did your cycles change?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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i was wondering if any of you girls cycles changed after a loss or after a d&c did they get longer or shorter? xx
Yep mine were 28-29 days easy peasy !!

i am now cd41 not pregnant and they have been rather randon since loss feb 2009.
I think mine have changed yes. I was using CBFM before my BFP and would get my peak on CD14 so ov that day or the next. Now my peaks are showing up CD17 and AF arriving 8 or 9 days later! So my cycle length has not really changed but I seem to be ovulating much later.
I am freaking out that my LP is ruined and a bean will never be able to stick.
i used to have 37 day cycles ovulating on cd 23ish but not they are 48 days long and ovulating on cd34 my doctor has reffered me to the hospital to get some tests done but i dunno how do you cope with the long cycles? xx
Hi Hun

My cycles have changed,it freeks me out because I use to be on a 28 day cycle before getting preggers with lillie. Since loosing Lillie I had a normal period then my next one didnt show for 40 days just waiting to see when my next one arrives now

nat x
Mine have changed loads since my last loss used to be between 23-36 days now they are really long first cycle was 115 days and im on day 58 today of second cycle since loss and not pregnant and no signs of af :( xxxx
Wow Ladies, those long cycles must be a killer :wacko: That must be very, very hard when TTC

Since my MMC my cycles have been anywhere from 25 to 32 days with no real pattern. I used to be a lovely, steady 29 day-er :cry:
I have resorted to a CBFM just so i can work out my fertile period, but i think i am now beginning to be able to spot it.

Does anyone know how long it should take to get regular again? Or is it ok to still be a bit up in the air? My MMC was March 09. My OH thinks i should get checked out, but i think it must be ok. I feel fine and periods seem to be fine...

hi i am in the same position as well went from regular cyclees to 29- anywher upto 45 day cycles...this cycles being the longest im on CD62!
Is very frustrating for us al
I went from OV on CD16. Then 6 weeks after my D and C I came on then for the last month been OV on cd18
Have any of you ladies been given any advice on the change of cycles? I am thinking of popping in to see the doc and maybe ask for bloods to be done again as I am sure having an 8 or 9 day LP means I can't get and/or stay pregnant. I know it is early days but as I am sure you all are too I am just desperate to be pregnant again and don't want to waste any more time (especially as I am 36 in a few weeks - arggh!).
mine were always 28 days before being pregnant the first time, then after my MMC and a D&C they went to about 35 and stayed there for a while and when we lost our last one in december they have now gone to 40 days.
my mum seems to think that i need to go see a gyno and go on the pill for about 6 months to make them more regular but apart from having a 6 week cycle it doesnt bother me that they are long cause i know they are some what regular to me if that makes sense lol
After my loss in may my cycles became very long !
AF came every 6 or 7 weeks
Last month tho was a big change, AF actualy came on CD34 which was a big difference.
So im hoping that they are starting to settle down,next one is due sometime early Feb so shall have to see !
Oh hun, I hope this doesnt mean your back to TTC :( x x x

Sweetheart, I just read your memorial and have streams of tears running down my face. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Then I saw you were pregnant again so I truely wish you all the luck in the world and am so happy to see you are enjoying this pregnancy. You deserve it to be the happiest, healthiest nine months it can be. xxx
i used to have 37 day cycles ovulating on cd 23ish but not they are 48 days long and ovulating on cd34 my doctor has reffered me to the hospital to get some tests done but i dunno how do you cope with the long cycles? xx

hunny can i ask how long ago u had your loss and did u have an ERPC or D&C at all??

back in march 08 i had a mmc and had an ERPC to remove my precious angel, after the ERPC the bleeding was near enough nothing i spotted a tiny bit for few days after returning home thought everything was fine and started charting from day 1 then about 2 weeks into my cycle (when i normally ov) i realised temps were not doing anything cm was very random one min fertile then spotting then gone, and opks were saying neg all the time, now i usually oved cd13 so that gave me 27 day cycle b4 the MMC, i got to cd27 and actually gave up everything apart from temping as i was sure i wasnt going to ov and it would be a long nasty cycle then bang cd28 temp dropped cm came bk and the spotting totally went away and temp rose accordingly....NOW i was happy but also concerned but i nednt have been, the next 3 cycles i had were mad, after the first long cycle i then got a 15 day anovulatory cycle, was totally gutted being throw bk from cd15 to cd1 again, this continued to happen every other cycle for about 5 months, one cycle would be normal and i oved around cd15-18 then cycle after would be anov again, i was so frustrated and nearly went off to docs but then all of sudden i went bk to normal only thing that changed was my ov day and still now its always around cd16 (this cycle cd19 but lost bean 3 weeks ago so not concerned).
so my point to this long reply is that after MC's ERPC's and that things can take a while to go bk to the norm and even then things may never go bk to normal they may just be later or earlier which actually isnt a concern, ur doc is right to give u a check as ur cycles do seem pretty long now but im confident in time u will change bk to ur usual cycles give or take a few days, i hope this has reassured u huns and hope things go well :dust:
I had been on the pill for 10 years before trying to concieve. As a teenager my AF was regular as clockwork at 28 days.

When I came off the pill last april my cycle was anything from 16(!) days to 32 but xince my miscarriage in October they have settled at 34 day cycles. AF is due tomorrow so keeping my fingers crossed for a no show!!
Hi guys, I just want to say sorry things have not got back to your usual cycles. Iam sure that they will settle down soon.

I do want to say for others that I seem to have been lucky and gone straight back to my 30 day cycle. ERPC 18th Nov. 1st Cycle 18th Dec then 17th Jan...so far. Hoping to chase the egg this wkend with any luck I won't be getting AF on the 16th Feb.
My cycle went from a consistent 28 day cycle to an inconsistent 27-34 day cycle. It drives me mad.
Well I used to be very regular at 23 - 25 days and have been since I came off the pill.

First cycle after erpc was 31 days which was long for me, this month it was 28 days. I suppose it's just waiting to see what happens next month really.

I really feel for all you ladies with super long cycles, that must be very hard and frustrating for you :hugs:
So third cycle in and I think I may be getting back to normal. I have been religiously shoving vit B complex down and it looks like it is working as I have a high today on my CBFM which prob means a peak tomorrow CD14 as I can already see the LH line. So fingers crossed for a longer LP this cycle - though I would prefer my BFP please!

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