So sorry. I was given about a 60% chance of my fet working and I was so devastated that is didn't take so I know exactly how you feel. On the positive side FET's really are easier than fresh transfers. I was on b/c, Lupron, crinone 8% gel, climara patches, estradiol, vitamin d, prenatal, aspirin, doxycycline, prednisone...I think that is it. There are a lot of protocols so yours could be different. I know some ladies even do non-medicated fets. Basically I had one vaginal u/s to make sure all was ok in there. Then I took my meds according to my schedule and didn't see the fs again until it was close to transfer time. I only had two u/s's during my actual cycle. Emotionally I felt good during my FET, much better than I had felt during my fresh. Unfortunately my first FET didn't work so I am going march 13 for an u/s and if all is ok I will be getting a schedule for my second FET with my last two embies. Praying they both survive the thaw and make themselves cozy. How many embryos do you have?