Do u think u knew...deep down?

I think I also knew....

I kept taking test to check that I was pregnant, and then had a dream at about 6 weeks gone when I dreamt that I had a miscarriage. At 9 weeks I started spotting and had an early scan where we found the baby had no heartbeat and was measuring 6 weeks
I started to suspect when I had an early scan and they put me back 8 days because I knew my dates and exactly when we conceived. But I convinced myself it was all ok. Like others here, I was obsessed with testing, I did tests every week. Unfortunately at the 12 week scan they said the sac was empty - but I had a weird feeling that there wouldn't be a baby at the end of it. That was my 3rd mc.
Now I'm taking it one day at a time. I've only done 2 tests - one was early so I did the second to make sure. I haven't even been to the doctors yet - scared the same thing will happen again. I'm trying to be more positive though!
Hi hun with my first ever loss no I didnt know I think because I had had two children so I had never experienced a loss.

With my second I didnt even know I was pregnant so no again

But with my 3/4/5 yes I knew, u see with my first two PG I knew at 4 weeks the day AF was missed as I had morning sickness so strong and this continued right through till 6 months with both. With these losses I had NO MORNING SICKNESS and I also bled and spotted constantly so I knew that they werent right. With the MMC last June, I got to 9 weeks and lost but I knew from 5 weeks as I had heavy bleeding and despite 3 scans where bubs had grown and we saw a HB 3 days after the last scan it stopped and so did the bleeding, I lost my symptoms and the MC was confirmed 2 days later.

With my ectopic I knew because the digi didnt move up and I had - the best I can describe - a smudge like bleed so i knew it was a loss again. to be honest i will never enjoy a pregnancy again I dont think. I will always be looking for blood and/or loss of symptoms.
I'm the same, I let myself get excited for a day when I got my bfp, but then the niggles started to creep in, but I told myself I was just worrying after the last MC in October...but then the pains started, and 4 hours later the bleeding started, and I just thought 'I knew this was gona happen'. I really do feel like I'm never gona have my very own baby :(
I think I knew also. Before we went to the beach, we went to the dr and had an ultrasound, even heard and saw a heartbeat. But we werent sure of the due date, so he wanted me to come back when we got back. While we were the I just wasn't feeling something and I just keep praying for some signs that there was still a baby. I never got sick but had other symptoms. There werent anymore signs and when we went back to the dr, there was no heartbeat. Just the feeling was the only sign. I had the feeling I was pregnant and the feeling I wasn't.
I knew too, even though I didn't want to admit it. Sunday I was booking in with the midwife and I said, I know this sounds funny, but I hope they find something in there when they scan... then Monday, I bled, MMC confirmed on scan and today it is all over. My mum said i said the same thing couple weeks earlier.

My first pregnancy was completely different, It didn't even enter my head that there wouldn't be a heartbeat at the twelve week scan, and everything was fine, i sailed through the nine months no probs

This time round, I have had few incidences of spotting and even though doc and people assured me that no two pregs were the same, I have to say that it just didn't feel right to me. In fact, I couldn't really picture the new baby and the four of us together. So yes, I do think, listen to your intuition....

