Hi ladies!
Sorry it's been a while.... I've been stalking but never got round to updating
First of all huge congrats to Lotus Womb - so happy for you and can't wait to see a piccie
Morebabies - sorry things are so tough at the moment, hoping the end is in sight.
Mrs Eddies - yay for head down! Not long for you now either
Hope Annio is ok, looking forward to more baby news
And hope everyone else is doing ok - iowbird got Fx'd you get your BFP this cycle!
I am ok, have found first tri hard work. Been vomiting sometimes 8/9 times a day and have struggled with low blood pressure, dizziness etc. My job is quite physically demanding and I've struggled with my shifts, had to ring in sick a few times or have come in and only lasted a couple of hours before being ordered home... The nurses I work with are being ridiculously protective of me, I could easily get used to it! But this week things seem to be settling a bit, stopped vomiting although the nausea persists and a bit more energy than I have had. So hoping the bad bits are on their way out, either way it's more than worth it!
Get my 12 week scan on Friday. By my previous scans I'm a few days ahead of my tickers but thought I'd get my official EDD at this scan before I update them. I bought a second-hand doppler off eBay which arrived last week and little one's heart is going nice and strong, about 170 whenever I listen
Hopefully I'll manage to stay in touch more now I'm feeling better!