***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

I wouldn't worry too much about cutlery right now Chloe. Millie can feed herself with a spoon (albeit very messily!) and she has a little fork that we've just started giving to her which she can kinda use, but I think it's mostly luck when she does manage to stab it into her food! DD1 didn't really start using cutlery until she was around 1.5 I think, and she uses them just fine now :thumbup: she's still very much a finger food person though, if it's easier to eat with her hands then she does! I'm the same :lol: just need to teach her where and when it's appropriate to do so in a few years time. At home with us, normal restaurant - yes! Out trying to impress, or at a Michelin starred restaurant - NO!
When they talk about the babies using spoons do they mean being able to actually put food on the spoon and then into their mouths? Amber doesn't like being spoonfed anymore so I have to load the spoon and then she feeds herself. But there is no ways she can actually put the porridge on the spoon herself!

IST, Amber is the same height and is about 10oz heavier! And she's also getting her bottom right tooth, which we didn't notice either!! It feels like its taking forever to come in! So far we just have the tip. My mom keeps telling me it took 11 months to get to this point so I need to be patient!!!

Sigh I'm glad the party went well! Sorry about the photo's though. For some reason the pictures you posted don't show up on my work computer so will have to have a look when I get home.
sounds like our babies are similar weights! G was 21 lbs 15 oz at her appt and 30.5". Same exact percentiles that she was in at her 9 month appointment!

Funny, all this talk of spoons, and yesterday i gave gabby her spoon and she picked up pieces of pasta, put them on her spoon, and then attempted to feed herself from the spoon. it was so funny! most of the times the food fell off the spoon before she could hit her mouth tho.

congrats on the new teeth bean and ist! So happy that neither was noticeably fussy for it! We are working on tooth #3 now. Gabby needs to also start working on that hair growth.. :)
congrats on the new teeth bean and ist! So happy that neither was noticeably fussy for it! We are working on tooth #3 now. Gabby needs to also start working on that hair growth.. :)

We have to work on the hair thing too! :haha: During the photoshoot last week they had Amber dressed as a boy!:dohh:
We havn't got any here, he sometimes gets really grizzly and pulls his ears but still nothing.
Has any ones LO's still got no teeth?

Unless one has come through since the last time Scooby wrote, Camden doesn't have teeth either. We were all part of the gummy group!!
Ambers tooth is certainly taking its time though - still only the tip is through!
Thanks ladies! It's good to know I'm not the only one... that dr really made me feel like I was so behind or something.

We are teething big time over here. Ellie was fine with her front teeth but these molars are really hurting her. She wakes up screaming at night and refuses to nap. This couldn't have happened at a worse time... I work from home full-time during the day. My mom and a nanny usually help me but my parents are out of the country until jan and my nanny (who goes to college) is on break until Jan so I'm on my own... trying to work while taking care of a clingy fussy mess. Poor thing, I feel so bad for her!! We tried tylenol today and it didn't help. The only thing that she seems to like is small metal spoons that have been chilled in the fridge. She suddenly started walking like crazy too :) I'm thinking the feeding issues might be teething related (hopefully!) She is now holding purees in her mouth without swallowing too.

Hope you all are doing well!
Amber's party went pretty well today. We were really disorganised this morning and for various reasons the guests were running late too. I was still putting things out when they arrived so I felt really bad about that. I also wasn't happy with her cake. But anyway, she loves her ball pit and she got some lovely presents.

Here are a few photos.
- showing her party dress
- her cake
- her first taste of cake (which she loved!)
- her ball pit


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Hey ladies! I've been reading but haven't had time to write in a while. Carter has been screaming all night long for the last week or so, so I've been super cranky and exhausted. I think it's his molars. He's had diarrhea, very smelly pee, diaper rash, and is super cranky. These molars are a bitch! And now he caught a cold from the girl I babysit.

I wouldn't worry about using silverware just yet either. Carter eats everything with his hands, he doesn't have the dexterity to use a fork or spoon yet. The things I hear doctors telling people blows my mind. I've never heard anything ridiculous from my dr. but I'm fortunate to have a ped that is more relaxed than most and she recommends more eastern, homeopathic and natural practices too which I like.

Carter is sort of saying some words but hasn't repeated them much so I'm not really counting anything as his first word yet. Although, he did say "wow" twice now. Once, when he saw the Christmas tree all lit up for the first time and then again when a friend's boy was showing him all his bmx trophy's. It's so cute!

I love all the pics you have shared. Ellie's so cute, love seeing her grow in the series. And Amber and Gabby are such dolls too! :)

Here are a few recent pics from us. Sorry they are so big, hopefully your browser resizes them for you because I'm too lazy to! :haha:

Millie's just cutting her 8th tooth, she's not suffering too bad with them recently but we make sure to have a good stock of Ashton and parsons teething granules in and she always wears her amber now.

Ahhh Bean, I'm glad Amber enjoyed her day! I love her cake, did you do it yourself?

Kelly, what beautiful pics of a beautiful family!!

I haven't shared photos of us in a long time so here's a few recents since Millie's first birthday to our trip to winter wonderland for my birthday just gone this Thursday :)

Bean, the cake is cute! I'm sorry you weren't happy with it. Amber is a doll!

Kelly, Carter has your DH's cheeks! Great family photos!

