We are waiting because of a few things that should take around 2 years to get done.....
1. Get married (in april 2010) and apply for a marriage visa 5 months later before his current visa expires (visa applications are horrible and stressfull)
2. For him to do his Personal training course as knee damage has stopped him playing football professionally (roughly 4 months study and workshops)
3. For me to do my Childcare level 3 course (in order to become a nursery nurse, should be about 4 months study)
4. To save up enough money to move out of london (to east sussex) and to furnish the flat....you can get a 2 bedroom flat with a garden there for less than a studio flat here...INSANE, to buy a horse (my dream), have enough money saved for all baby things, and pay off a small credit card debt.
5. We need to wait a year to move out of london as he is completing a year long english course here (wants to perfect writing, grammar etc...)
To be fair we do have a LOT of things to sort out before we can start trying but im crazy to get on with things....need to wait untill april to get married and really start our life.......we have to wait untill I am 21 in order to get married as my boyfriend needs permission from the home office to marry in england (both parties need to be over 21) this really sucks as we have both been waiting since christmas to get married...

it's really frustrating for me as it's not even our choice to wait this long to get things started!
I'm kind of an organisational freak and have notes on EVERYTHING I want to get done before having a baby....kind of vents my impatience as I have everything planned hehe.
I WANT A BABY........anyone else want one now but NEED to do other things first?