Does it ever get better


Dec 20, 2016
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I'm a newly minted Mum to a nineonth old precious girl who is driving me bonkers!!!

To cut a long story short - she's my first and was a very difficult baby from the start. She was very colicky and was silent reflux meds from the get go, screamed basically ALL THE TIME. I found it really difficult to manage but everyone kept saying it will pass and once she sits up and is eating solids etc it will get easier, my house went from spotless to something out of Beirut, I didn't bathe for days, sometimes over a week, I lost all my pregnancy weight (35lbs) in six weeks. I barely had time to eat and on top of that I had to cut out dairy, soy, nuts, sesame, wheat and other allergens at the advice of doctor for her excema and reflux plus gassy foods so I basically ate like a sparrow. It didn't help one bit and over time the reflux got better. When she was flour months old I got divorced and moved across the world to live back with my Mum. Stressful to say the least.

She is now nine months and I can honestly say I really don't enjoy looking after her. She hates every baby carrier i have tried and screams blue till i take her out, i cant put her down for a second, she still breastfeeds EVERY TWO HOURS, she wakes up everynight hysterical. About eight-twelve times on a bad night. Four-five times on a good night. She will just cry and thrash about no matter what i bloody do. I tried to do controlled crying. It didnt work. She goes from zero to a hundred in seconds. Finally after spending on average an hour getting her back to sleep she will regular wake up crying again a few minutee later. I have tried cosleeping, was shit and she is now in a crib, also shit. She has never really napped. It is very normal for her to nap for half an hour after lunch or in the morningand then refuses sleep again until bedtime at 6pm. This means she will stay awake for sometimes 8 hours straight. I have an autoimmune disease that has flares very badly since her birth and ive never recovered. I am 5'6 and i weigh ninety pounds. I try batch cooking when she sleeps but she alwways wakes up in the middle. I try prepping meals the night before but same problem. I go to bed every night hungry. I tried using a pump so people could bottle feed her and she just screamed until i came home and refuses it. I have no time for basic essentials and i feel so run down and depleted because she sucks me dry of every mentql, physical and emotional resource i have. When I hear her wake up in the morning my chest tightens and I think oh no not another day of this shit. I look at her and I just feel resentment, I keep waiting to turn the corner and it never happens. She's not a newborn anymore but she might as well be. My mum works full time so that doesn't help much and I feel like I'm on the verge of a health breakdown because my body is just so run down I feel like I'm dying G-D forbid. I hate that this is my life. I've tried so many things and nothing's worked and her sleep is getting worse and worse. Tried making bedtime earlier and later, bath, no bath, CIO, controlled crying, swaddles, grobag, warmer and colder room, big meal before bed or teatime earlier, comforters, that bloody singing sheep and sound machine and a whole host if other useless shit that has got me nowhere. I hate motherhood. I've spoken to my HV and she said I'm just totally run down. I had depression years ago and I don't feel depressed now. Will this ever get better? I've been waiting for months and it never has. I try to get out lots and go to baby group and baby swim etc but it doesn't help much and I took vitamins and supplements but I feel so shitty they don't help. Iron is fine as is vitamin D. I want to love my daughter but she just drains me of everything and I feel SICK from not eating properly and not sleeping more than three hours at a time in nearly a year!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you talked to her pediatrician about it at all? Also, how is she with solids now?

As for the carrier, have you tried wraps or slings?
Also when you cosleep is she nursing at the same time? Both of my girls have been very fussy and that's how I've got them to bed for the first year (my first) and still doing it with my second. They would sleep with me and nurse all night. I would wake up periodically and switch them to the other side. It works like a charm.
That sounds really rough. My daughter was generally a very happy baby, but was a terrible sleeper at night and would wake every 1-3 hrs to nurse all night long, then suddenly two days before her first birthday she started sleeping 14 hrs straight at night. Like you I had tried so many things to help her sleep but the only thing that helped was time. I know that doesn't offer you much comfort considering how worn down you are. Could you ask a friend to come over once a week to help with her so you can cook a bunch of meals, or have your mom help in the evening when she gets home from work? You would probably feel much bettering you were getting some proper nutrition.
Shit you have had it rough!! Are you an Aussie? In Australia there are a lot of sleep clinics in most capital cities that you go to for a week and get help from doctors and nurses helping bub to sleep, sounds like an ideal place for you to get some advice and support!
A lot of that sounds like my LO's early days and in my experience yes, it does eventually get better. I have had to make some adjustments to my expectations and I'm currently cosleeping with an almost five year old, but it works and we're all happy.

