I knew too, even though I didn't want to admit it. Sunday I was booking in with the midwife and I said, I know this sounds funny, but I hope they find something in there when they scan... then Monday, I bled, MMC confirmed on scan and today it is all over. My mum said i said the same thing couple weeks earlier.
My first pregnancy was completely different, It didn't even enter my head that there wouldn't be a heartbeat at the twelve week scan, and everything was fine, i sailed through the nine months no probs
This time round, I have had few incidences of spotting and even though doc and people assured me that no two pregs were the same, I have to say that it just didn't feel right to me. In fact, I couldn't really picture the new baby and the four of us together. So yes, I do think, listen to your intuition....
On another note, a few months ago, I had seen a psychic. She didn't mention another baby so I asked her. She stared into space and after a while said, well I can see two ( I had never intended more than one more pregnancy), so I asked if it as twins - she said this is what i am trying to clarify - then she said no, they are very, very close together/similar in age and I can catergorically say that one of them is a girl..... spooky, I just hope that the second one she was seeing is actually a live birth and not another mmc - sorry but its only a matter of days and I am pretty negative at the moment...