Any advice would be appreciated!
Kelly that's terrifying about the earring but I am so glad that you saw it and got it out before he choked. I'm just dreading anything like that at all. I know how Cait loves to put everything in her mouth so I'm doing my absolute best to keep everything out of her reach. It's so tough though! She's so fast now that she's a step ahead of me all of the time.

Tooth we have only really done outlet covers and locked up the cabinets that have chemicals in them. I moved some things out of the living room also but that had been the extent of our baby proofing really. I have the drawer locks too but haven't used them yet. I always put her in a chair, exersaucer, playpen, etc whenever I leave the room so she can't get into anything. I mostly just do a TON of supervising and trying to tell her not to play with certain things and moving her away/distracting her. DH and I are going to get 2 or 3 baby gates but I'm not sure how we're going to put one at the bottom of our steps as there's no wall on one side. She, luckily, hasn't shown much interest in the steps though and I never let her crawl around upstairs. Also the basements steps have a door to them so it is always shut. I've been thinking about maybe getting rubber edging for the slate floor and the coffee tables but I haven't decided yet. She still falls down but it's a lot less than it used to be. My biggest worry is that we have an entertainment center with a glass door. I don't know what to do about that. Any suggestions?

As for food I'm always looking for something I can give her that won't terrify me when she is eating it. I guess maybe I should just suck it up and give her whatever? How does everyone else prepare LO's food? Steam, boil, just however you make it for yourself? Do you cut into small pieces or leave it whole, or cut into sticks? I usually give her sticks but she always bites off pieces that are too big and she gags and I panic.

On the subject of being broody, I think I've mentioned it before, DH and I are going to try for another maybe next summer. BY that time all of these money troubles should have settled and Cait will be bigger. She will have definitely started potty training by then and she'll be a good age for a sibling. We're excited and I really hope TTC comes easier to us a second time!

Cait's new favorite words are Mama! I'm not sure she really associates them with me but she says it all of the time and I just love it. She hasn't said Dada in a while though and I sometimes hear DH saying 'How about dada, say dada!' lol.

I hope everyone is well!

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