Do you know why your angels died - Update for me

Thanks for replies. I chased hospital up today as still not heard anything. They contacted patholigist who said had sent out full report on 14th March and hospital dont have. So they are resending and I have to phone tomorrow to make an appt.
I was told the reason for my preterm labor was probably an infection... But just got all my results back last Friday & she and I was perfectly healthy, no infections... So, guess that falls under... Unlucky : (

Hope if we do try again, they can put a cerclage in as soon as I find out I'm preg..

My angel was taken from me 9 days ago... Emma Gail♥
I didn't have Beau tested but with the fall and there being large blood clots on the placenta, they put it down to a placental abruption.
I should get the results this week . They think it was Trisomy 18 and if it was then I wont blame myself as much. :cry::cry::cry: I lost her March 3rd but it feels like yesterday :cry:
we didnt ever get a reason. PM results all came back normal, then I had another miscarriage at 12 weeks 6 months after and so had tests on us which all came back normal. But now I am having another miscarriage - early one this time.

So sorry if this doesn't help - doesn't mean it'll happen to you.
Good Luck xxxxxx
i got all results except one back ysterday and everything was clear. they cant find any reason why i lost Lily at 22 weeks other than bad luck... my doctor sort of put things in 0perspective and said im lucky they didnt find anything because if they did then i might need treatment etc to get pregnant! he sai i should be thankful that im healthy and have had no complications and i can ttc straight away. theres one more test they did to see if my blood is clotting too much which can cause clots in the placenta umbilical cord etc but he said he's 99%sure that will come back clear.

ill never get over Lily but i know theres nothing i did wrong and im blessed to have had her in my life for the little time i had her. love you always angel xxx

fingers crossed for a sticky bean next time! xxxx
Yes and No - I know that I had PPROM at 20.6 weeks and this led to our babies lungs not developing and our baby coming at 27 weeks (and the complications of extreme prematurity). But we are never going to know why I had PPROM - I had none of the 'factors' that make your high risk, and no infection - it has been put down to the annoying phrase of 'one of those things'. It drove me mad at first but in time I have learnt to accept that I will never know why this happened (I then went on to have a baby in feburary this year where ironically I had to be induced at 39 weeks dut to bp problems).
My Kyle was tested for chromosomal abnormalities. Nothing found. Everything was normal up until he died. I dont have any results back for my most recent angel, but the NT scan and bloods showed everything was normal and I saw the heartbeat on U/S three days before he/she died. My GP is going to run some tests for me for clotting disorders.
My seven early miscarriages are most likely due to my clotting disorders, Honey was a mix of PROM at 28 weeks, no waters for 8 weeks, placental problems because of the above and medical negligence, and Riley Rae is having a post mortem so hopefully I will get answers at my next appointment on the 21st June, I think we will either get told it was a placental problem or chromosone. :cry:
Wow, we have almost identical stories babesx3. Congrats on your pregnancy, BTW. I also had a mmc at 18 weeks - full pm & bloods, baby measured 17+3 & no reason why it happened. No chromosomal abnormalities, placenta problems, etc. I'm also turning 38 this fall but unfortunately I'm still to scared to try again. We really do want another but I'm still not sure I can handle if something 'unlucky' were to happen.

i had a full post mortema nd full bloods taken from me... i had a mmc at 18 weeks , my baby had died about 17 +3
They found no reason at all for his death. there was nothing wrong with him he was perfect. nothing wrong with me , my blood, cord or placenta... just unlucky doesn't really feel so good :(
Makes me fear a LOT for this baby...
although i'm not sure if having a reason would make u feel any better..:( although i guess it would give them something to test for in the future...
I am 38 in september by the way!! :friends:
Thanks for the responses. I am glad I found out the reason why I lost Zac, it has given me a little peace knowing why.
:hugs::hugs: sweetie, I am 'glad' you have answers
We lost Freya at 20 weeks due to clotting in the placenta. We don't have reasons for our other losses. xx
I lost Ava at 18 weeks 7 weeks ago and I got the report and the cells did not grow :cry: My doc said it was definitely NOT downs or Trisomy 18, he said it was 99 percent a chromosomal problem but they just don't know which chromosome, how could that be? I am totally confused and I am getting more depressed everyday over this. :cry::cry:
I lost Ava at 18 weeks 7 weeks ago and I got the report and the cells did not grow :cry: My doc said it was definitely NOT downs or Trisomy 18, he said it was 99 percent a chromosomal problem but they just don't know which chromosome, how could that be? I am totally confused and I am getting more depressed everyday over this. :cry::cry:

I am so sorry it is horrible not getting any answers. It just seems awful when they can't tell us why these things happen. Are they going to do any further testing on you and your partner or anything?
I lost Ava at 18 weeks 7 weeks ago and I got the report and the cells did not grow :cry: My doc said it was definitely NOT downs or Trisomy 18, he said it was 99 percent a chromosomal problem but they just don't know which chromosome, how could that be? I am totally confused and I am getting more depressed everyday over this. :cry::cry:

I am so sorry it is horrible not getting any answers. It just seems awful when they can't tell us why these things happen. Are they going to do any further testing on you and your partner or anything?

No not at this time :hugs:
Hi Girls,
I just got my results back today. Actually I was at work and accessed the hospital pathology system. I dont know how to read all the results, but I do understand the parts I need to. Baby was a little girl (it was VERY important to me to find this out) and there were "no aneuploidy or unbalanced chromosomal rearrangement was detected". The exact same results as my little boy who I lost at 14w+1 last year.
I had blood taken today. I have asked my GP to test me for a range of clotting disorders. Hopefully, i'll have the results back soon. Will keep you ladies posted. I refuse to accept "bad luck" as the results of two second tri losses and two early losses.

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