***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

bbygirl - Hoping for a speedy recovery for your daughter! Like bean said, better to get it over and done with. Also, very smart grouping the two birthdays together :)

sigh - Wow, that is nasty. You think you can trust these brands for quality control but it just goes to show eh? I'm definitely going to be wary of store bought items like these!

kelly - That outfit! I can't wait to see his birthday photos now :) What (if there is one) theme is his party? Dapper gentleman's club? Haha! He needs a little pipe that blows bubbles teehee. Also, I was looking up babyproofing tips and that very spout protector came up. We don't have a bathtub though (which makes me very sad because I want all those cute bath toys) just a stand in shower and the heat pressure is broken so it's either freezing cold or scalding hot. I hope they make baby bathtubs for toddlers...

bean - That crawling competition sounds hilarious! Sorry she got the sniffles though and that sucks about maybe inadvertently passing the rotavirus around :( But you can't know for sure it was you and thankfully they have been treated and are on the mend so there's no point beating yourself up over it! I'm super jealous about your savings too! That sale sounds awesome.

So I was browsing ebay for things to ask from MIL and came across these adorable rompers and thought - ooh, minnie mouse party! So I'm going to do a light minnie theme (not going all out this year), polka dot balloons and whatnot.


There was a proper red and black one that screamed MINNIE, but I was worried the red and black decor would be too dark? I want to stick to cute girly pastels for her first birthday :flower: I'm excited now I have an idea for a theme!
Coco.. Minnie is a fun theme to do. I did Minnie mouse for my 2 yr plagued birthday. And Thank u all for the well wishes. And Yes I'm glad they are doing it now rather than later. Im just terrified of my baby having surgery and I feel even worse that it's on her birthday.
Well its the 14th here and I don't know if 2016 still comes on BnB or if she checks this page but
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to Felicity!:happydance::thumbup: Can't believe the round of first birthdays is starting!!
Coco, that's so cute! The bubble pipe would be hilarious! Of course he'd just drink the bubble juice. lol The theme for his party is actually sock monkey and I'm planning on doing his session in the outfit with his big sock monkey that I got him as a present. I like that sock monkey's are actually an old thing so it kind of fits the outfit. Even if it doesn't he'll look so cute I can't wait to do the session! The minnie theme is so adorable too. I can't wait to see pics from all our lo's parties. :)

Bean, a crawling competition sounds so fun! I could see the dads getting super into it. So glad you are all feeling better. And great job on scoring all those awesome items at such a good price! I always feel so amazing when I score big deals like that. Sounds like you guys are set!
I can't believe these babies are beginning to have their first birthdays! I know we've been talking about it but it really sort of seemed further away than it actually was. It's sinking in now that my daughter will be one in less than a month....:wacko:

Whats new here....Cait is taking as many as five steps at a time. I think she will be running in no time. She is doing awesome on all solid foods. I still find myself worrying if she's getting enough but, when I think about it, she probably is. Still not a tooth in that mouth though....poor little toothless thing. Her birthday will be a small gathering probably, at my tiny house with cake/cupcakes, gifts, and balloons. I'm getting excited about it and also the holidays. The past 3 days or so Cait has been particularly irritable and it's got me a little frustrated. I think she is still a little off schedule due to the time change. I'd really love to consolidate her naps and have her take one long one but she has a mind of her own and she wants 2 short ones that sometimes interfere with her dinner time and bed time (which I'm sure is only adding to her miserableness). I hope it gets better soon. Oh, lastly we are getting Christmas pictures taken next week and she is wearing my Christmas dress from when I was a baby. It should be cute. I hope it goes as well as the rest of her photo sessions. We'll probably do another for her birthday as well. lol This kid has had her pic taken a million times.

Kelly the suit is adorable!!C will look so dapper in his pictures, lol. Who says there aren't adorable boys clothes!?

bbygrl I'm happy to hear your 8 yr old is on the mend. Don't feel too bad about your 2 yr olds surgery on her bday. Better done now than later and she will still enjoy her birthday party:hugs: I'm sure it'll go great and she'll feel better.

sigh that baby food is disgusting. bag larve? so happy we never came across that while i bought purees.

coco love the birthday outfit and the hair clip. adorable!

sry if i missed anyone. have cait in my other arm.

