This is my first 2WW of TTC and I think I might be pregnant, but don't know if testing at 12 DPO is too early? I don't want to spend lots of money on HPTs... and am enjoying feeling pregnant even if I'm not.
Background Info:
-Me: 27; DH: 27
-Was on BC for 9yrs. Went off BC end of Sept 2013. Plans was to try starting TTC Dec 2013. First AF returned 25 days after placebo week. Next cycle length was also 25 days, so I think this is my regular cycle (pretty sure this is also what it was before BC). I never spotted before AF is due and am unsure of what my regular symptoms are before AF since being off BC.
-Last AF CD 1 on Nov 18th, 2013
-Started tracking my BBT for this whole cycle as I was concerned about having a short LP. Last cycle when I didn't really know all the signs to look for I had O pain on CD 16 and this would have made my LP 9 days. This freaked my out as I have been reading a short LP can make implantation and sticking more difficult. Average BBT before O was 36.22 to 36.61 depending on when I took it (haven't been sleeping well since measuring it so it varies - I'll be glad when I can stop temping, although it is super interesting!)
-This cycle had EWCM/watery CM beginning on CD9 to CD14 and it seemed to be most clear and abundant on CD 13, BBT this day was 36.61. However, we didn't BD this day as DH wanted to wait for Dec despite it being one day away. CD 14, BBT was 36.48 (so still no O yet). We BD in the morning of CD 14 as it was Dec 1st! I had O pain on CD 14 in the afternoon for a few hours on the right. CD 15, BBT was still low at 36.40. BBT increased on CD 16 to 36.80... I think this means that I O'd on CD 15? Anyways, I have been patiently

S) been waiting since...
Here are my symptoms:
DPO1 -DPO5: DPO1 BBT 36.80. Nothing really that stood out that I couldn't have imagined as a symptom. Awoke a few days with a mild sore throat that didn't amount to anything, had a few mild headaches, felt a little gassy, and started falling asleep early on DPO5. DPO4 noticed water in the afternoon tasted off, metallically.
DPO6: Things started happening. Middle of the night awoke with left sided breast pain/tenderness and left sided nipple tenderness, with cramping. Breast and nipple pain lasted throughout day. BBT down to 36.67, odd as I was awake a lot during the night due to breast tenderness and cramping.
DPO7: breast/nipple tenderness to touch continues. Runny nose end of day only which went away a few hours later. BBT still down 36.59.
DPO8: breast/nipple tenderness as above. Hot flashes in night and morning. Some cramping. Stuffy nose at night only. Hungry in the night - got a snack. Insomnia. BBT 36.67, so still a little low.
DPO9: breast/nipple tenderness as above. BBT started to rise again. Now at 36.90. Slept well.
DPO10: breast/nipple tenderness as above. Left breast tender in night again. Hungry in the night - got a snack again. Hot flashes in morning. Grumpy. BBT up to 37.06.
DPO 11: Supposed to start AF today and doesn't show. BBT still high at 37.00. Breast/nipple tenderness as above. Sweated through shirt in night. Constipated and gassy. Mild cramps throughout day. Grumpy. Didn't sleep well.
DPO12 (today): breast/nipple tenderness as above. BBT still high at 37.00. Some insomnia again. Hungry in the night - got a snack again. Some mild cramping, maybe uterus area just feels more full? Still no AF...
I bought a FRER and have another general Life brand HPT. I am hesitant to test yet as it is not a full 14 days following O, but I am thinking if I'm pregnant it may be positive due to my short LP? Was planning on holding out to test until tomorrow if AF doesn't show, but am getting anxious/excited! Hoping this is not all in my head as it is first time TTC. What do you think? Should I test today????
Thank you for the help!!