Did you find yourself pregnant after having these symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I spent a lot of time researching and have found very few answers to my questions. In January, I had really, really intense anger and feelings of depression and hopelessness. Lately, I've been weeping a lot more than usual. I noticed bluish veins in my breasts and between them. I got a sore throat on a Saturday, then it went away and came back the next week and again only lasted for a day. On or around this time, I vomited once. I had bleeding gums this past month. I did get my period for the last 3 months (February, March, and April) but they have all been either shorter or/and lighter than normal. When I got my period this month, I was very disappointed because I felt like I had been hoping for no reason. But when I noticed that day that the flow was MUCH less than the typical first day of my period, I started thinking about my chances of being pregnant again!! The dull ache I get around my period felt pretty strong and more constant than usual. Then I got a cold, a bad headache, and through all of this I've been feeling pretty run down, avoiding dishes and big meals (I usually love to cook). Before all of this, I had several instances of diarrhea, one day practically my entire body was sore, I've had leg and back sores, a strong craving for sweets. It goes without saying, I've been very tired and sleepy. However, one of the earliest things I noticed was that my pubic region looked different than usual. It seems raised up a bit more than usual and its been like this for a good while now. My stomach and tummy look bloated after I seemed to have lost a lottt of weight! Also, I got noticeable red marks around my bellybutton that remind me of flames. But they don't hurt and I can't feel them at all.

I've taken a lot pregnancy tests but all of them come out negatives. Is there any hope for me to have a child on its way?? :)

Anyone had this stuff happen to them and find out they were pregnant? If so, I'd love to know when and how you found out!!!!!!! Thanks a bunch :D

Afraid I can't help much as I didn't get any symptoms at all prior to my positive test but it sounds like you've got all sorts going on!

I have to say that I think the chances of pregnancy are pretty slim and if I had all that going on I'd go see my GP!

Good luck!
With my son I knew I was pregnant 3 weeks before I got the positive test. The first sign with all 3 of my pregnancies (2 MMC's before DS) was extreme bloating. I also got bleeding gums and lost weight because of very bad "morning" sickness. I also did not have a period for a few months before my BFP, that said I had irregular periods and knew when we conceived and I had bad period pains which turned out were just starching pains. I know the blue vain thing can be a change in temperature, so if you are in the UK it may just be the nice weather.

It seems unlikely (although slightly possible) that you would be pregnant for a few months without a BFP though. It does sound like something is going on though, I would go to my GP to get it checked out and if you suspect a pregnancy they can give you a blood test to rule it out/confirm it. Good luck. :flower:
Has anyone ever heard of this? I've been having dreams lately, mostly anxiety dreams about my parents and they are about abuse/arguing/screaming, etc. (which isn't normal for me) heh

First Trimester Dreams

Early pregnancy dreams often revolve around the pregnant woman's past. Childhood homes and old lovers often figure prominently. These dreams are a way to clear up any unresolved issues. Standard themes during this time are dreams of vulnerability, often symbolized through nakedness, and dreams with a protective and territorial quality.
At the moment i have life constant butterflies in my tummy, like a feeling I know something is happening inside my tummy. It's the wierdest feeling ever and I cannot shift it... has anyone had that before?

... and a raised sex drive!
First Trimester Dreams

Early pregnancy dreams often revolve around the pregnant woman's past. Childhood homes and old lovers often figure prominently. These dreams are a way to clear up any unresolved issues. Standard themes during this time are dreams of vulnerability, often symbolized through nakedness, and dreams with a protective and territorial quality.

I am not really a believer of the psychoanalytic approach to psychology so can not really comment much on this. I believe strange dreams are common in later pregnancy though (although I do not believe they have much meaning personally).

At the moment i have life constant butterflies in my tummy, like a feeling I know something is happening inside my tummy. It's the wierdest feeling ever and I cannot shift it... has anyone had that before?

I have had that a lot of times from wanting to be pregnant, especially before testing but it never came to anything. With each pregnancy even though trying each time it sort of came out of nowhere. In fact the first time I was complaining about the smell of washing powder in the shops and telling DH he had given me an upset belly when he looked at me and asked if it was about time I had tested but it had not even occurred to me! I knew I was pregnant 3 weeks before my BFP with my son, it was really obvious, and I had that feeling but I guess that could come down to wanting to be pregnant again. With my son (my only successful pregnancy) I had what I though were bad period pains which turned out to be growing pains but it definitely did not feel like butterfly's to me.

Never an increased sex drive in early pregnancy. I had it when pregnant with DS slightly at the end of the second trimester.
so theres no chance? hmm, I thought these were pregnancy symptoms oh well :/
I got some nausea at the end of my 1st tri but absolutely nothing else.... Oh... apart from no periods lol!
so theres no chance? hmm, I thought these were pregnancy symptoms oh well :/

There is always a chance. Some people gets loads of really bad symptoms and some get non at all. Your first thread makes me think you need to see a GP and get a blood test, it could be pregnancy or something else but you do not seem to be feeling your normal self by the sounds of it.
I vomited once. I had bleeding gums this past month.....But when I noticed that day that the flow was MUCH less than the typical first day of my period, I started thinking about my chances of being pregnant again!! The dull ache I get around my period felt pretty strong and more constant than usual. Then I got a cold, a bad headache, and through all of this I've been feeling pretty run down, avoiding dishes and big meals (I usually love to cook).....My stomach and tummy look bloated after I seemed to have lost a lottt of weight!.....I've taken a lot pregnancy tests but all of them come out negatives. Is there any hope for me to have a child on its way?? :)

I had all of these when pregnant with DS three weeks before I got a positive (I had not seen AF for months before but am irregular and knew when I conceived roughly). I guess it would largely depend on when your next period is due and when you tested.
really? hey would going to the doctors and getting just a check up, like a physical help determine something? (like so as to not to take the 'i think im pregnant' approach) and just let them find something if theres anything...
Did you get any of your periods or bleeding throughout pregnancy btw? I read that women can bleed anywhere in the first 3 months and my weird periods have been going on for that long now. this makes me feel like something might be up. Ya know what I mean? I could just be crazy though, :)
Sometimes when we really really want to get pregnant you can spot all kinds of symptoms and little things wrong and maybe read more into them than you would usually. You can even get weird things like phantom pregnancy. If you are genuinely worried about your symptoms babe I would go see your GP, positive HPT or not, but if it's more that your getting excited about the possibility of being pregnant I'd wait until your next period is late and test again, then you've got the best chance of seeing a BFP :)
Oh, and you can get regular periods while pregnant, I've known it happen with a girl I knew, but I'd still expect you to have a positive test. X
Some people bleed, I never did but then again I had not had a period 4 month before we conceived either. A home test should do the trick really unless you are testing too early. You can get BFN while pregnant for months but it is really rare. I have thought I was pregnant more often when I wasn't than when I was so you have to be careful symptom spotting. You would have to say you thought you was pregnant for them to look in to it at the GP's probably, but I would go if for no other reason than to rule out things like a thyroid problem or anaemia with the way you are feeling.
thanks I will keep you posted if theres anything :)
I just e-mailed an obgyn to find out what steps i should take...i told them a list of my symptoms
At the moment i have life constant butterflies in my tummy, like a feeling I know something is happening inside my tummy. It's the wierdest feeling ever and I cannot shift it... has anyone had that before?

... and a raised sex drive!

WOW exactly the same as me this past few weeks, let me know how it goes xx

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