hope all are well.
ladies, i feel like the worst mother ever! i was sitting in my rocker/recliner with Gabby and i went to stand up and she fell right out of my arms, onto her head/shoulder! She just slipped right out. landed a little awkwardly with her neck bent and cried for about a minute (I cried way longer than she did). She fell maybe 2.5-3 feet, more like slid down me cuz i was trying to grab on as she fell. luckily this happened in the one room that is carpeted. But i feel AWFUL! And DH was sitting on the couch and of course rushed to gabbys side but then started accusing me, asking what i was thinking, like i had actually planned to drop her. I was standing up. Didn't have my phone in my hand, wasn't distracted, couldn't have possibly done anything else differently, she just slipped. No other explanation. And i also managed to shatter my smartphone today, and have to pay $200 to replace it. Today is not a day of being able to hold things.

Sorry for the 'me' post. I will read back through and do personals later. Was out of town all week so i've got a bit to catch up on.
Chloe, I know you feel bad but you aren't a terrible mom. It's not as if you dropped her intentionally it was just an unfortunate accident. ANd it doesn't really sound as if she was just more than scared. My DH was putting Cait in her carseat just yesterday and his hand slipped while he was adjusting the chest strap and he poked her in the face. She was startled and she screamed. DH felt awful but of course I comforted them both because it was an accident and it happens. I accidently scratched Cait once and she also ran into my knee while she was trying to walk. Again all accidents. They're going to happen. It doesn't make you a bad mommy:hugs:
Ah Chloe so sorry that happened to you! Like IST said, unfortunately these accidents happen. Sorry your dh wasn't more supportive. I sadly did that to my dh once when there was a minor accident with Amber. I think I was so shocked I just reacted but he already felt so bad I shouldn't have made it worse.

So I've decided to have Ambers party on the 21st December. And we're going to have a snowflake theme. Corny, I know but we decided it was fitting. Its going to be a small event with two other babies and about 8 to 10 adults. I'm wondering about food. The other two babies are two months younger and to date their moms are just contemplating introducing finger foods. Hmmmm....
Are you guys doing a normal cake for the birthday cake or are you doing a sugar free/ low sugar alternative?
Thanks for the support, girls. I am still distraught, but getting better. Gabby seems totally fine, although she has a rash on her arms and legs. She had a fever on friday, so they may be related, but no rash on her torso, which seems odd to me. tiny red bumps that don't appear to bother her at all. Anyone else ever see this?

Had a chance to read back-
sigh, that link is awful! I hope that is not common...ack!

Kelly, that birthday outfit is adorable, with the little bowtie. It will go great with your sock monkey theme :)

Bean, sounds like you got some great deals. I am jealous!

Coco - a mini mouse theme sounds wonderful.

IST, that is so cute that Cait is wearing the same dress you wore! I hope you post pictures of both of you wearing the dress :)

Gabby's part is SUNDAY. as in THIS SUNDAY, and i have nothing bought or prepared. I am having work done on the house, got the curtains hung and living room painted. I know most of the food we will have, and now i just have to go buy decorations and basic party supplies. And presents, but i have decided i wont give her presents at her party, but we will wait until her real birthday on the 28th. Maybe as we are all in a thanksgiving turkey coma, we can open presents :)
Hey ladies. Quick update. My 8 year told Savannah had her cast taken off on Monday. Ella's surgery went great on Tuesday. Her toes automatically went straight after the cut the tendon. She's in her cast with walking boots. One cast is purple and one cast is pink. She's fussy but overall well. She got to open presents from just gramma. And we got her a cupcake and sung Happy birthday to her. So a not so bad 2nd birthday. She will get he cast off on December 6th.
Chloe, I once tried to jump over the baby gate while coming down stairs and Carter was on the other side of it. I missed and toppled the gate over and landed on top of him. I felt HORRIBLE! I stomped right on his chest with the gate. My husband made some kind of comment that upset me even more (I probably would have said something too though). Luckily he was wearing his helmet because his head smacked the tile. Stupid mom! I know how you feel but it was accident so we have to forgive ourselves. It won't be the last I'm sure.

Bbygurl, glad your lo has her cast off and other lo's surgery went well.

Bean, I'm doing a dairy free cake. I still have to look up a recipe but I'm using natural ingredients and I'm going to buy some natural food coloring for the icing. We'll see how it turns out. The woman who was going to make C's cake bailed on me so I'm on my own since I can't afford to buy one from a good bakery that won't be chock full of dyes and milk.

