Does my son sound Autistic??


Jul 12, 2010
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First off I want to apologise If I am stepping on anyones toes or If you believe its rude of me to post thiS.I mean now harm,I have so much respect for mothers and fathers who have extra special children and I thought here would be the best place to ask.

Il start by explaining our situation-

Leo was 2 in October and had his 2 year assessment soon after where the HV picked up on a few things.I had been worried for some time about his speech as he didn't have many words and the words he did have he tended to forget them.So basically the Hv said she would return in a week to see how we are getting on and also bring behavior expert to see what she thought.So they did and they noticed a huge change in Leo and said we were doing a fantastic job and keep it up.Which we have and we also see a massive change in him,he has so many new words and tries to copy loads too.He is also improving on his understandings etc.

So anyway they were quick to say he wasn't Autistic after 2 visits which were both 10mins long and I am left wondering what if he really is and they haven't noticed.Plus my SIL is nursery nurse who has worked with Autistic children and she made a comment about how sensitive to noise Leo is.So after some digging and an online quiz I am not left wondering if he really is Autistic.

I'll list of some of the strange things he does and if you could see if you think theres a possibility please I would appreciate it a lot.

Leo hates noise,he can make as much as he wants but when some else does it he freaks and covers his ears.

If I asked him to bring his cup or look for a book he looks at me blankly as if he doesnt have a clue what I am saying.

Leo will only look you in the eye if he wants your attention,If your playing etc he will rarely look anyone in the eye.

He hates his sister :sad2: doesn't like her any where near him or touching anything and HATES her making noise.

He does not understand sharing,we have tried over and over to show him but it never sticks!

He forgets alot,one week he could count to 10,next week he wont say anything at all!!

Iv never seen him point to anything,he drags us to whatever he wants/likes/shows us.

He loves to line things up,in a freakish way not a normal kid play way.

Thats just some strange things that he does that Im not used to,Im used to the usual toddlers ways but Leo is different in a way.

Before I get stoned to death or burnt on a stake I love my son and he is sooo very special to me and if he has delays or issues or disorders whatever I don't care.I just want to make sure I can do all I possibly can to make sure he gets all the help and support he needs.I NEVER want to see him struggle or have someone tell him he's weird or different.If he does have some issue's I don't care,infact it makes him all the more special and even more unique!!

Sorry for rambling and thank u for taking the time to read.:flower:
He does sound like my ds so much and he was 2 in oct too :)

It toke me a year to fight to be heard, have you tried the doctor? My hv only decided to refer him after watching about 5 huge temper tantrums and dexter trying to push her out the door. And like a switch the next time hr Would be ok
He definitely has traits but I know at that age they are reluctant to diagnose. A tip would be maybe keep a diary and then go back to GP and ask for peadiactrican refural x
Thanks for the replies!

My Hv seemed to be quick to suggest Autism but since she's seen the approvements in Leo's speech she hasn't mentioned at other assessments which scares me!I think when she calls back in the new year I am going to ask if he can get some proper tests/assessments to see if he is Autistic.

I think I already know in my heart that he may be slightly,so I just have to makes sure he gets all the help poss!!
Yeah thats so good of you. Just remember you dont need a diagnosis to use some things you may think would help. Use some autism intervention techniques if you think they will help :) routine chart, sandtimers, social storys etc x
Oh I never thought about that.Can I find those things online??
God im actually kicking myself for not looking into those things already!!
What are the main issues you have hun? I will try and help in more detail and point you in right direction
I know special friends have good things (have used them alot great product and delivery)
Can someone please explain the basic behaviour and speech problems to be looking out for?

I've had a 'niggle' about a few things with my youngest daughter (3 in 3 months) and this thread is kind of making me think more. Speech a big one.

First off I want to apologise If I am stepping on anyones toes or If you believe its rude of me to post thiS.I mean now harm,I have so much respect for mothers and fathers who have extra special children and I thought here would be the best place to ask.