I didn't like being a mom AT ALL during my LO's first year, I looked at other moms who just gushed over their young babies and wondered what the hell I was doing wrong, but I wasn't doing anything wrong and she wasn't doing anything wrong... some babies are just harder than others. Some are much, much harder.

What got me through it was just taking some time outside of the house without my LO. Even if it was just walking the dogs for half an hour. My LO cried when I wasn't home, I knew that, but she was being taken care of by my husband and she was always fine once I got home. It may not have been ideal but it was necessary. If you could get your mom to take half an hour or an hour each day for you to leave and do whatever you want - go grab a bite to eat, just take a walk with your headphones, etc. then I bet you'll feel a bit more like a human being.

I also found that cosleeping was easiest for us even if she still woke up frequently because I at least didn't have to keep getting out of bed. It's really the little things when you can't seem to win.

Anyway, I really started enjoying my LO around the time she turned three. I know that probably sounds like a LONG time but it got progressively better between 1 and 3 and around her third birthday I thought for the first time "I actually really love being a mom." She's been really good since, too, her temperament has really turned around and it's like she's been pretty easy on me as a kid so far to make up for the hideous baby/early toddler days.

Hang in there and try to take things one day at a time. Keep reminding yourself that you're one day closer to your LO being able to communicate with you, being able to understand things on a new level, and developing a personality that you will come to be amazed by.
I am sending a hug with a cup of tea !! You sound exhausted you poor thing . Firstly if your LO is going to cry anyhow start with eating !!! You need fuel !!
I didn't like being a mom AT ALL during my LO's first year, I looked at other moms who just gushed over their young babies and wondered what the hell I was doing wrong, but I wasn't doing anything wrong and she wasn't doing anything wrong... some babies are just harder than others. Some are much, much harder.

What got me through it was just taking some time outside of the house without my LO. Even if it was just walking the dogs for half an hour. My LO cried when I wasn't home, I knew that, but she was being taken care of by my husband and she was always fine once I got home. It may not have been ideal but it was necessary. If you could get your mom to take half an hour or an hour each day for you to leave and do whatever you want - go grab a bite to eat, just take a walk with your headphones, etc. then I bet you'll feel a bit more like a human being.

Hang in there and try to take things one day at a time. Keep reminding yourself that you're one day closer to your LO being able to communicate with you, being able to understand things on a new level, and developing a personality that you will come to be amazed by.

This. My LO never napped of her own accord, kept herself awake ALL day. I managed to get an hour nap out of her using a stretchy wrap but I had to put her in it at exactly the right point or she'd scream. I lost weight through not eating but that got better when she started eating food as I had to cook for her so I made enough for the two of us (we did family food from the start). Yes she cried when I cooked but I made her a play pen in the kitchen, continuously ta;kid and reassured her, sang and made faces. Took twice as long but what else could I do?? I too could never get the hang of co-sleeping. Every move I made woke her up, every move she made woke me up but I made sure I knew how to set up a safe co-sleep situation just for those times where I had to lie down or fall down.

A few things:

TAKEAWAY - if you can afford it, order food in. Don't worry about whether it is the healthiest option as right now you need food!

Your mum must eat. Can she cook larger portions so there is some to save for you the next day?

CAFES - Im not sure how your LO is in public but I spent a lot of time (and probably too much money) sitting in cafes eating cake, sandwiches, whatever I could manage with a child on my lap. Strangers cooed and fussed, so I didn't have to.

You aren't alone not enjoying it but that doesn't mean you have to suck it up. Maybe there isn't much that will help except time, but if you were advised to change your diet and it didn't help, go back to that doctor and say "What next?" - they obviously thought enough was up to advise an extreme change to your lifestyle back then so they must have an opinion now about what is going on.

