does anyone suffer/have anxiety?


mummy to 2 boys xx
Dec 31, 2009
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Was wondering if anyone suffers with this wether u could explain your symptoms and the way it makes you feel/affects your daily life i think i may be suffering from it but im. Not sure??
Its going to be completely different to each person, there are also many types of anxiety (i.e. Generalised/Social/Phobias), there is also panic attacks which are different again, but can be a symptom of anxiety problems. If you believe that you have anxiety then you are best to contact your doctor who will assess you on a personal level. There are also many treatments for anxiety, not just drugs. You will find something suitable that will reduce your anxiety for you.

I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder, most of the time it isn't obvious. But I constantly worry and feel like I have a weight baring down on my chest. Sometimes it gets so bad that I cannot breathe, which is often suggested as a panic attack. It also causes me not to be able to sleep at night and I think about the worse case senarios in most situations. I also cannot stand any kind of surprise.

It is a very complex thing, so that is only a very basic idea of how I feel most of the time.
Thank you for replying i feel like this alot of the time im sonstantly stressing about such small situations and always think about the worst possible things and outcomes to situations i find im always worrying about my health all the time and i find alot of the time it interferes with my daily life and social situations as i always feel like people are judging me i have very little confidence i just dont know how to approach the gp about it i kind of feel embarassed and try and ignore it but i cant ?
No, you certainly can't ignore it. I'm afraid that without some kind of intervention it is unlikely to get better on its own.
If you go to your GP, take a list of all your symptoms. So you don't forget any while you're talking, I often find it easier to just hand them the piece of paper. The GP may ask you to fill out a questionnaire which will assess the severity of your anxiety/depression. They will then probably discuss the options of medications and counselling. Please bear in mind that tablets will only treat the symptoms and not the cause, so it is likely that if you came off the meds it could return.
You will most likely be offered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Which is an extremely useful therapy which changes your thought processes to reduce anxiety. It doesn't sound like it would work but it does! Butit there is often a 6 month waiting list for it.

Don't be worried about speaking to your GP, he/she has probably dealt with at least 10 patients with similar symptoms just TODAY! There is not such a taboo or negative view on mental health anymore. And it's extremely important to keep healthy!
I have horiffic anxiety. Generalised as well as social.

I always think the worst of everything. For example, if OH is late home, in my head I will become convinced that he's been hurt/hit by a car/stabbed etc, this then leads me to have panic attacks. I do the same if one of the kids is ill/hurts themselves. I do this whenever anything unexpected happens.

I don't sleep due to worry. About everything and nothing. I have a huge phobia of being alone, especially at night. I'm always scared that OH will leave me (not that there's a reason to) when I was younger I was scared my mum would leave and never come back.

I'm scared of death. I'm very shy, I struggle in day to day life as I find it very very difficult to make phonecalls.

I build up everything into a huge deal in my head. I often feel like everything is too much and I can't breath. I make myself sick with worry. It's horrible.

I'm really suffering to be honest, I don't know how to cope anymore, I feel like no one understands me.
Thank you im going to call and see if i can get a appointment sometime this week do you ever have days when sometimes maybe you are just over reacting and you dont suffer from anxiety before you was diagnosed? I used to be so happy and carefree and enjoyed life now i just seem to be this miserable moody cow that always sees the negatives in everything x
No mine was always clear that this was what it was. I also have/had depression (which was diagnosed first) so I put it down to that a lot.
i have a panic disorder i constantly think the worst is going to happen. when im having an 'attack' i feel one of two things 1. i feel my throat is really tight or 2. just feel like im about to die :(
i go through phases of them being really bad almost a daily occurance or not having one for months.
deffo go and she your GP, also there are some great self help tips on the nhs website!!

