I could have written half of these as well. My ex and I split a month after I had my son, but to be honest I should have kicked him out way before. 2 days after we split he was dating an 18 year old he worked with (he's 28 and I'm 32). He started seeing his kids once a week for a couple of hours initially but only when it was convienient, he then wanted me to take them to him all the time, provide nappies and formula etc yet gave me no money for support. It's been 5 months now since he's seen them, he sent ds a present with his mum (kids grandma) on his birthday and my dds pressie too which was 3 months late!! He tried inviting himself to my sons birthday party at my house when he hasn't seen the kids for 5 months and I refused, said he could come up any other time but didn't want his party ruined by this stranger who my son doesn't know, he apparently took that to mean I have said he can't see the kids.
He also was begging for pictures of the kids (usually with a response from me of "why don't you come and see them then you can take your own pictures"). He's been using the pics I've sent to post on Facebook so that everyone thinks he's a great dad. Meanwhile I'm being made out to be th bad guy when he can't even be arsed to come and see them or give any child support! Too busy with his 18 year old gf (who is amazingly still with him almost a year later!).