Ist, YAY for Cait taking her first steps!!!! That's so exciting! What a big girl already!:happydance:

What's new here.....Let's see. Carter is still teething like mad. Getting molars and top teeth all at the same time. Must be 4 or 5 teeth trying to come through at once so needless to say he's been a wreck.

Our little guy is probably having surgery at the end of next month. His clogged tear duct has not cleared up and they'll have to probe it surgically to open it. It's been blocked since he was born and his right eye cleared up a few months ago but the left hasn't. It's constantly boogery, watering and gooey so I'll be happy to get it fixed. He wakes up with his eye glued shut sometimes and I'm always having to clean it out which he hates. It is now infected too. We have to drive several hours to get the surgery done so we have a consultation December 30th and if all goes as planned his surgery will be the following day. I hope they will do the surgery and not just send us home for some reason!
IST - Congrats on cait's first steps! That's amazing! :)

Chloe - Try not to take his reaction to heart, even though I know you already feel terrible enough as it is. Truth be told if OH did something similar I would probably have had a similar reaction.. it's just a knee-jerk one, I would've apologized later though once I had calmed down. What matters is she's fine, these things happen. Also I can't believe her birthday is in just a couple of days! Wow!

Kelly - Yes the teething! Mia is pushing through at least 3 at the same time as far as I can tell. Sleep has been horrendous, not even the boob can save me now. I BF last night to calm her down and 20 minutes later she was screaming on and off for 2 hours and I was almost in tears I was so frustrated! After two hours I just BF her again...and yep 30 minutes later it started all over again! Aw and poor gunky eyed bubba. I hope they sort it out and not make you drive all those hours for nothing!

Ugh so my house has a mould mite infestation (AGAIN) I swear this apartment is going to be the death of me. 40 years old, damp, cold, the building has effin roaches and now this. I just found them crawling all over her room, her drawers, her clothes and her crib :( I'm so disgusted right now I almost want to cry. These mites are "harmless" except when there is a large population growth, because the minute hairs on their bodies break off and cause allergic reactions/can develop asthma in young babies.

I'm taking her to my mums and staying there but I don't even know how I'm going to bring her stuff with us! All her clothes have to be washed thoroughly, toys and items in boiling water, electronics have to be frozen for 48 hours... I wish I had the money to just set this place on fire and start somewhere from scratch!!
Just popping in for a few to say hi. Congrats on Cait's first steps!! I think we're still a while away from Camden doing any walking, but she's doing great standing while holding onto furniture cruising.

I can't believe some of the babies are turning a year old soon! I feel so sad, I was looking through some stuff trying to find our daycare holiday schedule and I found the hospital bands from when Camden was born. They're soooo tiny. I can't believe how much she's grown and changed.

We're leaving tomorrow morning to drive to Ohio for an early Thanksgiving gathering. 10 hours in a car with OH, step-daughter (16), Camden, and both of my parents. This could be a very long ride!! We'll get there tomorrow evening, have our holiday gathering Sunday, then come home Monday, and back to work Tuesday. Good luck to me, I think I may lose my mind before the trip is over!!
Hey everyone, hope your all well. I can't catch up properly because my laptop charger is broken. Amelia is doing well, she finally started crawling when she hit 10 months and is now an experienced cruiser lol, she is such hard work now though! Between teething and just generally pushing boundaries she's not a happy baby! Can't believe its almost December!
Ty. Update on us. Ella is still a monster with her big bulky cast on her feet. When they come off we are going to start potty training and my doctor told me I could do angel @ the same time. So I guess I'll be potty training two babies. Oh n I'm so proud to say that aangel started walking on the 20th. She took eight steps.
I wrote a nice, long reply yesterday and it just went missing!!

Chloe, how was Gabby's party? Pictures please! (yesterday I wrote good luck so I hope it went off well!)

Verona welcome back! Mobile babies are so cute but very exhausting! Amber is into everything and I'm so tired of saying no!

Scooby, I wondered where you'd gotten to! Seeing the impending first birthdays doesn't it make you feel like ours are still forever away?! I remember this time last year I had decided I was going to be pregnant forever!!! I have to keep reminding myself we have Christmas first!

Coco sorry about the mite infestation, especially at this time of year! I hope you manage to get it all sorted out soon.

Bbygurl potty training angel already?! And two babies at the same time? You're brave! I'm secretly hoping I have one of those babies that basically potty trains herself (I know, wishful thinking!)

