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I doubt it, baby is well protected in there! Just keep an eye out for anything happening and don't hesitate to give MW a ring if you think you need to! xxx
I highly doubt it could have caused any trouble at all Hun, I fell backwards straight onto my butt and back from standing when heavily pregnant with my 2nd and it never caused any trouble, had placenta at the front with my 3rd and I was always knocking my bump into things and her placenta was fine, everything is a lot more protected in there than you think Hun
I'm sure you're perfectly fine, it's not made of glass in there! ;)
I've read some of your posts and you seem so anxious, please take care of yourself, your mental wellbeing is important too xxx
I doubt it hurt anything, you have layers and layers of muscle in there to protect your uterus. Our bodies are built to keep our babies safe!
This baby is also from infertility treatments, and I got very anxious about everything that could go wrong. My mother even had PROM with my brother and that had me so worried for a long time.

I talked about my anxiety with my doctor and I feel better now (not perfect, but better) so I hope it will help you to talk about it too! When I'm in a dark place I try to remind myself that there's so much more chances that everything will work out fine than not, that even with PROM my brother is fine, and that we're so lucky to live in a time with so much prenatal and postnatal care available :)
Hey hunny, I'm sure you're totally fine. I bump into things constantly! I even fainted a couple times in first tri due to low blood pressure issue caused by IVF meds!

I do know where you're coming from, though. My LO is also from IVF after DH and I started to TTC in 2011. We have had 4 losses (3 from IVF!) since then. This last transfer was the last we could afford after three fresh rounds and two other frozen ones. When I got pregnant this time, I was so incredibly scared. My anxiety was HORRIBLE- panic attacks over and over, several times a day. My OB was having to bring me in on a weekly basis all first tri and ever other week in second tri just to do scans to prove my baby was still alive. But then, I started feeling kicks! At first it was still scary because I'd only have them some days and other days I wouldn't- but then, around 22.5 weeks, I finally started feeling them every day, and by now it's all day every day. The anxiety has totally melted away and I've felt calm enough to stop getting scans. Sure, there are still little risks that no one can plan for, but everything has looked perfect with baby, I've been told I'm super low risk, and I've been cleared to transfer first from the RE to perinatologist, then from perinatologist to OB, and now from the OB to midwife. With these wonderful kicks, I finally feel like my baby is fine.

I have a feeling that once you start to feel all the reassuring kicks and pokes and flips and flops, you're going to feel so much better. I can't believe how much my anxiety has subsided. I finally feel normal again. I truly hope that the same relief happens for you. <3
Just wanted to also say that I can relate to the anxiety of pregnancy after infertility. I am 21 weeks with an IVF baby, after trying for three years, an insane amount of IUI's, and never getting a bfp until this pregnancy. You start to feel maybe you aren't meant to be a mom and the universe is against you. Everything scares me and I've had the worst anxiety ever, especially in the first trimester, but even now. It's so hard for me to believe this is it, this is my baby. Every little step along the way helped like finding out the sex, and now feeling him move all the time, but overall I just can't relax about it. I've also had a couple of infections crop up and read that they can cause PROM or whatever it's called, and every time I feel cramping or I lift something too heavy etc, I'm like "yep, this is it, I'm losing the baby." It's so hard! It actually felt really good to read the replies in this thread so I don't feel so alone in this. I wish there was a pregnancy after infertility forum. I think it is different type of worry when you've had infertility (or especially losses I'm sure).
Just wanted to also say that I can relate to the anxiety of pregnancy after infertility. I am 21 weeks with an IVF baby, after trying for three years, an insane amount of IUI's, and never getting a bfp until this pregnancy. You start to feel maybe you aren't meant to be a mom and the universe is against you. Everything scares me and I've had the worst anxiety ever, especially in the first trimester, but even now. It's so hard for me to believe this is it, this is my baby. Every little step along the way helped like finding out the sex, and now feeling him move all the time, but overall I just can't relax about it. I've also had a couple of infections crop up and read that they can cause PROM or whatever it's called, and every time I feel cramping or I lift something too heavy etc, I'm like "yep, this is it, I'm losing the baby." It's so hard! It actually felt really good to read the replies in this thread so I don't feel so alone in this. I wish there was a pregnancy after infertility forum. I think it is different type of worry when you've had infertility (or especially losses I'm sure).

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