I had SPD with my eldest two, with my eldest it disappeared during labour despite being absolutely horrendous throughout most of the pregnancy. With my second eldest it only appeared 10 days after he was born-the midwife said this was quite common considering how big he was and the fact I'd had it in my first pregnancy. Thankfully I haven't had it with my younger two at all xx
Hey everyone, I was trying to find this thread again but forgot what I named it.
Thanks for all the responses!
I started having hip back pain after a long work day around 15 weeks, and then it started getting awful, to now I cannot walk for more than 20 minutes without having to stop. The rest of the night and the whole next day I can't do ANYTHING. I have to spend it resting or it's just horrible.
This really upsets me because I used to be an avid runner until 2.5 months into pregnancy and now I can't do any areobic exercise unless it's in water. I don't have access to a pool either.
I hope this doesn't affect labor, and I hope it goes away after birth!!!
If I can't run again I will seriously get depressed.
That was my drug, my stress relief, my everything.
I probably shouldn't be whining as it seems a lot of you ladies had it so much worse than I do!
if you click on your USER CP it will give you all your subscribed threads so you dont have to search!!
I had SPD and it is still killing me at 8 weeks pp. I keep waiting for it to go away but it seems like alot of ladies have the problem for several months.
It does go away after birth, my symptoms eased alot right away but it took about 2 weeks for me to properly be able to walk. I still get a sore back every now and again though xx
I had it from about 4 or 5 weeks into my pregnancy! Pretty much from the day I found out I was pregnant!!! The unbearable pain went straight away after giving birth, although I still had some pain for a couple of weeks... and I can still feel it now sometimes, but it's just a niggly pain - absolutely nothing like it was when I was pregnant!!!
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