Quick question and your advice needed please. My LO is 4 weeks old today although he is quite a big baby as 9lbs 11oz when he was born!! He was BF first two weeks but been on SMA Gold exclusively for the last 2 weeks. What I wondered is whether your baby takes different amounts of formula during the day? My LO takes anything from between 2oz to 6oz (or more sometimes). When he takes the smaller amounts he tends to want fed more frequently (although not all the time). I've tried to get him to take more but he point blank refuses sometimes which can be frustrating as he tends to wake an hour or so later and want a bit more! Does anyone else LO do this or is it just me? Is it just a case of baby led feeding and I shouldn't worry too much about it?
Thanks for any advice you have - he's my first so have no experience to go on!!!
Quick question and your advice needed please. My LO is 4 weeks old today although he is quite a big baby as 9lbs 11oz when he was born!! He was BF first two weeks but been on SMA Gold exclusively for the last 2 weeks. What I wondered is whether your baby takes different amounts of formula during the day? My LO takes anything from between 2oz to 6oz (or more sometimes). When he takes the smaller amounts he tends to want fed more frequently (although not all the time). I've tried to get him to take more but he point blank refuses sometimes which can be frustrating as he tends to wake an hour or so later and want a bit more! Does anyone else LO do this or is it just me? Is it just a case of baby led feeding and I shouldn't worry too much about it?
Thanks for any advice you have - he's my first so have no experience to go on!!!