Lolly, Millie has gorgeous eyes/eyelashes! Great to see the updated photos!

Gabby is getting yet another tooth...its all coming at once now it seems, and she is a crabby gabby! I was supposed to go to my cousin's birthday party last night but G wouldn't stop crying, so i felt bad leaving her and DH, so I skipped it. Eventually she was distracted enough to be happy for a bit. I think she was overtired due to bad napping and in pain from teething. I bought her a gel filled foot shaped teething ring that she wont stop chewing, so hopefully that is somehwhat helpful. She also demonstrated how good she really is at walking yesterday when we were at a friends house who has carpeting in all of her rooms. she climbed an entire flight of stairs, and walked around unassisted for many lengths of the house! We only let her walk around our one small carpeted room because she just slips and falls on the rest of our hardwood floors. The walking has already resulted in several faceplants into the side of our fabric coated ottoman/coffee table, which in turn has left some nice bruises on her face. poor thing...
Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long again. I can't believe Camden will be one tomorrow, I'm soooo sad. We had a nice Christmas and she did great with opening presents. More to come with family gatherings in the next few days.

The big news is that my husband got promoted to GM at his job but his new store is in Greenville SC which is about 2 hours from where we live now, so we are getting ready to move here pretty soon. We're talking about whether we can afford for me to be a stay at home mom.I would love nothing more, but DH is worried that we will struggle, and he would rather have the extra money from two incomes to go on vacations and things like that. I'm still working on him!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!
Happy Birthday to Amber and Camden (although technically Camden has to wait a bit longer!!)
I can't believe we finally reached this milestone.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Ours was quiet but nice. Amber seems to have the hang of opening presents. Of course she'll be opening some more today so she should be a champion!

Enjoy your weekend everyone! (I sadly have to work!)
Hi ladies. Happy birthday to the latest babies who have turned one. Angelyca turned one on the 22nd. I'm sad and Happy about it. I'm glad she's growing up and sad that I no longer have a baby in the house. I've had a baby for the past two years Lol. Now I have two toddlers. They are getting too big too fast. Ella's vocabulary is explaining big time and so is angels. She's recently started saying please (leease ) and juice (juice). We had a great Xmas they got spoiled. And now we r off to go camping at Disney world for new years. A great way to bring in the new year. I take angel for her one year check up so I can see how much she weighs and her height. I know she's tall for her age but all my kids are. I think all my girls are going to be taller than me (thanks daddy) I probably won't be on til after the first of the year so I hope everyone has a great new year holiday.
Hi all. I've been reading but haven't had time to catch up yet. I just wanted to pop in and give a quick update. We are leaving tomorrow for a four hour drive for Carter's surgery to place a stent in his blocked tear duct. It's a really fast procedure and quite routine but I'm still nervous as can be. He'll be gassed and out cold. I'll update you all when we get back. Happy birthday to those remaining snowflakes!
Hello lovely Mummies! Just wanted to pop in and wish all the snowflakes a belated Happy 1st Birthday! I didn't intend to desert you but we went through a manic phase when I was just beyond exhausted and the days turned to weeks.......
I have just had a lovely hour with DH out to read your recent posts and see your gorgeous babies. Where has this year gone?

Kelly - Hope Carter's surgery goes well. What gorgeous photos - such a handsome boy. I especially like the 1 year shoot.

To all the walkers - wow! Ava is cruising like mad but no first steps yet.

To all the teethers - yes us too! Looks like tooth number 10 should make an arrival tomorrow. I can't wait for them all to be in, although it does seems to be a bit easier than the first time round.

Cookie and Scooby - I have had patients come to see me with toothless 14 month olds. There is a massive variation between babies. What matters most is the order that the teeth erupt. That said, if you are still in the same situation in a couple of months time, it might put your mind to rest to make an appointment with a Paediatric Dentist.

Lolly - a belated happy birthday to you too. Your girls are looking as gorgeous as ever x

Sigh - I agree with the others. No rush for cutlery. I usually let Ava eat her dinner and then give her the fork near the end to practice. She loves it so much it can get in the way of eating as she becomes too distracted!

So, I suddenly have a very chatty one-year-old on my hands! Our next challenge is to wean from BF. It is my choice but the timescale is somewhat forced as I return to work in under a month which will mean I am away overnight. I'm not too sure how either of us will manage :( I am dropping a feed every few days but I Ava loves the boob and is still not keen on other milk or even expressed BM. She wants it direct from the source! It will be a wrench for her, and an emotional time for me too. That said, I feel very blessed to have had such a long time at home with my gorgeous girl. It's been a very happy, albeit exhausting year. Is anyone else weaning from BF at the moment?
And here are some photos of Ava at one year <3



I meant to mention that Camden has three teeth now. They didn't seem to cause her too much trouble coming in. As far as eating, Camden doesn't use silverware yet either, just makes a huge mess with it.I'm not in a huge hurry with it. She's still nursing twice a day, in the morning and at night. Some days I think I might be done with it, but I'm hesitant to stop because of the immunity it offers, so I'm going to keep it up for now. I still have a bunch of frozen milk we're using during the day, and she drinks some organic cows milk here and there too, just to get her used to it. I would like to get her to drink it cold, but luck with that so far.

Good luck to Carter on his surgery, hope all goes well!

Ava is gorgeous!

Happy birthday to the late December babies! Is there anyone left?

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