**December Snowflakes - 2016**

I have a feeling this one will be late - 8 days late to be precise!! It would be just my luck to go in to labour on Xmas day. I do hope she comes on time or early so we can get settled before Xmas and give DS a lovely Christmas Day.
I have a feeling this one will be late - 8 days late to be precise!! It would be just my luck to go in to labour on Xmas day. I do hope she comes on time or early so we can get settled before Xmas and give DS a lovely Christmas Day.

This also is concern if I do go over or have to stay in hospital any length of time, I'm due 3 days before Xmas day, my eldest would understand and my youngest still doesn't really know about Xmas but I can't expect family to have them when I know my side always go out for Xmas dinner etc, I suppose this is one plus on if I do go down the c-section route I know I'll be home for Xmas just doest feel a good enough reason on its own though.
I am relieved to be nearing the third trimester. I had my 24 week check with the mfm and the babies were both measuring 1 lb 9 Oz (exactly the same and exactly 50th percentile)!

I think I've finally come to terms with the fact that we should be bringing two babies home in 3 months. I ordered 2 mini cribs and got one of them built this week. That was the last baby stuff we really needed so we're pretty well set now.

38 weeks (beginning of Dec) is the latest I'll go but the average for twin delivery is 35 weeks so I'm thinking I'll have the babies around Thanksgiving.

It will be interesting to look back in a few months and see if our predictions were correct!
I think Fox will be a November baby. I hope not too early though.
That's great news Sapphire :)
Jessicasmum, I am sure your family would understand if they have to have your older ones - you don't get to pick when you go in to labour after all! It is difficult though with older ones. If this was my first I'd probably quite like the idea of baby coming on Xmas day but I don't want to be away from DS. He is already excited about Santa etc and I want to see him open his presents. Luckily he's very excited about the baby and is more than happy to go to his grandmas if necessary but I will feel a bit sad to miss his Christmas Day. we were away on holiday last year too so it would be nice to have a family Christmas without too much disruption this year.
Hi ladies! We had an appointment with the MFM specialist yesterday to follow up on the spot on her heart that they found at the anatomy scan. It can be a soft marker for Downs Syndrome, but usually only if accompanied by other markers so the MFM did another thorough anatomy scan with their better equipment and they said everything looked perfect! In fact, she's already 3 pounds and measuring 2 weeks ahead!

Big babies run on both sides of our families so I'm not too surprised by this. It was such a relief to know all is well with her and that she's growing. Phew!

Today marks the beginning of the third trimester and she is due exactly 3 months . I can't wait to meet our little peanut! Hope everyone is doing well!


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Crazy that we are already almost in or in 3rd tri! Time has really flown!

I'm back in town as of Wednesday night. We had another ultrasound yesterday to get the measurements they couldn't get at the anatomy scan and everything looked great! She was all curled up in a ball fast asleep. I have pics but not on the computer yet. Also did my gestational diabetes test. Hoping that comes back clear. I didn't have it last time so hoping to follow suit this time.
Torben is at risk of Rhesus disease. Been moved to MFM care and blood tests are going to happen, scans and monitoring weekly. I'm so scared.
I wanted to post about my pregnancy but every time I click for a new page to catch up I have to watch a stupid ad video and I'm really really getting over it. Grr :|
Rose: I know you would think they would be ok but I did try to bring this up last week to my mum that I'm concerned if I do go natural birth and I end up having baby around Christmas, she just didn't say anything so it gave me the impression that she wouldn't be willing to have them at Christmas if it came to it.

Tweeks: I really hope everything will be ok :hugs:
Me too, Google isn't much help either. No idea what to do with myself today and baby boy has been quiet all day which is making me worry. :(
Sorry to hear that Tweeks. I always thought it was treatable though and not likely to cause much problems once identified? But I really don't know. I wish they'd told you more! I'm always freaked out when baby is quiet too, but midwife said before 28 weeks movement is really hit and miss. Hope you get some reassurance soon <3

I also can't believe we are all so close to 3rd tri. For me it's on Monday and we have absolutely NOTHING prepared other than way too many clothes. I also checked a website for successful birth stats at 26 weeks and was heartened to see that 80-90% of preemie births at 26 weeks turn out fine. For those of you approaching viability time, it's great to know how rapidly the chicness increases week-by-week from then onwards!

Rose - I'm glad baby's heart is fine :) I'm also happy to hear you're two weeks ahead, because I strongly suspect (though unconfirmed) that I'm ahead too. Baby just feels massive, is moving like crazy a lot of the time, and my bump is huge. How big is yours?
Sorry to hear that Tweeks. I always thought it was treatable though and not likely to cause much problems once identified? But I really don't know. I wish they'd told you more! I'm always freaked out when baby is quiet too, but midwife said before 28 weeks movement is really hit and miss. Hope you get some reassurance soon <3

I also can't believe we are all so close to 3rd tri. For me it's on Monday and we have absolutely NOTHING prepared other than way too many clothes. I also checked a website for successful birth stats at 26 weeks and was heartened to see that 80-90% of preemie births at 26 weeks turn out fine. For those of you approaching viability time, it's great to know how rapidly the chicness increases week-by-week from then onwards!