On another note, a few months ago, I had seen a psychic. She didn't mention another baby so I asked her. She stared into space and after a while said, well I can see two ( I had never intended more than one more pregnancy), so I asked if it as twins - she said this is what i am trying to clarify - then she said no, they are very, very close together/similar in age and I can catergorically say that one of them is a girl..... spooky, I just hope that the second one she was seeing is actually a live birth and not another mmc - sorry but its only a matter of days and I am pretty negative at the moment...
Im always terribly ill thru my pregnancies and my last started the same
By around 6-7 weeks it seemed to wane off,at first i thought this is great at last a pregnancy were i dont throw up for months and months!!
But then i started to get these thoughts something was wrong,had little pangs of pain,i just knew it was so different from carrying the boys, so went to my midwife and told her my fears,she said exactly this to me
"if youre going to have a mc nothing will stop it"! I asked her could i get scanned to put my mind at rest,now i was roughly 11-12weeks at that point and she said the resources were stretched at my local hos and due to lack of staff i would have to wait til 17weeks for my normal 12 week scan!!
I wasnt imprest but tbh nothing i could do!!
That was 24th August,all that week it kept on,the doubts,the niggling pain and on Bank Hol monday(31st)i found myself wet and checked there was a bit of brown blood and i knew i just knew my little 1 had gone.
I think as a mum you just know!!You are carrying this little 1,and you know when somethings not right!!
I knew deep down. I just felt from the moment I got the BFP, that it was "different". With my other pregnancies, I wrote the weeks down on the calendar, told everyone, and never worried that I would m/c. It just felt different. The night before I started bleeding, I realized I didn't feel pregnant anymore and that night at work, I was freaking out. I knew then. I prayed and prayed when i got home that I was being paranoid. When I woke up the next afternoon (I work 11p-7a), I was spotting. Mothers know. We know our bodies and I think we just know deep down when the little one has gone.
i definately knew. my sister had bought me a baby book with my first pregnancy & i remember saying to her 'why have you got me this, there isn't going to be a baby, i just know it' i remember feeling evil saying it to her when she was so excited for me but i just knew that it would end & a week later i started bleeding :cry:

the second time was just before xmas 09, my digis didn't go up from 1-2 so i knew that it wouldn't work out. i just couldn't imagine being pregnant over the summer either as i had a dream i was digging my garden & i had a tiny little bump but it was really hot, well i would of been due 28th august so i would of had a huge bump by then. i know it sounds stupid, it was just a dream but it was so real.

its easy to think our bodies have failed us, but if we all knew deep down, then really, our bodies prepared us in a way, for the sad loss of our babies. i know i dealt with it better because i had it in my mind that it wouldn't work out.

oops...sorry for the essay lol

hayley xxx
I knew something wasnt right with my pregnancy. I had really bad morning sickness, to the point where i couldnt move without feeling like id been on a merry go round. I was hoping that it was because maybe i was carrying a boy. (My two other children are girls and i had no morning sickness)

On a sunday i felt great and even pointed out to hubby that my stomach had flattened. Monday afternoon i started bleeding.

After i miscarried i thought back to my first midwife appointment and i remember feeling my stomach and saying 'oh not to worry, but i cant feel your womb as its still quite low'

Something just told me i wouldnt carry full term :(
I knew. I was very, very sick with morning sickness to the point that I was on meds just so I could keep food down. I felt horrible and for some reason, I couldn't shake a negative attitude I had that something bad was going to happen.
I knew, i had really bad ms, fainting, sore boobs, no cramps or bleeding but i knew, i told my oh, the midwife and doc no one believed me eventually i was sent for an early dating scan and told i was fine my dates were just wrong. But they were wrong and it was an mmc x x x
i knew with my ectopic and knew with my m/c's something just didnt feel right and even after the docs sending me home saying i had miscarried and performed a d n c i said to them 'your wrong im still pregnant' after weeks of pain and them not listening finally (just in time may i add) i was rushed to theatre and indeed it was a ectopic as i thought.

This one, now i had funny feelings all thro, i normally tell everyone cuse i cant keep me mouth shut that im pregnant from the minute i find out, i did with my 2 boys but this time i wanted to keep it quiet till 12 weeks, i dont know why i guess just instincts that something may be up. Then i had a scan at 6wks - fine, 8wks - fine 10wks -fine and then i thought, ok maybe im just being abit silly and started telling everyone as i was showing pretty good too being my 6th pregnancy in all!...

Well after getting excited i had a scan again at 14 weeks and well my fears were confirmed and our baby had problems and then later after weeks of testing he had Patau Syndrome and i had to give birth to my baby boy. So yes i do think we do have 'intuitions' i did start to relax abit with this one but i still in my head was not 'fully relaxed' altho i just kept saying to myself... who ever is?? x
My first MC I knew.... i just never felt pregnant and i just had a feeling.

I then had a boy.

My 2nd loss i was devastated... i knew i was pregnant for about 4 days before testing, i felt EXACTLY the same way as i did with my son, and I could have sworn that it was all going to be ok...i felt so positive about it.... but it wasn't!

Its so wierd what our bodies and minds do to us!

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