It is really hard without a support network, I can sympathise. I love my daughter so hard it hurts NOW but one reason I'm not considering another child is how hard I found the first year. In fact going back to work part time saved my life; I got a break, I got to eat, I got to talk to adults and feel useful, I even got a chance to miss her!
Oh man I really feel for you but let me tell you that I understand. Some babies are more live wires than others an I bet it took you forever to even type that up? I get it. My first was the same. It's a shock for a first time mum but it will get better, I promise because you get stronger and realise things need to change. what I did- sent her nursery so I could have a break. Can you do that? Not sure where you live but you may even be entitled to nursery fees- would need to look into it. I had another when my first was at school and this one was so much easier but my third baby who is 6 months is just like my first - will not nap, spits out dummy An again I've turned into a human dummy. If you want to chat pls feel free to pm me. Also- it's ok for them to cry so you can go shower/eat/drink an be a human. Don't feel bad, as long as baby is in a safe place. Also using tv for a distraction for some peace is fine. Tk cr
I'm really sorry you are going through all that. I'm here to tell you, though, that motherhood absolutely does not need to be like that! And it shouldn't be. First and foremost, you MUST take care of yourself. I realize some babies are more difficult than others, but if you are healthy and well rested yourself, you'll be in a much better physical/mental/emotional state to deal with even a more difficult baby.

I know you said you tried bottles, but I would keep offering some formula at every meal until she finally takes some. That often times helps fill them up better.

As for solids, if you haven't tried it already, plain yoghurt is oftentimes a good first food. And if blw isn't working, try feeding her yourself.

Also, I absolutely agree with PP about letting her CIO. Tell her you love her, give her a big kiss, put her down, and leave her be to let her self soothe. Music. tv. Whatever works, works! She will be okay, i promise. Eat. Sleep. Shower. Curl up with a book. Enjoy a tv show. Exercise. Whatever you enjoy doing. Think of yourself. Anyone who tries to make you feel guilty for thinking of your own health and happiness is just pushing, consciously or unconsciously, misogynistic b.s.

Just keep trying things until you find the things that work for YOU and YOUR baby. Good luck!
That sounds awful I really hope it improves for you.

It really doesn't sound normal, maybe a trip to the dr would help to get her checked out for allergies etc... in case that's why she is upset?

I found a slow cooker handy for meals as you can just chuck stuff in as you get a minute and it stays hot for hours. It's so soul destroying making yourself a meal and then it being burnt/cold by the time you get to it

All I can say is :hugs:
I'm so sorry your having such a rough time if it, I've been there, like all the pp's have said some babies are just harder for whatever reason. Ds1 had severe reflux and was the same apart from he was bottle fed but would only take small amounts and feed little and often. He would cry all the time and I used to feel like the only mum whose baby was always fussy. I actually thought it was my fault and I was a bad mum. Well, my second has been a breeze so it can't have been me. Weaning made him worse initially and I've since heard this is normal as refluxers systems need more time to adjust.

Things started to get easier around a year, he still comes in our bed when he wakes for a wee at night but we have been getting a full nights sleep this way. i agree with pp's that you need food and even if bubba cries while your eating it's better that than starving and also second the takeaway or even microwave meals. I survived on chocolate bars and coffee for a while but I wouldn't recommend that as I got heart palpitations from all the caffeine.

Completely agree you need time to yourself even if it's walking the dog or doing food shop. Time to have a complete thought, sleep, sit in silence or anything at all you feel like. I used to watch a bit of tv it felt like a little escape. I hated the way things were, I actually hated my husband for quite a while too. As things settle you'll find joy in the little things and the hard times will gradually fizzle out. Something someone on here told me when I was feeling low and turned out to be completely true....the terrible twos will be a breeze xxx
Fwiw i think i had similar. It improved from a year and is now Awesome.
In what way was cosleeping a disaster? I suppose the bonus is now getting up.
I'd disagree withthe formula suggestion, because firstly breastmilk will be awesome for your child and secondly it's an amazing tantrum stopper when they are older :) which is nice after baby hell.