Rose - I'm glad baby's heart is fine :) I'm also happy to hear you're two weeks ahead, because I strongly suspect (though unconfirmed) that I'm ahead too. Baby just feels massive, is moving like crazy a lot of the time, and my bump is huge. How big is yours?

Thank you Jezika. That's what I'm holding out for, that it's treatable and that it's been caught early enough. The thought of Torben having anything wrong with him is heartbreaking. I hate my body currently for causing the issue. All that's running through my mind is that my body is creating antibodies and attacking my poor boy. I know that's there's more to it than that but I can't help be feel like it's all my fault. So not only do I have to worry about cholstasis but there's now this whole new thing to worry about and more appointments to attend and more talk of what ifs and maybe. I just wanted an easier pregnancy and still want him to get here with a few complications as possible. :hugs:

Tweeks I hope everything turns out ok, thinking of you :hugs:

Jessicasmum that's such a shame :( I hope they step up and help you out if you need it.
rose: Yeah I know. My hubby's mum would probably have them but the thing is I don't mind my eldest going that much but I don't want her minding my youngest, she doesn't keep to instructions we give so I wouldn't feel at ease with her there, also my mum lives closer to the hospital in my hometown where we/hubby's family live 11 or so miles away, so would be better that my youngest was closer to.
Tweeks, I'm hoping they would've indicated a lot more clearly if they were truly concerned. Are they saying your blood has already mixed with baby's, or is that just a risk at birth? Is there anyone you could call just to get some peace of mind about the likelihood of outcomes? As for it being your fault, I truly get that it may feel that way because of your antibodies. It sucks that on the one hand what your body is doing is completely natural and 99.9999% of the time a good thing, but on the other hand you know it's not right. But nature cannot possibly know that of course. However, for this particular problem we've thankfully outsmarted the natural process and can guide your body into stopping doing the thing that's USUALLY adaptive for it to do, and get back to doing what you need it to do. Please do reach out to someone just to get some more info on this! If they assumed you knew not to be too concerned, they might've not bothered reassuring you, but you definitely deserve that reassurance. I also just read that 95% of babies with even SEVERE rhesus disease survive.
Tweeks, I'm sorry you got distressing news this week. Hopefully the mfm will help get you the info you need and you'll feel like you're well taken care of by their practice. My babies are pretty quiet most of the day while I'm up and moving around. They're gradually getting stronger and more consistent, but I don't think I could movement track well until 3rd tri.

Caitrin, the ads are getting me too!

Jez, I can relate to the belly growth. I know I'm having twins this time but I'm already the size I was when I had dd! I don't know how I'm going to carry 12 lbs of baby (currently only 3 lbs total at the moment)!

MrsRose, glad to hear you got good news and can worry a little less now. Cute baby pic!

Bubbles glad to hear ultrasound went well. Fx for gestational diabetes screen results being normal.

My belly button is doing a weird half popped, half closed shut thing at this stage. Anyone else have an awkward belly button bump under clothes?
Tweeks, I'm hoping they would've indicated a lot more clearly if they were truly concerned. Are they saying your blood has already mixed with baby's, or is that just a risk at birth? Is there anyone you could call just to get some peace of mind about the likelihood of outcomes? As for it being your fault, I truly get that it may feel that way because of your antibodies. It sucks that on the one hand what your body is doing is completely natural and 99.9999% of the time a good thing, but on the other hand you know it's not right. But nature cannot possibly know that of course. However, for this particular problem we've thankfully outsmarted the natural process and can guide your body into stopping doing the thing that's USUALLY adaptive for it to do, and get back to doing what you need it to do. Please do reach out to someone just to get some more info on this! If they assumed you knew not to be too concerned, they might've not bothered reassuring you, but you definitely deserve that reassurance. I also just read that 95% of babies with even SEVERE rhesus disease survive.

The midwife said that the report from the lab indicates that his blood and mine have more than likely mixed. Apparently my body is producing antigen D, this would be okay if I'd been given an anti d like I'm due to have in a few weeks but because my body is producing it on its own it means that the baby's blood has mixed with mine and my body is now producing antibodies against his positive blood cells. I am having a blood test on Monday to check the keiter levels and depending on the outcome of that depends on the care plan put in place. The midwife did mention that my being aneamic is going to be an issue too. I've been on iron on and off and tried to bring my levels up but it's proving difficult. The treatment options she mentioned are scans to check blood flow and the how thin and fast it is within baby. There's a chance of intrauterine blood transfusion if the levels are high, etc etc. She was quite honest and said that currently there is a risk to baby but now that I'm under their care, the chances are good. I suppose I'm just very frightened and the idea of having a poorly baby is always any mother's worse nightmare.

With Aurora's pregnancy she was poorly too, had IGUR and I had cholestasis. I was monitored throughout the end of my pregnancy with her which wasn't an issue, however the idea of having to do that again with a three year old going to nursery and having a routine and needing mummy to be stable and around is causing me more anxiety. My partner works, we have limited support available and the idea of being hospitalised is filling me with fear for Aurora. Obviously I'll do whatever it takes to ensure that Torben is healthy and safe but I'm also feeling guilty about the potential disruption to my eldest. I don't want my fears to be used against me or for anyone to think that I love one child more than the the other. I'm just very angry at my body for failing to keep both of my babies safe. It has one job and so far it's bloody struggled on both occasions.

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