Do they understand yet?


Mummy of a prince
Jan 12, 2008
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Josh has a rabbit kaloo fluff and seems to love it so much. When he starts being a bit cranky I give it to him and it seems to soothe him. I always bring Mr.Lapin (the fluff name..) everywhere we go. We went out yesterday and I had forgotten Mr. Lapin. Oh dear! Josh was so cranky!

My husband say he doesn't understand yet... But I'm sure he does with the smell of his fluff (smells like his home.)


Ps: This is what he's always like when Mr. Lapin is around
Aw, that is so cute! I think babies do understand, they know smells from birth and he is latching onto one that is familiar and sort of a comfy blankie! My daughter has not found anything like that yet and she will be 9 months soon. But he is just liking the familiarity of the bear. There is nothing wrong with that, he is only a baby, after all. :)

It is just reassuring for him, so sweet. :)
yes i think they understand too, its a comfort thing for them. He looks so sweet with his rabbit hes so gorgeous xxx
jack is the same he loves his moo chew and muslin with him to sleep and when we go out if he doesnt have them he gets cranky to x

come 3 years old Josh will still be carrying around that teddy:happydance: Joe has one, and its thread-bare but he loves it and yep he started in around Joshs age so yep he definitely knows:cloud9:
Aww, that is too sweet, he loves his little rabbit.
OMG, how cuuute!! He loves his little friend!
That is so sweet. I'm sure they know, Erica also has a bunny she always has to have, especially when going to sleep. Its name is Mr. Bun Buns lol... Yet he is pink. :dohh:
Josh is sooo adorable with his bunny!

Here is Erica with Mr. Bun Buns, hes right there next to her...
I think they do! Jack has a snuggle blanket for in the day and then a special one for nighttimes, then he knows it's night and bedtime :)
of course they understand... especially at 5 months... they are clever :)

the texture and as you say the smell.... soothes him!!

My LO loves music... especially chris brown and neyo... seriously stops her crying :):)
Oh definatly. I am working on getting Bren to accept one. here it is.

I have worn it under my clothes, and now when I am nursing him, I put it in his arms. I hope he goes for it as I bought 3 of them, so if one is ever lost, I have a back up!
Oh definatly. I am working on getting Bren to accept one. here it is.

I have worn it under my clothes, and now when I am nursing him, I put it in his arms. I hope he goes for it as I bought 3 of them, so if one is ever lost, I have a back up!

Oh it's gorgeous!!!! I've been wanting to get some more for Josh but haven't found any store that had the same. Been on the Kaloo website and they do that thing called lost and found and you can get the same... I'll have to do this!!!
I do definatley think they understand.
Alex had duck-duck, a big yellow duck lol.

My cousin kayleigh had the most bizarre comforter ive ever heard of though.
She liked tags, like the tags on knickers or vests, the double ones that you can rub together to make a little sound, and she literally could not go to sleep without a pair of knickers or a vest or something or even a teddy wia double label to rub together and if we were at a family party or something her mam would have to take knickers with her so she could settle her :rofl:
Yes they do understand! Well i think so anyway. lol When Ella was born i had a comfort blanket ... Georgie ... And i just used to lay it with her where ever she was and she is 2 in december and she has it with her all day every day. She wont sleep without it and if she cant find him she wont stop hunting until he is in her arms lol. He even sits on the side of the bath whilst she is in there, she wont leave him anywhere! I have had to replace him about 6 times (with the exact same one) as he had fallen out of pushchair and after retracing steps couldnt find him! lol I would definatly buy some for spares! Your pic is gorgeous! xx
I think they understand too! And that picture is soooooo cute
That is so cute. Marlowe has a pink blanket that she likes to chew on as she's falling asleep. I think they do understand.
They do understand hun, that picture is adorable
I do definatley think they understand.
Alex had duck-duck, a big yellow duck lol.

My cousin kayleigh had the most bizarre comforter ive ever heard of though.
She liked tags, like the tags on knickers or vests, the double ones that you can rub together to make a little sound, and she literally could not go to sleep without a pair of knickers or a vest or something or even a teddy wia double label to rub together and if we were at a family party or something her mam would have to take knickers with her so she could settle her :rofl:

She would be in heaven with these products. There is a whole line of products with 'tags' on them.

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