Do you sleep when she sleeps? I napped with mine until she was at least 2. I still would but she doesn't nap any more ;)

Might also be worth getting your thyroid function checked.i've recently found out that my baby hell had been made much worse by having an underactive thyroid which was knocking me out. Losing weight straight after biryh can be an indicator.

Also big hugs. Some babies are just hell. But then they become fabulous as they get older.
Huge :hugs: my first thought is is she hungry? I don't know how you can make enough milk and be the size you are/ going hungry yourself.
Secondly, she is probably picking up on your stress. If you can afford it, get her into a nursery for a few hours a couple of mornings and do something for yourself! Have a bath/ hot meal. She has always been like this so I imagine that may be her personality/ she might just be needy and you need some coping strategies. That's what I would do. From the benefit of hindsight you need to be happy before you can make her happy. You're doing brilliantly though
Really sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. The first 4 months were like this for us and the only thing I changed was I switched from breastfeeding to formula and started giving gaviscon as he had reflux. I didn't want to stop breastfeeding and felt terrible about it but giving gaviscon to a breastfed baby was such a faff. He'd also started fighting me at feedings but that's another story. I'm not suggesting you stop bfing, has to be your decision but just saying what I did.

I'd definitely second the suggestions on here such as microwave meals/takeaways, going to soft plays, cafes etc in the day. Eating something even if it's not nutritious is better than starving. At 9 months I would also look into different methods of sleep training. We did gradual retreat. Helped a bit but not completely. Do you have local friends to talk to? At my lowest ebb I didn't want to leave the house as ds just screamed and puked constantly but one of the girls in my nct group dragged me out and I'll be forever grateful to her. Human interaction is essential in order not to lose your mind! Hang in there, sending hugs.
Really sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. The first 4 months were like this for us and the only thing I changed was I switched from breastfeeding to formula and started giving gaviscon as he had reflux. I didn't want to stop breastfeeding and felt terrible about it but giving gaviscon to a breastfed baby was such a faff. He'd also started fighting me at feedings but that's another story. I'm not suggesting you stop bfing, has to be your decision but just saying what I did.

I'd definitely second the suggestions on here such as microwave meals/takeaways, going to soft plays, cafes etc in the day. Eating something even if it's not nutritious is better than starving. At 9 months I would also look into different methods of sleep training. We did gradual retreat. Helped a bit but not completely. Do you have local friends to talk to? At my lowest ebb I didn't want to leave the house as ds just screamed and puked constantly but one of the girls in my nct group dragged me out and I'll be forever grateful to her. Human interaction is essential in order not to lose your mind! Hang in there, sending hugs.

if you need to know in the future, you can ask for ranitidine instead of gaviscon. Much more breastfeeding friendly and i am angry for you that your dr had you stop breastfeeding rather than tell you this! Big hugs! 😕
Really sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. The first 4 months were like this for us and the only thing I changed was I switched from breastfeeding to formula and started giving gaviscon as he had reflux. I didn't want to stop breastfeeding and felt terrible about it but giving gaviscon to a breastfed baby was such a faff. He'd also started fighting me at feedings but that's another story. I'm not suggesting you stop bfing, has to be your decision but just saying what I did.

I'd definitely second the suggestions on here such as microwave meals/takeaways, going to soft plays, cafes etc in the day. Eating something even if it's not nutritious is better than starving. At 9 months I would also look into different methods of sleep training. We did gradual retreat. Helped a bit but not completely. Do you have local friends to talk to? At my lowest ebb I didn't want to leave the house as ds just screamed and puked constantly but one of the girls in my nct group dragged me out and I'll be forever grateful to her. Human interaction is essential in order not to lose your mind! Hang in there, sending hugs.

if you need to know in the future, you can ask for ranitidine instead of gaviscon. Much more breastfeeding friendly and i am angry for you that your dr had you stop breastfeeding rather than tell you this! Big hugs! 😕

Thanks for this. There were other issues too but having something easier to administer would have helped. Bf rates were really low where I used to live so there was practically no support 😟 I was upset at the time but I'm over it now. He's fine, he's healthy and at least he had 4 months of bf, plus I had a good freezer stash which kept him going a bit longer.
Well done you :)

Could I recommend breastfeeding younger babies and beyond as an excellent Facebook support group if you want another go this time :)

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