***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Bean, when was the last time you posted a pic of Amber? I think we are due! Gabby has the problem of standing up in her crib and not being able to lay back down which freaks her out. And i'm with you with the still bald baby. gabby has some hair, but its so light, she is always called a boy. great news with the weight loss!
Scooby lovely pic! How do you get Camden's pigtails straight? Cait has a natural side part so making a new part is difficult especially when the child is rolling away or fighting to get away. I usually end up just doing one ponytail but I love the pig tails. They are adorbs but ALWAYS crooked! As for the fever I do not intervene unless she has a fever over 101 for more than 4 hours (happened only once after shots). Then she will get tylenol/motrin and if the fever returns it calls for a doctor appt. I took some dumb class when I worked at the daycare about kids and illnesses. I guess it wasn't so dumb, lol. It was dumb at the time but useful now. I am glad that Camden is feeling better though. Cait is not really afraid of strangers. She went through a stage where she was really weird about anyone besides DH and I for the first 15 minutes and then she'd be ok as long as DH and I were around. Now she is so busy crawling all over the place she couldn't care less. I haven't let anyone who she doesn't really know hold her lately so maybe she is like that. I'm not sure.

Bean I am so happy to hear you had a good break from work and it's great that you are losing the little extra weight. Good job!

Everything is pretty same old here. I keep waiting for walking and teeth but so far nothing. Not that I am in a hurry, really.
Anyway I hope everyone is well. Here is a baby pic


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Bean, when was the last time you posted a pic of Amber? I think we are due! Gabby has the problem of standing up in her crib and not being able to lay back down which freaks her out. And i'm with you with the still bald baby. gabby has some hair, but its so light, she is always called a boy. great news with the weight loss!

haha Chloe, you're right I haven't posted a picture for a while! I'm at work now so don't have any pictures but when I get home tonight I'll post one.
IST- Camden's pigtails are usually a little crooked, she also has a side part, plus there a place on the back of her head with shorter hair that won't go into the pigtails yes, so that makes it even harder. I just do the best I can. I have found that it's easier when she's sitting in her high chair or bumbo type seat because even though she can still move her head all around at least most of her body is relatively still. It sure is a challenge though, lol.

After my last post Camden's fever came back, and yesterday she was not herself. She went through several cycles of being lethargic, then eating and acting happy and normal for a while, then back to lethargic, etc. I didn't like seeing her sad, but it was nice to get some extra cuddles in. I miss when she used to fall asleep on my lap every day when she was tiny. DH stayed home with her today and said she was the same up until about 4:30 when she woke up from her afternoon nap. She's seemed completely fine ever since then. I still have no clue what the problem was. I guess we'll say teething for now, although we got no teeth out of it.

I just got a text an hour or so ago that my friend from work was on her way to the hospital to have her baby. I'm so excited for her! And it's making me want another one sooooooo badly. Camden's birth went so smoothly, the memories I have are all good ones. Now the pregnancy on the other hand, not so much, lol. But still so very broody!
As promised - photos!
I can't believe how much has changed since we moved! Amber learnt to crawl properly, pull herself - first to her knees then onto her feet and now she's started cruising too!


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Scooby Cait's hair is the same. She has shorter hair in the back(I assume because of the bald spot she had from lying on her back when she wasn't mobile?) and it's longer on the top and sides. I'll have to see if it's any easy doing her hair in the high chair. It probably is. Thanks for the tip. I kind of can't wait for the day (if it ever comes) that she looks forward to having her hair done because it's soo difficult now but it's so long I have to do something with it or else she looks a wreck.

Bean beautiful pics of Amber! She is adorable and I love the made in china shirt. lol
My baby is 10 months old today....:huh:When did this happen!? At this rate I'll be aged 65 next week! Time is really flying! Happy 9 and 10 months to all of those who are celebrating!
Bean, thanks for sharing! The made in China shirt is great!

Happy 9 & 10 months babies! Time really is flying. Gabby is protesting naps and going to bed later still. Not a fan of this stage at all! And I'm sick now so even less fun. Thanks, daycare, for your germs....
I wanted to share Gabby's latest picture. only 7 more weeks until she turns 1!! What?!?!?! I don't know how this is even possible...and we haven't even begun planning her party, except for picking out the date.


