I'm probably over thinking this but it's nice to hear others opinions.
I am 80% sure we will stay team yellow for this pregnancy mainly Becuase I enjoy the guessing and wondering during pregnancy and also because I think it'll make labour special. And also I would like to call family and friends with the "it's a boy/girl".
I found out with my son however and I really really enjoyed it. I loved thinking of names, imagining my life with my son, decorating his nursery & bonding with him - but this time around these things don't seem as appealing as having that special surprise in the delivery room.
But... I feel I have the moment built up in my imagination where I give birth and the baby is placed on my chest and I/OH declare the sex. I know that there may be circumstances where this isn't possible.. I.e the baby has issues and needs support and where a c section is required. I guess a nurse or OH would announce it in these circumstances but i don't think it would be as I imagind and that I would feel disapointed that the moment wasn't as I had hoped and therefore I might regret not just finding out...
I also feel the baby is a girl and seem to be imagining and bonding as if it is a girl and worry this could be damaging to our relationship if it's a boy?
I really want that special it's a boy/ girl moment but Im not 100% and don't know if we will regret waiting to find out if it's a bit of a.... Let down I supoose?
I know I know I'm probably waaay overthinking things - so please share your experiences.
Oh wants the surprise but he is happy to find out the gender early if I want to.
I am 80% sure we will stay team yellow for this pregnancy mainly Becuase I enjoy the guessing and wondering during pregnancy and also because I think it'll make labour special. And also I would like to call family and friends with the "it's a boy/girl".
I found out with my son however and I really really enjoyed it. I loved thinking of names, imagining my life with my son, decorating his nursery & bonding with him - but this time around these things don't seem as appealing as having that special surprise in the delivery room.
But... I feel I have the moment built up in my imagination where I give birth and the baby is placed on my chest and I/OH declare the sex. I know that there may be circumstances where this isn't possible.. I.e the baby has issues and needs support and where a c section is required. I guess a nurse or OH would announce it in these circumstances but i don't think it would be as I imagind and that I would feel disapointed that the moment wasn't as I had hoped and therefore I might regret not just finding out...
I also feel the baby is a girl and seem to be imagining and bonding as if it is a girl and worry this could be damaging to our relationship if it's a boy?
I really want that special it's a boy/ girl moment but Im not 100% and don't know if we will regret waiting to find out if it's a bit of a.... Let down I supoose?
I know I know I'm probably waaay overthinking things - so please share your experiences.
Oh wants the surprise but he is happy to find out the gender early if I want to.