dont suffer on your own! hope you feel better soon xxx
Thank you i just feel like its stopping me from enjoying and living my life i just feel so stressed out by it at the moment i dont feel either i have anyone i can talk to as no one will understand me im just finding it over whelming and my son has been diagnosed with adhd a couple of weeks ago its just all mounting on top but im not very good at expressing myself alot of the time i will bottle things up!!
Has anyone ever had a sensation that they can hear there heartbeat/pulse in there ears? Ive google it and now its some up with allsorts of things to do with your heart etc but it can also be linked with anxiety ive made myself so paranoid now :( i feel sick with worry!!!!
Ive recently posted in home life and relationships about this.
last week went to the doctors and prescribed antidepressants for both depression and anxiety because i went so long before i dealt with it, it caused depression.

best thing ive done is tell the doctor :)
yes i hear my heart beat, and i can sometimes feel it thruogh out my heart actually races, it has got to about 140bpm, but all my ECGS have been normal so they say it is my panic attacks.

have you booked a appt to see GP? x
Oh i also have SVT - a heart condition which causes a rapid increase in heartrate, it can only be slowed with meds at A&E.
this doesnt help my anxiety either!
I have anixety and yeh I feel my pulse I also get breast bone pain from being so Anixious. I went to see a cargoligist had to echoes ecgs more than 10 24 hr ecgs 48 hr ECG and a 3 month one all said no problem and just anixety when you think you feel tour pulse the more your think about it the worse it gets. I really feel for you it's awful I worry I'll die non stop. X
I was suffering from anxiety and went to the dr. I was treated with cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt) and it absolutely turned my life around. Best thing I ever did! Don't be embarrassed, go to a dr you like and trust and let them help you! That's what they're there for :flower: xxx
My god I'm glad I read this! I have today been to see my dr as my anxiety has got so bad I have woken up in the night with a rapid heart rate and had to calm myself down! I shake all the time and convinced I have something wrong with me! I have had several ECG in the past all normal. The doctor seemed great this to
E and after a further ECG and blood tests to rule out thyroid problems I'm hoping I can have therapy or something to make things better x x
Well.........i had my appointment and i couldnt do it i couldnt tell them i was so embarassed to mention that i think i am suffering with anxiety problems but i do have a issue with my ears which is why i can hear my pulse so bad i just dont know i couldnt do it it just wouldnt come out my mouth and now i feel silly......but i have also looking into something that could be making it worse i had my son 9 months ago and i have been feeling totally shit since ive had it i thought it was down to being a new mum again and coping with 2 kids etc and i take the mini pill and i have been looking up that this can cause or make anxiety/depression worse than it is or cause it to develop and thinking about it its been since i started this so i havent taken it in the lat 2 days and im going to see how i go....but im still going to pluck up the courage to go back to the drs i think its because at the surgery there are no female doctors only male ones and i dont feel entirely comfortable in talking to a male doctor so i dont know what to do :(
I'm glad that you're going to go back. :hugs:
You don't have anything to worry about, anxiety is a very common complaint. As I said earlier, write it down on paper if you feel you can say it out loud.
Best of luck!
I need to :( lately ive been having this really bad anxious fear of death and dying and how my kids are gonna be left on their own and the other night i think i had a panick attack i couldnt catch my breathe properly and felt like i had something stuck in my throat and my heart was racing!!!!
Have you booked another appointment with the doctors?
They can help with these feelings through medication and therapy. Please go back to the doctors. There is no reason to live like this.
Hey, I have severe anxiety and have suffered depression and panic disorder in the past. So many people are aware of PND but not about post natal Anxiety.

Although I had learned to control my panic disorder through CBT and have used meds in the past, after having my LO 9 months ago it has come back at an alarming level and I need CBT again plus been given meds. I have very bad health anxiety though so wont dare take the meds.

Please tell your doc, it is so common honestly. If it makes you feel better, I go to see the doctor AT LEAST once a week. Now that make me feel silly but I can't help it!
If you look at Anxiety help forums online and look at the number of people viewing them it will give you more of an idea of just how many people suffer. It is quite an eye opener.

You need help as these things escalate. It is the nature of the disorder. It will very rarely get better without help. Talking about it does help too :)

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