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Chloe, Lovely pic. Gabby has such beautiful eyes. I hope you feel better and Gabby starts sleeping better for you. I can't believe it's only 7 weeks until her 1st birthday! I really don't know where the time went. I remember going into labor like it was yesterday and now I have a 10 month old? Crazy.

I think DH and I have decided against a birthday party unfortunately:nope:. I think we will just have a cake or cupcakes and a few gifts and perhaps have her grandparents and my brother and sister in law come over. I have a small house which won't accommodate a huge party and DH and I are really struggling with finances right now so whatever we can afford will have to do. I can't wait to get out of this slump. Hopefully soon.

Cait has been particularly fussy the past few days and I am losing my mind. I can't do anything without her fussing. If I leave the room, she cries, if I change her diaper, if I pick her up, if I put her down. She's literally whining and fussing every 5 minutes except when she is asleep (thank goodness). I can't see any teeth popping through and she hasn't had a temperature or anything. I really can't imagine what it is. I just hope that it is over soon because I want my happy baby back. This is day 3 or 4 of miserableness. And she is so difficult to change and to clothe because she is always trying to crawl away. I have to wrestle her clothes on her and wrestle them off when it's bath time or time to change. She seems to have super human strength!

Ugh. I'm tired. I hope everyone has a great day.
Great pictures everyone! It's so hard to believe how close to a year old we're all getting, bittersweet. IST- sorry Cait is unhappy, it's times like this you wish they could talk so they could tell us what's wrong. Hope she gets over it soon!

How long did it take your LOs to go from pulling up to knees to pulling up to stand? Camden has pretty much mastered knees but I haven't seen her make it to standing yet.
awww love the pigtails ladies! Ellie has hair envy! lol Bean so cute!!!

Scooby - It happened within a week here. She was able to stand herself up from my lap though before she even rolled back to front so that might be part of the reason it happened so fast.

Coco - OMG the teeth ouch. The worst is when she hits a nerve and the pain shoots up my boob. I've been trying to reposition her head and it's helping... i found a link about this somewhere let me look for it and send it to you.

Happy 9 & 10 months to your babies! Ellie turned 10 months 3 days ago.. her pic is below. We could barely get her to stay still or leave the owl alone so we didn't get a smiling one. Her hair looks a lot thicker than it is in the pic. She is crawling like a crazy baby and has been letting go of things trying to stand on her own (she can for a few seconds, then falls). We are still nap training and she is still fighting it but I see a little progress. She went down really easily for the 1st nap yesterday and Tuesday but is fighting the 2nd nap. I put her in the crib at 3:09 and its 3:43 right now and she is playing. This morning she stood and yelled (not cried) for 30 minutes before she went to sleep. Not sure what else to do, so I guess we'll just have to wait it out. I know she isn't ready to move to 1 nap yet. :shrug:

Chloe lovely picture! 7 weeks?! That's scary. I have to keep reminding myself we have Christmas first before a birthday! I'm excited that this will be Ambers first Christmas!

IST sorry for the trouble you're having! We went through the same thing! And with dressing/undressing its usually a fight! It drives me mad sometimes!

Scooby Amber also started with pulling herself onto her knees. It took her a week or two to get up onto her feet. She used to do it so slowly and carefully and now she just scrambles up - I can't believe how quickly she does it! And this past week she has started cruising. I found her initial resistance to standing was because she was scared so I spent time helping her up and keeping her steady. That helped a lot.

Sigh I can't see the picture of Ellie so I'll have to get on my computer.
IST, don't feel bad about her birthday. At this age it's more for the parents anyway. I feel obligated to have a theme and such because this is what people expect, but really I'd be happy with just the grandparents and a small cake. As it stands, we are only inviting family, but like 25 family members. Yikes! And I hope Cait is out of her fussy period soon! Is she at a wonder week? I have already lost track of when those are supposed to happen.

Scooby, I think it took gabby a week or two between getting on her knees and standing up. She has just started furniture cruising. I hope C is feeling better now.

