***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Ugh. So Cait was fine for a few days and she threw up again yesterday. Then she woke up at 1130 PM with sniffles. I don't know if it's at all related. She is miserable with these sniffles because she can't breathe well from her nose so she isn't sleeping of eating like usual. She also HATES whenever I touch her nose so using drops, aspirator, and tissues is difficult. She is such a fighter, always fighting me. She is such a stubborn baby when it comes to making her do anything (e.g. get dressed, get changed, clip her nails, wipe her nose etc.:dohh:) I'm hoping it's something she eventually grows out of.:shrug: I'm also hoping that this cold doesn't turn into anything else. Her nose is running clear and her temp hasn't risen over 99 (which may be somewhat normal for her actually) so I think we are safe so far. Maybe it's even one of those teeth I've been waiting so long for? I guess we will have to see.

We took her to get her picture taken in her Halloween costume and they look great. She is an owl. And sniffles or no she perks right up when we go to get her picture taken. She immediately knows to show off and smile. Even though she was sick we still got a ton of good shots. She is such a show off! I will have to upload some pics when I get a chance. Right now I'd better get some things done because I know with the stuffy nose her nap will be a short one.

Hope everyone is well!
Poor Cait, hope she's back to normal soon! Have you tried Boogey Wipes for wiping her nose? They're little saline wipes, I got the grape scented ones and Camden doesn't mind a bit when I use them to wipe her nose! I would highly recommend them! Got them at Target, but they sell them lots of places. Also, can't wait to see Cait in her owl costume!

So I'm started to wonder if Camden might have an ear infection. The last 3 nights when I lay her back to rinse her hair after washing it she screams bloody murder and grabs at her right ear, and cannot be consoled until she is out of the bathtub. She's never been a huge fan of having her hair washed in the first place, but it's very unlike her to get that upset, about anything really. We have her 9 month doctors appt tomorrow so I'll be sure to mention it.
Aww. Poor Camden. I hope that she doesn't have an ear infection. Cait also hates getting her hair washed and I'm always worried about getting water in her ears. She hates lying down to get her hair rinsed too. Maybe Camden is just angry that she has to lay down to get her hair rinsed? Does she grab her ear other times she's angry? I'm just curious if maybe she's a bit of a fighter like Cait is. I hope she isn't sick.

As for the boogey wipes I've never tried them for Cait but I used them on kids at the daycare. It never even crossed my mind to get them. Maybe I'll have to try them and see if she tolerates them. Thanks for the suggestion.

Cait seems to be a bit better today. Her nose is still running but much less and she seems in better spirits. Perhaps because she slept better. I used the saline drops and the aspirator and some baby vicks on her before bed time last night. I think it helped her to breathe better and therefore sleep better. I hope that this cold is on it's way out!

Below are Cait's Halloween costume pics.I hope everyone is well!


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Cute little owl! Glad she's feeling a little better.

So we went to the doctor today, and Camden does not have an ear infection. So I guess she's just fighting at hair washing time because she doesn't like it! She weighed in at 19.5 pounds, and is 28.5 inches tall. She has started to pull herself up to standing the past few days, but has only done it twice that I've seen. I can't believe how fast she's grown up :(
Cute little owl! Glad she's feeling a little better.

So we went to the doctor today, and Camden does not have an ear infection. So I guess she's just fighting at hair washing time because she doesn't like it! She weighed in at 19.5 pounds, and is 28.5 inches tall. She has started to pull herself up to standing the past few days, but has only done it twice that I've seen. I can't believe how fast she's grown up :(

Thanks. Cait seems so much better today and most of yesterday. I'm wondering if when she threw up the other night some of it came out of her nose and irritated her sinuses. So her nose started running as a defense of the irritated nose? Because I expected a cold to last longer than 2 days! Anyways I'm happy she is mostly better.

I'm happy that Camden doesn't have an infection. I guess she's just fighting lying in the bath when she'd rather splash and play with her toys. Cait fights about a lot of things so I know how it feels. I think that Cait is about the same size as Camden. It's crazy how big they've gotten so quickly. It makes me what another ASAP but I know I have to wait. We're thinking of trying in August/September so hopefully that goes well and Cait is ready for a sibling by then. I know she is just dying to have someone to play with. She always smiles and laughs at other kids when we go out and I feel bad because she has very little contact with other kids.