New here, I thought Amber was getting better but on Saturday her cold got worse and she woke up hardly able to breathe. I spent the whole weekend at home with her. And I didn't really get much sleep so am really feeling it at work today! She is slightly better today so hopefully she keeps improving. I'm hoping for a playdate for her this coming weekend so I really hope she gets better.
I have decided to go ahead with the snowflake theme for her birthday. Now I'm trying to decide whether to do a cake shaped in a number and decorated with snowflakes or this really cute block cake I found on pinterest, also decorated with snowflakes and her name.
Yeah my doctor told me it would be a good idea. He said I didn't have to but he said she may even take better to it than Ella does so imma give it a try.if we get them potty trained @ the same time than that's 65 dollars a month we will b saving on diapers. It's always worth a try. I'm also working on training her to sleep in her bed as we have Co sleep this whole time. She slept in her pack in play for a couple hours last night I would say 10pm until around twoish didn't look @ clock. And after Ella has he cast off I will be training her in her big girl bed and trying to train angel into not hreastfeeding to sleep.
Welcome back, verona! Nice to hear an update!

bean, i hope Amber is better ASAP! And that you can stay awake at work :hugs:

Coco, that sounds horrible! Are you calling someone to fumigate, or do you have mold that needs to be removed? And all this on top of teething. I hope its all back to normal soon. Extra :hugs: for you!

Scooby, welcome to frigid ohio! What part are you headed to? It was 18 degrees here last night..brrr! Hope you have a great thanksgiving!

Kelly, good luck with C's surgery. I wonder how often they don't clear up on their own? Gabby had the same problem until she was about 8 months, but then it just randomly went away one day. And how can you tell he is teething? Can you feel/see the teeth, or is he just extra cranky and drooly? gabby is back at the mega drool phase, going through 5+ bibs a day, soaking them completely. I have to assume its more teeth, but I can't see or feel anything.

bbygurl, good luck with the potty training!

Well, we survived gabby's first birthday party! I was worried about not having enough food. I pretty much have enough food to feed 2 families from now until thanksgiving. And possibly beyond. We somehow managed to fit 25 people comfortably, and gabby was happy the entire time. She enjoyed her food and especially the cake. We didn't give her a smash cake because i didnt think she needed to get super messy and ingest all that sugar. I gave her a small slice of cake and let her enjoy that. It was adorable to watch! And she loved her presents! She got so much stuff, I have no idea where we will put it all! And to think christmas will be just as bad...Here are some pictures from her big day. only 4 more days until she is really 1!


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Hi all!! Just catching up :)

bbygurl - Aww sorry your girls are going through a tough time! Hope they recover soon! Potty training already? wow!

IST - yay for 1st steps!!

Kelly - My sister's son had that surgery and it cleared up immediately. Good luck with the teething - we are going through it too :(

Bean - aww snowflake theme sounds cute!! hope she gets better soon!

Chloe - cute pics!! I can't believe we will all have 1 year olds soon. BTW you are an awesome mom but )@#(*@# happens. We've all done something along those lines.

Coco - omg I'm so sorry about the mites. that sucksss!! Hope things get better for you soon

Scooby - Wowww you are brave driving that far with Camden!! We drove to West Virginia in October (3 hour drive) and Ellie slept a whole 15 minutes and cried pretty much the rest of the drive. I'm afraid to go anywhere now!

Verona - hi! :wave:

daydream - yay for better sleep! We sleep trained too at night and didn't have much crying either :)

I've been out of the loop again but thought I'd pop in when I had the chance to say hello. Ellie is very very close to taking her first steps. She lets go of furniture and can stand for a little while now before she falls on her bum. The last 2 days, she has been able to lift one foot and take a small step forward but we aren't counting it as her first steps yet. She was SUPER cranky earlier this week and I peeked in her mouth to find a molar halfway out. She got her 4th bottom tooth today as well and 2 more molars are on the way... I feel so bad for her because she's in so much pain and holds her hand on her cheek. She has been drinking less and less when she nurses and I think she's starting to self wean, which makes me sad. Her first birthday is in less than 2 weeks and it has turned into a MASSIVE affair. There are 90... YES 90 people attending...and I still managed to offend my mom's friends by not inviting them. The hall we rented is our neighborhood clubhouse and it holds 60 people so I'm a little freaked out but 11 are babies and 25 are kids so I guess we'll be ok. EEK.

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