does anyone suffer/have anxiety?

Whenever I feel anxious I go for a run. The fresh air and getting out in nature helps, plus energy levels increased and runners high counteracts this.
I've only just been able to go to my doctors & confess how I feel. I've always suffered from anxiety, I've just never spoken out about it. I realised it wasn't going to get better if I didn't do something! If it's stopping you enjoying your life you really do need to go to a doctor. :flower:
I still havent gone :( im too embarassed and dont know what to say and on the days i have a appointment i always feel ok........BUT i dont know if its linked but lately i have this thing about death and dying its scares me so much the thought of not being here and leaving my kids partner and family and then i think of my family members and what if something happenes to them everyday i think about it at random times i could be doing something and it will just come i really dunno what to do :( part of me not wanting to go to the doctors is there are no female doctors they are all male and i think i could talk to a woman about it better just dont know what to do :( :(
Just pluck up the courage and go. You don't need to be suffering. There is a lot of help you just need to speak about it. Anxiety is so common. Don't feel silly. If you could hear some of the things I have said to my doctor.. Really they will deal with Anxiety so many times a day. My doctor said that she sees it all the time. Heck so do ambulance drivers apparently.
I have dealt with depression and anxiety for years! I could not go into any public place, even if it was empty, without having an anxiety attack. I would get panicked, racing heart, shortness of breath, and my arms and legs would feel confined and get a burning/stinging sensation. It was awful.
I chose to do lots of counselling to help me come up with coping mechanisms and how to to deal with my anxiety. Then a couple years ago the depression and anxiety got so bad for no reason. Everything in my life was going great, but I was extremely depressed and anxiety attacks out of the blue and for no reason that I could think of!
At this point I decided I needed some medication, something I had refused for years because I was terrified of becoming dependent on something- There is a lot of addicts in my family, drug and alcohol. I went and saw a doctor (Male one) and he was awesome! I was on medication for almost a year and was able to recall my coping skills and wean myself off the medication.

Don't be embarrassed! I know it is hard to go to the dr the first time( My first time I refused to get out of the car and the DR had to come to me!), but it is so worth it! You will not be judged at all!
Is there a counsellor you can get an appointment with instead?
I think I suffer with anxiety but have never been to the doctor and like you wouldn't know what to say as it fills me with fear

It's not to the point where I have panic attacks but I worry about everything. My kids being ok if they're not well or have a bump, if they don't eat properly for a day I worry their going to bed hungry, problems with DDs Dad in the future, money, if me and OH have an argument I'm terrified he's gonna leave and always back down and apologise even if I've done nothing wrong, money, being alone, OH going out and being in the house alone.

I really do want to do something about it but too anxious to go to the doctors

I've just posted about this. I suffer from depression and anxiety (particularly social anxiety). I struggle to go outside and can't go anywhere new without my OH. I get very stressed out and worry about everything. The smallest problems will set me off and I get so worked up i shake and feel dizzy. I'm up and down with my depression, sometimes it's more noticeable, but it's always there kind of like a weight on my emotions (dunno if that makes sense?). I've been to the doctors once and was put on meds but i'm scared to go back.
Lubbird, you should go back and request to see someone instead. Drugs are good in the short term but they're only masking a problem that could be treated and solved :thumbup:
I still havent gone :( im too embarassed and dont know what to say and on the days i have a appointment i always feel ok........BUT i dont know if its linked but lately i have this thing about death and dying its scares me so much the thought of not being here and leaving my kids partner and family and then i think of my family members and what if something happenes to them everyday i think about it at rando tm times i could be doing something and it will just come i really dunno what to do :( part of me not wanting to go to the doctors is there are no female doctors they are all male and i think i could talk to a woman about it better just dont know what to do :( :(

I totally feel the same as you!!! We need to connect. I am really struggling with this and am trying to build up the courage to talk to my doctor about it on monday
I too have struggled with anxiety for YEARS. It all started when i got vertigo. The constant dizziness made my heart race with worry. I went to the doctor, the er, the doctor, the er, getting so many different heart tests since I was sure my racing heart had to do with a heart problem. I have had everything from a holter monitor, to an echo, to two stress tests, and everything has shown no real problems.

I tried to just ignore it, and my doctor said I had generalized anxiety and offered to put me on meds - i was pretty young and med side effects combined with the fact that it said no drinking scared me - so I stayed away. I tried doing cognitive therapy on my own and it was successful for awhile. I then encountered a bunch of other weird health issues, a lump in my armpit and head, a rash that lasted almost nine months - all of these things made my anxiety so much worse. Couple that with the fact that my stepfather passed away from a heart attack, my dad had a triple anxiety just kept getting worse.

Then I met my husband and for awhile my total love and infatuation with him distracted me, but it didn't last. I got a dog to try and distract me but it didn't last either.

Now with having a baby I find myself realizing how much I have to lose if I was to pass away. My stress is through the roof and a day doesn't go by where I don't think about health issues. Right now I have a lump on my head that's freaking me out but I won't be able to see the doc until monday.

When I do see her I am going to bring up my anxiety issues once and for all. I can't handle it anymore!

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