Do u think u knew...deep down?


expecting #4
Nov 22, 2008
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ok so i had a MC nearly a month ago now and something has been bothering me the whole time since, now it maybe just me but heres what happened to me....
the day i got my bfp i was elated as all of us are and would be, anyways once the excitement went down and the thought of being preg again settled this voice in my head (not literally lol) was saying to me "its not going to work this time", now its not like i kept thinking about it over the days i was preg but it was something that kept creeping back into my head, its like sub-consciously i knew my bean wouldnt stick and i was right maybe mother intuition? but i just feel like maybe my thoughts caused this but then that would just be stupid thinking right? its just odd coz my first ever MC i had back in 08 i had the same feelings for that pregnancy too and it ended the same way a early MC.
ok so my point is did any of you ladies get this or is it just me? im sorry if this post has upset anyone but it something that keeps coming into my mind and i feel unless i talk about it its not gonna shift if that makes sense, i know i done nothing wrong and the MC was NOT my fault but i just cant get over the fact i "knew" it was gonna happen b4 it did, last time i thought was maybe just coincidence and normal early preg fear but now i know it wasnt please say someone here has had the same thing and can give me comfort on this one :flow: xxx
To a degree I kind of knew it was different, but I put it down to the fact I had a hcg trigger shot with ds and progesterone so of course Id feel different. But from about 7 weeks ish I just knew that id lost the baby. No particular reason, I just felt like I knew it was over but didnt miscarry till 13 weeks, and have no proof of when I miscarried so that bugs me.

Maybe it was intuition :hugs:
I think i did. I cant really explain it but something in the back of my mind was telling me something wasn't right.
oh godness so its not just me then, chocolate and scarlett im sorry to hear of ur losses.
also congrats scarlett on ur :bfp: and choclate huns it will be our turn to soon scarlett can saves us seats over in preg after loss :flow:
I had a feeling like that! When i done my test it was faint i was only 5 wks so i put it down to me being early as with my son i didnt find out till i was 10 weeks so my tests were really dark! Anyway when i found out i was happy but i felt like something in me wouldnt let me be excited it was weird cos we were trying since the august and then i got mx bfp on the 30th of dec and i just couldnt feel excited! My friend was more excited! Then 2 days after i got my bfp i started to m/c! I believe somewhere in my head and body knew that it was not going to happen! So yeah i understand exactly what u are saying! X x x
Hope its ok that i popped in. With my 1st pregnancy i felt that way. I new deep down that i wasnt gonna get a baby this time. Even though i had no experince i just had a feeling that something wasnt right. Then i started spotting brown and the doctor said its normal and i new it wasnt. I then miscarried. Its strange isnt it how we can no. This pregnancy however ii felt totally different. I even spotted at the exact same time. I even had a period type bled at 8 weeks. My head tried to tell me its all over but in my heart i new she would be ok. I have been a nervous wreck and still have a few weeks to go. But i did feel very different this time.
Hope its ok that i popped in. With my 1st pregnancy i felt that way. I new deep down that i wasnt gonna get a baby this time. Even though i had no experince i just had a feeling that something wasnt right. Then i started spotting brown and the doctor said its normal and i new it wasnt. I then miscarried. Its strange isnt it how we can no. This pregnancy however ii felt totally different. I even spotted at the exact same time. I even had a period type bled at 8 weeks. My head tried to tell me its all over but in my heart i new she would be ok. I have been a nervous wreck and still have a few weeks to go. But i did feel very different this time.

this is exactly how i feel and what i mean, im so glad its not just me having this happen i think out intuition sometimes is totally mad i mean how does ur brain know b4 it happens, i just knew this baby wasnt going to happen but i cnt explain why i felt like that, god its so odd thanks for all replies ladies im feeling much better\now for talking about it xxxx
i felt exactly the same.

the day i got my BFP (9DPO) i was absolutely jumping around happy. Then the next day i started having the 'what if' scenario going round my head, and although i was happy, i felt like it would never actually work out. Even when i was feeling queasy all day from wk4-6, i didnt think it would actually result in me having my baby. i felt that way all the way up until i started brown spotting just before 7wks, and then i KNEW it was over, even tho the Dr said it was 'normal' i KNEW it wasnt. I hadnt felt sick for a week and all my other symptoms had disappeared.
Then the bleeding started, and got steadily heavier, and although i felt (and still do) immense sadness, i knew all along thats what was going to happen :(
Hi there, yes me too. Was v excited when I got my BFP but whenever I told anyone I always said not to tell anyone else as it might not happen - also possibly as I have PCOS and had found out my chance of miscarriage was 45% than intuition. I also remember thinking I couldn't picture myself with a baby even though we had been trying since May then 3 weeks later I find out I am having a mc- had been picturing having a baby for ages and then when I found out I was pg i couldn't.
I have had the same thoughts of "maybe I thought myself in to a miscarriage" but, logically, if this was possible there would be no such thing as an unwanted baby - I don't think you could cause it just by thinking it but maybe you can be aware that something isn't right. hx
I kind of agree with you all.