Il start by explaining our situation-

Leo was 2 in October and had his 2 year assessment soon after where the HV picked up on a few things.I had been worried for some time about his speech as he didn't have many words and the words he did have he tended to forget them.So basically the Hv said she would return in a week to see how we are getting on and also bring behavior expert to see what she thought.So they did and they noticed a huge change in Leo and said we were doing a fantastic job and keep it up.Which we have and we also see a massive change in him,he has so many new words and tries to copy loads too.He is also improving on his understandings etc.

So anyway they were quick to say he wasn't Autistic after 2 visits which were both 10mins long and I am left wondering what if he really is and they haven't noticed.Plus my SIL is nursery nurse who has worked with Autistic children and she made a comment about how sensitive to noise Leo is.So after some digging and an online quiz I am not left wondering if he really is Autistic.

I'll list of some of the strange things he does and if you could see if you think theres a possibility please I would appreciate it a lot.

Leo hates noise,he can make as much as he wants but when some else does it he freaks and covers his ears.

If I asked him to bring his cup or look for a book he looks at me blankly as if he doesnt have a clue what I am saying.

Leo will only look you in the eye if he wants your attention,If your playing etc he will rarely look anyone in the eye.

He hates his sister :sad2: doesn't like her any where near him or touching anything and HATES her making noise.

He does not understand sharing,we have tried over and over to show him but it never sticks!

He forgets alot,one week he could count to 10,next week he wont say anything at all!!

Iv never seen him point to anything,he drags us to whatever he wants/likes/shows us.

He loves to line things up,in a freakish way not a normal kid play way.

Thats just some strange things that he does that Im not used to,Im used to the usual toddlers ways but Leo is different in a way.

Before I get stoned to death or burnt on a stake I love my son and he is sooo very special to me and if he has delays or issues or disorders whatever I don't care.I just want to make sure I can do all I possibly can to make sure he gets all the help and support he needs.I NEVER want to see him struggle or have someone tell him he's weird or different.If he does have some issue's I don't care,infact it makes him all the more special and even more unique!!

Sorry for rambling and thank u for taking the time to read.:flower:

Dont think you are treading on anyones toes hun :cloud9:

The bits i've bolded are my son to a T.. especially the noise thing, which turnt out to be a sensory disorder. Also the lining up, Ethans thing is leaflets :cloud9:

The 1st things i noticed with Ethan was total lack of speech & understanding of speech. But Ethan also flaps when excited about something, he almost goes into a trance when doing it.

Ethan got a diagnosis of Autism last July.. I knew from when he was 18 months old, but got fobbed off for such a long time. In the end i kicked up a huge fuss and got him refereed to a paediatrician, from then we got all the help we needed to get him diagnosed.

My advice, listen to your gut instinct! and don't let people fob you off.

I can't explain much as speach isn't a problem for my DD (she talks constantly!)
1. She used to make up her own words for different objects, continues using her own after corrections.
2.Speech is very monotone, she has a posh voice that sounds out of place.

Its mostly language and communication for her, have you looked at the NAtional Autistic Society website? It helped me a lot when we were going through diagnosis but she was 5 when diagnosed, if she's not 3 yet things will be different really.
How is she for other things? Potty training? Took my DD til 4 and she still wears a nappy at night (she's 6) Weaning? Foods and textures can be a problem for a lot of ASD children. Walking? Most are a little behind their peers, DD was 19 months, drove me mad! Noises and smells? A lot have sensory issues too. Communication with you, eye contact? Things like that?

I'd have a look at the website, once i saw the traits all in one list it was easy for me to pick out and see what she did or didn't do, before that i thought she was just unique (which she is!) but i never saw it as a possible problem until i read the signs, i knew straight away.

Sorry i can't really help Wobbles but if you check out that website or one similar, i'm sure you'll have an idea once you've read it. Mum's know! Good luck hun and can i just add, for all the things my LO has trouble with or that causes problems for us, she is absolutely amazing! Top of her class! Needs extra help with some things but don't we all need a bit of help sometimes! I thought it was the end of the world when she was diagnosed, in fact i wrote words to that effect on here at the time but it wasn't, it was the beginning! xx
Wobbles- Speach is normally one of the red flags. Does she say much? Babble?

Does she thrive on routine?

Obsessions with certain things? toys/books/characters.

How is her sleep?

