Describe your "morning" sickness.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2009
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Talk to me about your experience or not of morning sickness. How pregnant? Did you vomit? What time of day? What made it happen?.... that kind of thing. Ignore the phrase TMI.... I want TMI!! Lets share stories. ...... perhaps you can leave out information like consistency, that probably would be TMI.

In my previous 3 pregnancies I've had a kind of all day nausea and general food aversion that started around 4 and a half weeks and resolved by 9 weeks. Never puked and resolved by sipping water or eating sweets.

This time its really bad nausea in the mornings and then feeling ok.... until the last couple of days where its started being a bit longer. Today I've actually gagged a couple of times.... the closest I've even been to puking in pregnancy. I have a cold as well so I'm trying to decide if I'm just a bit poorly or if the morning sickness might be getting worse.
Hi, I haven't actually been sick yet but I do get this feeling like i could be. My nausea starts in the evening, through the night and eases off during the day. Some days it can be worse (probably due to what I ate) Last night I felt so sick and I had an upset stomach which is unusual for me as I'm normally constipated and now I have a UTI...Yayy the joys of pregnancy lol

Mine started around 6 weeks, but was more food aversions than anything else. I would push my food around my plate with my fork, feeling queasy at the thought of eating it. It developed until about 7 1/2 weeks where it peaked and has stayed that way. I think I'm lucky - I only threw up once but that was because I gave in to too many salt cravings and my stomach was full of salt - tried to brush my teeth, made myself gag and that was that!

Nausea is worst in the evenings, and particularly bad whenever I can smell cooking food/spices etc. Just a general ick feeling. And I'm always hungry. Euchh.
First preg was more of a yucky feeling nausea from about 9 weeks, i did get really ill round 12 weeks where i would even vomit up water, it subsided at round 15 weeks.

Second pregnancy vomitted every morning from 6 weeks til 20 weeks, would vomit evenings if i ate any meat. The smell of meat was nauseating to the point where i once had to vomit after watching a burger ad.

Third & fourth pregnancy had vague nausea and tiredness but nothing like before, more energetic. Ended in mc & mmc

Fifth pregnancy, nausea from 7 weeks, extreme tiredness. Dry retching, bareky eating anything as nothing is appealing but yogurt & berries or toast & marmite, crackers & philly
Mine started as barely noticable waves of nausea in the early weeks a bit before and after my positive test, it stayed mild until week nine and I thought wow, I'm not going to get it at all. Then through week nine I was very exhausted and I started gagging at weird/bad smells. Then in the tenth week I was sick for the first time because I had a nap on a full stomach of pizza and my tummy was not happy!

I've only been sick 3 times so far which is a lot less than some, I can tell when it is going to happen because I start gagging at everything, even things I see that make me think of the smell! And I can tell the food is not sitting right in my tummy.

I thought maybe my body didn't like wheat because the first two times it was pizza and then pasta, but then I threw up mango, so I don't think there is a pattern! :haha:

Luckily I don't have much nausea, I just throw up if my digestion is working too slowly.
This is my first pregnancy and my ms started probably as soon as I found out I was pregnant which was around 5 weeks. Weeks 6-7 were just plain horrible it seemed like everything I ate came back up which sucked because I was sooooooo hungry all the time it was like as soon as I threw up I'd want to eat right after. Around week 8-9 it seemed to die down and I had some sort of relief I could actually keep my food down. Now at week 10 it's back with a vengeance I might b able to keep 1 meal down a day I try to snack on small things like apples nuts raisins which seems to b ok but iv noticed that besides cheese dairy seems to b the major aversion for me which sucks because I Love a tall glass of ice cold milk I can't have Ice cream yogurt or any of the other things I find my self wanting........ I'm so happy and blessed to b pregnant loard knows Iv wanted this more than anything but I'm miserable between throwing up cramping and having blotches all over my face I feel like crap..... I keep telling myself it will get better in a few weeks once I reach my second trimester so I'm holding into that hope
Mine started mild right at 5 weeks... Been slowly getting worse every day till this weekend where I was in bed all day. It's hard to keep up with food aversions. Nothing ever sounds good. Finally one type of food will pop in my head where I don't want to puke thinking about then the next day that's on my bad list, too. I'm constantly hungry and it's extremely difficult to force myself to eat. Watching Netflix makes me sick, too. I hope this doesn't go on for too much longer!!
Mine started around 6 weeks and has gradually got worse it usually lasts from mid morning all day and evening its an aversion to smells, gipping and nausea but I too am hungry all the time! X
With my previous pregnancy I was never sick physically. I felt a bit nauseous mainly in the evenings, and particularly on one occasion where we went with some friends who didn't know I was preg for a Chinese / tepanyaki where the food was cooked in front of us. It took about a year until I could face Chinese again without feeling nauseous.