I hope everyone is well!
Hi all. How r u. It's been crazy here. Left on vacation on 10/03 got back home 10/13. I got sick n so did babies we r better now. And yesterday my 8 year post broke her right arm.
Oh n I'm still ebf but computer has been down so only post on phone n can't change my breastfeeding glimmer... 22nd will b 10 months strong. And have a feeling it will be a long time before she's done. Tried formula on vacation while we were driving in car for hours to get to our destination and she rejected it..
Welcome back bbygurl! So sorry to hear about the broken arm, that's no fun for anyone.

IST - I have serious baby fever too. I don't think there's any possibility that we would try before next year at this time though. Also I can't imagine being pregnant while chasing LO around, lol. I was so miserable when I was pregnant with her.
:edited for personal reasons:

Hope everyone is doing well and I'll be on later to read up on what you and your precious ones have been getting up to :) <3
bbygrl sorry to hear about the broken arm. I hope the poor girl heals quickly. Kudos on the 10 mos of ebf! Hope you enjoyed your vacation despite the illness.

Scooby I'm happy toi hear I'm not the only one wanting another so soon. I agree I had a worrisome pregnancy and chasing after Cait will be a chore while pregnant. Money is tight now but it will get better in the near future, I know. We were thinking around summer/fall next year to try again. Cait will maybe be potty trained (or at least actively trying to go potty) and almost ready to transition to a bed or toddler bed by the time the baby comes. I'm 99.9% sure that we will only be having 2 so I kinda want them to be close in age so they can play and be friends. Also I want to be finished worrying about my cycles and everything. Once my second one is here it's just plain BC or tubes tied, no worries about whether my cycles will be normal to track O. And our family will be complete.:cloud9: That's how I hope it goes anyway.

coco sorry to hear you aren't getting along with your dh. Mine and I have been through some pretty similar times but we've gotten through it. I hope you can too. Best of luck and :hugs:

I hope all are well and have a great weekend!
Bbygrl, I'm so sorry about your lo's broken arm! Poor thing! It's so hard to watch your babies or kids hurt themselves. Trust me, I know! I'll tell you all about it in a sec.

Ist and Scooby, so glad your babies are feeling better and no infections! Carter had another cold recently and it's been tough with his top teeth cutting through as well.

SO.... Carter had his first trip to the ER today. He was walking around the living room and slipped near the coffee table and landed straight down on his chin on the flat surface of the table. He bit his tongue when he did that and it was horrendous. He bit a big chunk of flesh almost clean off and it's now dangling around like it might fall off. We went to the ER, it was bleeding so much and he was crying pretty badly but the dr at the ER said there's not much they can do for a tongue laceration unless it was so bad that his tongue was split in half or something. They can't stitch it together but wounds in the mouth heal very quickly and he should be feeling better by tomorrow. He has a big chunk of tongue that's hanging on by a thread so I'm just hoping it grows back together. He might end up with a "skin tag" that may be irritating and need to be cut off if it doesn't grow back right. He's drooling a lot and still bleeding some but managing smiles when he isn't putting things in his mouth and making it hurt again. He can luckily nurse, which was my big concern and he doesn't seem to be in pain when he does so. He's going to be fine but I had an anxiety attack and almost passed out at the hospital from stress and low blood sugar. It's been a hell of a day. I'm ready for bed.