Any flapping? eye contact?

It varies from child to child x
Its hard to say, a normally developing 2 year old can behave the same way but there are a few red flags that suggest some more testing.

Lining up, both my 2 year old dd(normally developing) and 3 year old son (autistic) do this. Speech is definatley a big one, there are a lot of variations in speech issues. My son has a monotone and takes everything literally. He was a late walker at 19m. Potty training was actually really easy as he had an obsession with the toilet and with washing his hands:thumbup:he was completely trained by 2. He has a flap he does when running and he does a strange thing with his hands, kind of splays his fingers, hard to describe. His sensory issue is mainly to do with smells and with being clean. He is obsessed currently with dishwasher soap!

I would get a referral to a developmental pediatrician:flower: Hope you get answers:hugs:
I've been saying to my mum I just have a feeling. My gutt is telling me something that I can't even put to words because I don't know what it is if there is anything and spotted this thread so thought it was worth asking you mums x

Maybe I'm being silly. I'm not sure if it's this, something else or nothing at all. Just comes from a gutt feeling like I say one im not putting my finger on.

Some bits about Megan and some not because I think they are a problem but because you ladies have mentioned it (sleep, smells, toilet training).

Megan's speech is very behind she doesn't say a lot of words and her sentences very mumbled. Caitlin oddly can translate her.

Potty training a nightmare she started ok all of a sudden had an obsession to go get off wash hands dry hands back on toilet ... Over an over again then when out of the bathroom would wet. I only mention this because one of you ladies mentioned toileting? Come to think of it If I leave a hand wash out there won't be much left if she spots it.

Doesn't like eye contact.

Lovely on her own settled but with her sister always fighting. Wants everything she's got.

Can't sit still. When she realises she is she goes into what ive called a mad Megan mode but now I see more an more how she can't sit and count to when she realises she is.

Disruptive. Example her and Caitlin are playing lovely in different rooms then she realises it is peaceful and will run in smack/hurt/ take a toy from her sister and run out.

Whines frequently, attention?!


Loves her sleep, sleeps through well.

She loves smells.

Wobbles, I hear you on the hand soap! Ruaridh wont leave the stuff alone, and those alcohol soaps you get in hospitals/doctors offices:dohh: Is she big on routines? My son sleeps really well too, as long as he keeps his bedtime exact lol! Your gut is usually right hun, definately worth getting her seen as there's so many different therapies availible to help them develop:flower:
Ok I just read up on a site some of my points don't seem to relate but I related to these:

Cuddles and effection impossible for a long period, she gets there now ... Just! Bedtime mainly always needs a kiss and cuddle (like her sister).

She does get frustrated when we don't understand what she is saying/wanting.

I just read about repetitive body movements ... One tip toes. Always does this randomly.*

Mummy3 she loves the alcohol gel. I don't know if that's because we use it often though.

She loves her bed and if out of routine the whole house is chaos. Day naps if she doesn't have them the days out most times I was only saying other day she needs it. She says no but she does toddle up and a much more relaxed child after.

I thought original behavorial problems just like I say caught the thread and was worth a consideration or ruling out because I just don't know if it's me and I've been scared to ask :blush: no idea why!

Hmmm an I still read!

Short attention span definitely.

No fear to dangerous situations. I tell everyone this. I'm paranoid she's no fear of walking out this house, into roads, jumping off things. She's nearly 3 still in a stroller and a baby gate on her door.

I'm reading here:
Some things would definitely be considered, I would go to HV (do you get on with your HV) is she at preschool yet? x
The thing is, autism has many different issues, and if you have one, two, or even three things that could be on that list, it has to be 'severe' enough, and it has to be four or more (I believe). Speech, SOCIALIAZTION (huge), repititive behaviour, there's another I am missing there...someone help me out... You have to have all of these with at least two or three of EACH category ticked off. So, if you see one, maybe two things, your child could still fall within normal range. I hope that makes sense.
I dont know if they use that here (UK) Thats probably why diagnosis takes so long. My son does not do alot of the typical traits but there is no denying he has autism (its obvious when you know). xx Here when you have the ADOS test they test speech/language... cognitive skills, back ground history.


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