This time, I'm feeling mainly fine again, the worst I have felt is when nursing my LO and he pushes on my belly - but I know there's still plenty of time!
Very interesting that everyones sickness seems to start at 6 weeks roughly (Including mine) maybe the hormones surge or something.. I'll have to research that haha.
Very interesting that everyones sickness seems to start at 6 weeks roughly (Including mine) maybe the hormones surge or something.. I'll have to research that haha.

I think it's cos by that stage, the number's so high that when it doubles it's a HUGE difference... so by the end of week 6 most people have six figure HCG levels :)

It's funny 'cos with my twin blighted ovums, the levels only got up to 12,000 and I felt fine - so I must have just missed feeling sick...
Mine started with an aversion at 6 weeks and turned into full blown ms by the end of that week. No vomiting for me [a few close calls] - just an underlying nausea that starts after breakfast and lasts all day. I can't eat anything green [salad, green beans, broccoli] and I usually can't eat anything hot for lunch [cereal or bagel w/ cream cheese usually works ok]. I'm 9 weeks now and it's slightly better and exhaustion is slightly better too...
My first pregnancy the extreme day sickness began at around 5 weeks. And stayed. For 9 whole freaking months!!! I had to take the specific pregnancy meds to help cuz it kicked my butt. BIG TIME.

And now with this suprise pregnancy it started before i even found out i was preg at around not quite 4 weeks. Which is crazy!! But funny thing is that during the day i feel pretty good. Evenings and nights find me beside our toilet sharing extremely romantic sessions of...not feeling too good LOL. I wonder since it's shifted so much between day and night the first time we had a little girl. Maybe this time it's a little boy? That woud b kinda funny...
Any time of the day I may feel nauseous if I'm hungry. And then sometimes during and after I eat. I especially dry rench when I'm too slow with putting food in my belly.
Started around 5 and a half weeks, open eyes and instantly feel sick, have to get up to vomit. Can't eat feel nauseous all day, feel worse after eating and spend the day dry heaving. Occasionally throw up around 3 times a day.
Still sick at 14 weeks :(
mine started around 6 weeks with mild nausea... now I feel sick to my stomach from the moment I wake up all day. it sometimes gets better in the evening for a bit, and for about 20 mins after I eat. but eating is difficult because nothing sounds good... I have to go through lists of food in my head til I get to one I can stomach. and then it goes on the bad list again. I'm running out of options!! I never throw up (have like three times my whole life) but sometimes wonder if that would help! smells are the worst! I couldn't even talk to my husband tonight because he had just eaten chips and salsa. glad I'm not alone.
Justagirl, I'm in that exact same boat! I'm so sad when I finally find something after going through "the list" (which is nauseating), then it ends up being a terrible idea the next day. I can't win! :haha:
I've had very mild bouts on and off since I first got my BFP at 3 1/2 weeks, but it's really started kicking in this past week (from around 5 1/2 weeks). Sometimes things just don't sit right in my stomach and I start feeling really nauseous. Other times it's because I don't have anything IN my stomach. No real rhyme or reason to it.
My "all day" morning sickness started when I hit 6 weeks. Ever since then, it has been pretty horrible. I've spent about 8 weeks doing nothing but sleeping and vomiting. It usually starts the moment I wake up -- if I can tame the nausea before I actually start vomiting then I can probably go a day without doing it...if I cannot tame it I spend nearly the whole day vomiting up my guts. I was even throwing up blood at one point. It is seriously no fun. As I've gotten farther into the 2nd trimester, it seems to be settling down a little bit. I can go days without throwing up or, if I do, I can stop after about two incidences. I used to have medicine for morning sickness but, in the end, it doesn't help if you can't keep it in your stomach. :p

Thank you for making this thread. I've been wondering if I'm just extremely sensitive or something. Everyone else I talk to says that their morning sickness was mainly them feeling nauseous and not actually vomiting. It's nice to hear other people's experiences.

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