Absolutely, Quartz, all really good points! I hadn't actually considered differences in vision, probably because this has happened with a range of ages from younger than me to very elderly. I know you don't have to be elderly to have vision problems, of course - I had surgery on one of my eyes as a small child to correct defective vision.
I'm absolutely not getting riled up about it! it's not worth getting annoyed, it just causes me a bit of mild irritation to correct people, as it's embarrassing for them and for me! I could just not bother correcting them, but then they go on to ask 'his' name, and she has a very feminine name so it's then obvious, lol.
it just seems to be happening a LOT lately...twice more yesterday! I used to get it fairly regularly but this last week it's been at least 10 times! Still, I'm not going to wish away her babyhood by wishing she was older and more obviously a girl
That said, we did have some 'oh look at that beautiful baby girl!' comments yesterday, which made me burst with pride