Also, he managed to chip his front top tooth by another bad spill a week ago or so. It's not even in all the way yet and he's chipped it! I'm so bummed about that! He falls literally all day long, dozens of times every hour. He wears a helmet around the house still, we've baby proofed best we can and I watch him closely but when he falls it happens so fast I can't always catch him. I feel awful and like people will think I'm a bad mother for not watching him closer or that I abuse him or something because he is always beat up looking. He's already had a black eye, a smashed finger so bad his nail fell off, chipped tooth and now nearly bit off his tongue. I'm getting anxiety just thinking about the future and how we are going to be regulars at the ER I'm sure.
Poor Carter!! Geez Kelly I don't know how you're getting through all this craziness, I would be a wreck! Hope his tongue heals up without any abnormalities. That must have hurt so much! I've been wondering about this falling thing and how kids survive through it. Camden is just starting to pull to her feet, and she does not dismount gracefully. Today she fell really hard but was lucky enough to have the boppy right behind her so she didn't hit her head. But she does bump her head/face regularly. Ugh, I guess everyone goes through it.

IST - I feel the same as you. I'm quite sure I will only have one more baby, and want them to be close enough in age to play and relate well. My sister is 7.5 years older than me and we really didn't relate to each other at all until I was a teenager. By brother was 3.5 years older and he and I were quite close when we were younger. I also agree about worrying about cycles. It took us over 2 years to conceive Camden and I am not looking forward to that rollercoaster again. I'm hoping my doctor will allow us to go straight back to Clomid when we're ready.
IST gorgous pictures of Cait!

Welcome back bbygrl. Sorry to hear about the broken arm - that is not much fun! Well done on the BF though!

Coco I didn't read your original post but *hugs* and I hope your situation works itself out.

Kelly, wow that is scary! You have been through so much with him already! I think I'm glad Amber doesn't have any teeth yet! I agree with you that it doesn't matter how closely you watch them, its impossible to avoid accidents at some point. Amber has had quite a few bumps so far but she's coming through them like a trooper.

I must admit I am a little broody too. I have so many friends pregnant at the moment so it doesn't help! But I know that now is definitely not the right time. We will also only be having one more so I would like the age gap to not be bigger than three years. And I would like to have number two before I hit 35 - which is at least 4 and a half years away!

We had a rough night last night. Amber woke up at 2:40am and I didn't get back to sleep til 5am. She kept waking up and was so restless. The second time I made dh get up but sadly I didn't get back to sleep. Eventually I went to lie on the couch and let Amber sleep on me for a while so she would settle. After that she finally slept. But it hasn't made for a good Monday morning for me! I think it was her nose bothering her because she started snoring on me!!
We've just come out of a bad bout of constipation! I felt so bad for her but after lots of watered down apple juice and increased water we seem to have it sorted out - fingers crossed!
kelly you are far from a bad mom. It happens! Especially in the early days of walking. I know a lot of kids who have fallen while walking and bit through their tongues. Bumps, bruises, and black eyes are all normal. Hang in there. Soon Carter will be a pro at walking and he won't fall, or injure himself nearly as much. I know that it is nearly impossible to keep them from hurting themselves so I just do the best I can. :hugs: I hope Carter heals quickly and you both feel better.

Scooby that is exactly it. My brother and I got along while we were kids but we aren't as close as I'd like us to be now. He is about 4 years older. So I don't want them to be much more than 2 years apart. And we also took 9 months to conceive because my cycles were so messed up from birth control and stress and non sense. That's why I kind of want to get my baby making days behind me, so I could not worry about my cycles. I'm young. I have time, but I would rather do it now. And who wouldn't want another tiny newborn to cuddle? I can't wait!

Bean Cait's sleep it hit or miss this week. Her runny nose keeps coming and going and it sometimes causes her to cough. I know what you're going through with that. I hope that Amber gets better soon and sleeps better for you.

I'm looking into getting a humidifier for Cait's bedroom. I'm looking for something small, reliable, easy to clean. We've had a few the last couple years and they are just so junky. I spend $30-$60 and I kinda expect them to last more than a year and not take an hour to clean each morning. It would totally help her stuffy nose and cough also. If anyone could recommend one that is a good quality for around my price range (30-60) I'd be grateful! I'm so tired of buying junk! I just can't afford to throw money away like that.

I hope everyone is well
oh drat, i just had a bunch of personals written and then accidentally hit the back button! will summarize, but running low on laptop battery so may not get as detailed!

Kelly, i hope C is ok! Gabby has her tongue out of her mouth all the time. i have wondered before how easy it would be to fall and bite through it if she had teeth. clearly pretty easy! and totally no reflection on your parenting! Kids are mischevious.

