I'm going through something similar so would appreciate your updates.
For reasons I won't go into, my husband and I were told we had to start trying for a baby straight away if we wanted kids.
I came Femodene pill in February and got my withdrawal bleed. I started using digital opks and got a positive on 29. We bd'd before, on the day and the days following the test. I did start experiencing symptoms a week after of sore nipples, cramping etc. but have read that that can also be a sign of your hormones getting back into place after coming off the pill.
After two BFN I randomly started using OPK again and I just got a positive on day 53 and 54. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm wondering if I did not ovulate the first time? I've started temp charting now so I will hopefully be able to know whether I've actually ovulated this time round.