I wanted this baby so much so tried to block out all of the strange negative thoughts that were creeping in - almost like I felt I was tempting fate. I had no bleeding and no pain - I had symptoms of pregnancy (although these had never been REALLY strong)

Then we had the scan and was told and I just thought "I knew it" even though on some level I also thought that a mc would never happen to me! It was a very confusing time (and still is) because I was full of PMA on the outside but deep down I had a little niggle that wouldn't go away!

I'm so sorry for your losses
Crikey I thought this was just me!! I think I just thought it was too good to be true. Had waited so long for mr right then waited so long for him to sort out money probs and us to settle in a house.

Wen I was telling my friends kept telling them that I was hoping it was gona stick. Wen the brown spotting started they kept saying it was normal but I knew deep down it was going. I think I even pushed oh hand away from my tummy at one point!

Hoping next time I will ' know' this one is here to stay x
I'm in the same boat. I was SO excited, and SO ready to be a mum that when I get my BFP, I was skeptical, to say the least. I didn't think it would be that easy for us to get preg. My DH kept wanting to go out and purchase maternity clothes, and baby books, but I never wanted to do those things, I just felt DEEP down that I wouldn't "need" them. I ended up getting the books and a journal, but I never wrote in it because I felt I'd be wasting it... My friends also told me that spotting was normal, but I knew it wasn't normal for me...
I was the same! With this last one it was almost a relief when it failed again, I know that sounds yuck but I knew it had stalled big time and it was the wondering when that was killing me. I had told dh all along dont get excited, its not going to work. I dont care what anyone says, all the PMA in the world is not going to make a non-viable pregnancy work, if it did we would all still have our babies! I didnt have a clue with the second one though, that one was a shock, never thought anything was wrong and thought it was a keeper!:wacko:
I think it's possible to have intuition ahead of time, but I don't think it's possible to think yourself into a miscarriage. Every mother must have those horrible "what if" thoughts - and if all of them came true, there would be no human race. It's not like your fear of miscarrying could be stronger than your desire to hold your little one safe and healthy nine months down the road...

And forgive my crassness - but if getting rid of a baby was as easy as thinking it gone, there'd be no abortion clinics.
I hope you don't mind me popping in here. At the beginning of my pregnancy I had a troubled couple of weeks. I had a suspected ectopic because I was having severe stomach pains. At 7 weeks the pregnancy was confirmed and there was a strong heartbeat but from that moment I had a funny feeling that not everything was as good as it seemed. Then just after the 12 week scan I started having vivid dreams about my baby dying at 25 weeks. :cry: They were horrible horrible dreams and I still had that feeling that something wasn't right. Well my feeling was confirmed at the 20 week scan and we found out our little snowdrop was seriously ill. As for the dreams - I gave birth to my darling daughter at exactly 25 weeks!

So yes deep down I knew something was wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. :cry:

I hope this doesn't upset anyone :hugs:
can totally relate i had a gut feeling something wasnt right i had quite back stomach pains so went ane where they did emergency scan to check for eptopic, they could see the baby but no heartbeat so had to come back following week for another even though i was sure that we were 7weeks it was measuring at 5, the heartbeat was found the next one then a few weeks later it was gone..
I knew deep down too.
I started spotting at 7 weeks. Even had a scan with a heart beat. Was told 'everything is ok. Don't worry you're just naturally being anxious.....'

I knew it wasn't to be.

Didn't make it hurt any less at 11 weeks when it was finally all over though :-(
I just had to comment on this thread as it really struck a cord...I got my BFP really quickly (trying for a matter of weeks) and was absolutely exstatic! But I knew it wasn't going to be OK. I would try and make myself believe it was just nerves and natural to wonder "what if?" So I subscribed to a monthly email thing that updated you on your baby's development through to birth and even as I was subscribing I was thinking "Whe I miscarry I'll have to unsubscribe from this..." How wrong is that!? Unfortunately just a week after my BFP I started spotting, a few weeks of blood tests, scans and examinations followed until I was diagnosed with an ectopic, Sadly I lost my left tube in the process. I agree though, it doesn't make losing a baby any easier. Sorry for your losses girls.
I got my bfp and was over the moon! I thought "that was easy" "I am so lucky"! Few days later I had a sharp, intense stabbing pain that stopped me in my tracks. I thought instantly - it's ectopic. Don't know why, the pain was apparently from a corpus luteum cyst on the other side and not the ectopic....but I just knew. I was on holiday at the time and a local GP examined me and said everything was fine. I kept insisting it was ectopic and asked to be referred to a radiologist. Emergency surgery ensued :cry:
No doubt about it - a woman's intuition is a force to be reckoned with :smug:
I've known with all my losses. With my 2 pregnancys that went well i was so relaxed. 1 test done with morgan (& even that i left till 6 weeks).
Then i had a chemical pregnancy and knew it wouldnt stick and accepted it before even getting the positive.
3 tests done with amelie - 2 ic and a clear blue. I didn't even wait for the line to get super strong and just relaxed. Knicker watch lasted 1-2 weeks with amelie.
With the most recent chemical and m/c i couldn't stop testing - i knew something was wrong and i suppose was looking for reassurance which i did get with the m/c as my lines were getting stronger but wouldn't accept i would get a baby from that. I told my hubby the day before i started bleeding that i had lost it.

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