Sigh, cute pic! Ellie has so much hair! I feel like gabby looks the same now as she did in the pic I have in my avatar which was 27 weeks. Teeth and hair do a lot to make babies look older. I hope the nap training works.

We have had 2 nights now where I put G to bed drowsy and she cried for about 5 min and then fell asleep! I was e excited. Tonight she fell asleep while nursing so I didn't get to test it out again. I hope that was nor a fluke!
Can I take a quick car seat poll? We need to buy new convertible seats as the hand me downs we're using are not to my liking at all. What is everyone using right now, and do you like it? I would love to get Chicco Nextfits, but they're just too expensive and we need to buy 2. I'm seriously considering either the Graco Size4Me/Headwise/MySize 70 (all the same seat but sold at different places) or the Safety 1st advance air 70.

Camden is still not quite right, for now I'm going to assume its teething. No fever anymore, but she has a super short fuse all of a sudden, there's no telling what might make her cry. She's also not as active as usual, although does have spurts of normalcy. We have her 9 month doctor visit (late) on Thursday, so if she's still weird by then at least maybe they can tell me if there's anything physically wrong.
Sorry I have not been on in so long! I've been so so busy with fall portraits and my business is really getting off to a good start! Lovely babies on here. I can't believe how big they are all getting. Carter is walking very well now but still clumsy as can be at the same time. Well gtg as typing on my phone is tough. I'll catch up properly soon. :)
Scooby sorry I can't help with the carseat issue. We've never had a carseat for Amber as we don't have a car here! When I went back to South Africa I borrowed one but it was a small one still.

We had beautiful weather over the weekend so we had a picnic in the park on Saturday. Amber is so funny with grass - she hasn't really come into contact with it so she's very wary! But she soon got used to it. Unfortunately she didn't really get an afternoon nap so her sleep that night was terrible! Between 8pm and 1am we had to get up for her 7 times! After the last time I slept on the couch in her room for a while to make sure she actually stayed sleeping!
Then this morning she decided she needed to start the day at 5:20am! Just as I was getting used to her sleeping til 6:30am....
Sigh beautiful pic of Ellie. She is such a gorgeous girl!

Scooby we have the Evenflo Symphony 65. I love the way it looks (though it's kinda big) and it seems really comfy. It has quick connect belts for the LATCH system but it's still a bit tough to get tight sometimes. we try not to take it out if we don't have to. Cait did throw up in it this weekend though and it was a b*tch to clean. The cover comes off and is washable but it got down into the plastic pieces and on to the car seat underneath. It was her first time really throwing up and not just spitting up and there was a lot of it. Overall we like the seat even though it is bulky and hard to get puke out of :dohh:...I feel like most car seats would be the same though. Apparently it also goes up to 57in and 110 lbs to so I could have used it until I was 15....lol I hope you find a seat that you like.

Cait has been a bit less whiny this weekend. We did do a lot of running around though. I hope it was just a temporary thing. Maybe she was frustrated over something in particular that I'm not seeing. She was sick yesterday, as I said, in the car on the way home from a fall festival we went to. She didn't really have anything out of the ordinary to eat but she was pretty cranky in the car. Maybe it was just a bug or maybe she was carsick. I don't know but she seems fine afterward and hasn't done it since. Tomorrow she gets her second flu shot and I hope she is okay after. It breaks my heart when she cries and I really hope she feels alright after.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Scooby, we have the Britax Boulevard (55 I think?) and i like it. We have a tiny car so i needed something compact, and I read reviews about how this one doesn't need any extra assistance in the rear facing in order to achieve proper angle (apparently many models need a pool noodle or rolled towel to help get the proper angle). my only gripe, and I think it is because of my small car, is that i sometimes hit Gabby's head on the door frame getting her in, but when i put the carseat in my other car, its perfect and no head bumping. But I have an all electric car and so the seats are up higher to accommodate for the batteries, but the door frame apparently isn't any higher.

Kelly, glad business is booming!

IST, i hope this is the end of Cait's whiny period. Poor thing! I hate seeing babies get sick...

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