Coco, :hugs: I read your original post. hope it all works out.

Bean, hope you have a better night tonight!

IST, cute owl pics! I dont have any good recs for you. we bought a cheapie vicks hot vaporizer and i dont like it. but until it dies, i'll probably keep using it

bbygurl, welcome back..sorry about the broken arm! Great about the BF too. Im with you on that one. its so great!

So we are going through a lot now. Gabby has FINALLY started cutting a tooth! I can feel its sharp ridge, and i can sorta see it. She also has had a fever of 103 for the last 24 hours. this is the first time she has ever just laid down on me and been content. she is not herself at all. tylenol helps and she returns to almost normal and then it wears off and her fever spikes back up. breaks my heart when she just comes up to me and lays her head on my chest and doesnt move. we let her spend part of the night in our bed last night...not fun for us. she cried, tossed, turned, and was generally miserable. and nap time only happens if she is smooshed against me. so i let her sleep in bed as i tried to nap and now she is sleeping on me as i lounge in my lay-z-boy. i hope she is better tomorrow....breaks my heart to see her in pain like this.

hope everyone else is well. i'll post pics of gabby in her yoda costume when she gets healthy.
Thank you ladies. My 8 year old is doing good she got her cast on last night. And boy all those injuries on c. I never had any problems with 1 walking. She took her first five steps @ 8 months 3 weeks old and by 9 months she was running. Angelis trying to take steps but when she ggoes to go forward she just falls forward. My baby is 10 months old today and I want my little baby back. And I'm in the club of being broody but I'm not aloud to try again until she is 4 or 5 says my husband.
Help! Gabby was crying her eyes out for an hour yesterday, unable to be consoled from 11:30-12:30 the stayed awake in my bed until 2am. Is this what teething does to babies??? I'm totally not used to inconsolable crying! She was already on ibuprofin so I gave her Tylenol and that seemed to calm her down. I can't handle more nights of this. And co sleeping sucked! How does anyone do it? Gabby was thrashing all over the bed, kicking and punching me and DH. I woke up with her feet in my face!
Poor Gabby! I'm no help as Camden still has no teeth so we haven't had to deal with any of that yet. But I do know you can do Ibuprofen every 6 hours and Tylenol every 4, and have you tried Hyland's Teething Tablets? I've seen them at drug stores and target, not sure about walmart. Hope she's back to normal soon!
Sorry we have no teeth here either so I can't give any advice. I'm not looking forward to that because obviously all the known stuff is not available here. I'm going to try look online for the Hylands tablets.

Things are going a lot better with Ambers sleep. The night before she grizzled at 5am but put herself back to sleep til 6:20am. Last night she started just before 1am. I think she would have gone back to sleep but her rubbish bin fell off the chest of drawers and gave her a fright so she cried. But I got her back to sleep pretty quickly and then she only woke up at 6:30am.

Earlier today I was lying on the floor with her and she tried to chase the cat but ended up head-butting me in the cheek! It was so painful I wanted to cry and she just sat there looking at me! It has started to colour slightly but hopefully doesn't become a dark bruise!
Chloe I can't be of help either as Cait has no teeth yet. I know teething for some kids is quick and painless and for others it is very painful and drags on. I hope that Gabby feels better soon and you all get some much needed sleep. It must be really difficult:hugs: Hope she feels better.

Bean, ouch about Amber's head bumping your face. I hope it doesn't bruise for you. These babies can be so reckless sometimes.I'm happy that the sleeping situation has gotten better for you.

We are almost back to normal here. Cait still has the occasional runny nose or cough but she is still fever free, and her mucus is clear. She seems to be sleeping better and as happy as ever. I did borrow a vicks vaporizor and I'm not sure whether it's helped or not but she hasn't been coughing as much in her sleep. I hope it just goes away once and for all soon. It's nearly freezing here this AM and the heat is on in the house. Cait's birthday is less then 8 weeks away now! I had better get to birthday and Christmas shopping!

I hope everyone is well

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