**December Snowflakes - 2016**

My boy seems to be doing somersaults lately. One minute I'll feel him on the left up high and then it'll be right down in my groin. His kicks when he's active are quite strong.
Grace I have SPD. I had it with DS but it's worse this time. I've had a physio referral and it was a group class that showed us how to do exercises to help and they gave me a belt and crutches. I don't need the crutches yet but I took them anyway so I wouldn't need to go back again if it does get a lot worse. I can always return them if I'm lucky and don't need them later on. Last time I managed to get through it without any belt or crutches so I'm hoping it doesn't get much worse than this and I can just continue to waddle along. It didn't affect my birth last time. I find that sleeping half on my side/half on my front with a v pillow under my top leg helps to alleviate some of the pain, and I generally feel better the next day if I sleep like that. Other than that I just try to avoid doing things that are going to aggravate it - ie I am a lot worse if I overdo it physically.

Jessicasmum I haven't had wheezing but have noticed I'm short of breath a lot more than I used to be. I am assuming my lungs are squashed as I can't seem to get as much air in as I used to, so end up short of breath even after just climbing the stairs.

So my bump must have popped over the weekend as I'm suddenly getting loads of people comment on how big I am.
Today the lady in the post office said 'oh my god you're getting huge! And baby's not due until December?! Are you sure you aren't having two?! You're going to be massive by the time she comes.'
Brilliant :haha: I felt like asking if she's sure she didn't eat two lots of breakfast as she's looking a bit fat too. I love having a bump but being told you look 'huge' isn't exactly a compliment even when pregnant!
Rose so sorry to hear about the SPD. :( I hope you don't ever need the crutches! And I hate comments like that too...I got them SO much with DD it's unreal. Right around this time, too. I was like really, that doesn't make me feel any better about myself. Thanks a lot!
Baby boy prefers to remain transverse. About 80% of the time he's side lying. I've been told since he is my third child is a short space of time, my abdominal Muscles are way more relaxed so it's more common for them to want to be transverse for a while. He does switch around though. Today he is actually head down, but more often when he flops around he is breech.
If feeling movement low down means baby is head up then that's the way it is.

SPD, I suffered from 22 weeks last time. This time it first flared up at 12 weeks. DS had an accident and I carried him to first aid room about 30m. The next day I was so sore and burning. By the time a physio appointment came through I'd got it to settle by being ultra careful. What exercises have you been doing?

Jessicasmum be careful that the short of breath isn't extreme. Made the mistake before of thinking short of breath was "normal" esp in later stages, turns out I was really ill.

Bump comments not had too many of them but depending on how they are said can come across as really cheeky and rude.
Friend commenting sweetly "you're becoming round" was accepted gracefully, meant I no longer just looked fat!! Last time round FIL half laughing "Can you still fit behind the wheel?" was just cheeky and rude. Answer yes I drove until I was in early stages of labour.
The nurse asked me how long I had left yet and I told her I was 24 weeks. She looked surprised and said "oh, ages then!" - she clearly thought my bump was huge from her expression. I do feel a bit frumpy this time around.

My baby was breech at my scan last week but I understand it's not until around 36 weeks that they settle into their final position.

I don't have SPD but I do have the same knot appearing in the middle of my back every single day. It's fine in the morning but as the day goes on it gets really sore. Hope those suffering find some relief soon.

I definitely find myself struggling to climb too many stairs but i wouldn't say I'm short of breath or wheezy (although I have asthma so it's controlled anyway).
Thanks ladies, it helps to know I'm not alone with SPD, will see what the doctor says!

Well the fun never ends for me! Around 12pm I starting having Braxton gives, then starting having what felt like period cramps with them, then also with backache and coming every 2 minutes for 30 seconds. I called the midwives and they said not to go to work (due in at 1pm) and instead to take paracetamol, have a bath and wait an hour. If they're still happening I have to go in for assessment. Baby girl is still kicking away so I know she's fine, I just want her to stay in there! Will update after my bath.
Sorry to hear that Tweeks. I always thought it was treatable though and not likely to cause much problems once identified? But I really don't know. I wish they'd told you more! I'm always freaked out when baby is quiet too, but midwife said before 28 weeks movement is really hit and miss. Hope you get some reassurance soon <3

I also can't believe we are all so close to 3rd tri. For me it's on Monday and we have absolutely NOTHING prepared other than way too many clothes. I also checked a website for successful birth stats at 26 weeks and was heartened to see that 80-90% of preemie births at 26 weeks turn out fine. For those of you approaching viability time, it's great to know how rapidly the chicness increases week-by-week from then onwards!

Rose - I'm glad baby's heart is fine :) I'm also happy to hear you're two weeks ahead, because I strongly suspect (though unconfirmed) that I'm ahead too. Baby just feels massive, is moving like crazy a lot of the time, and my bump is huge. How big is yours?

Thanks, Jezika! She was 3 pounds as of last Thursday. The highest they measure is 97th percentile and they said she was off the charts, lol! When do you have your next ultrasound?
Wow! So much going on for everyone! I hope everyone that is waiting gets good news.

I have a bit of SPD, too, but my doctors have never been concerned. Though my hips hurt me much more than my pelvis.

I have my gestational diabetes and blood tests next week.
Fell down and hurt my arm over the weekend, so it is sore.
Took a bump pic finally and thought I would share it with you ladies!
Lovely bump pic genevieve &#128149;. I've got another scan tomorrow, praying the placental clot has gone or at least reduced in size and that little lady is growing well. Xx
Well I ended up having to go to the hospital, which since I know all the miswives and most of the O&G team now was quite embarrassing! I was examined by the consultant because nobody who knew me wanted to do a speculum examination. What a relief! I have irritable uterus which is basically frequent, uncomfortable Braxton hicks but that isn't labour and doesn't put me at risk of labour. I wonder if this has anything at all to do with the SPD? I'm relieved but very uncomfortable still, though the contractions have at least slowed a little. I've ended up missing work today so I'm going home to rest, hopefully things will settle and I'll be ok in the morning.
So glad it is nothing serious, Grace! Irritable uterus is terrible to deal with. I had it with my son, and those pains are just like labor and no joke. Hoping it calms down for you.

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