Dose any one think there family are going to.....

I've got some ideas on what I think I will and won't do, but until I have that baby in my arms I don't think I can predict what will actually happen! I'm sure some of the views I have once I have my own will change. If our parents question our choices, which is bound to happen somewhere along the line, then it's a case of thinking about why they are doing so. Say they can see we are getting into 'bad' habits, they will have more of an objective view than us.
I did co-sleeping, baby-wearing, late weaning (7 months) and extended breastfeeding (three years) with my DD, and didn't have any comments from family - although plenty from health visitors etc, which I happily ignored. The only thing I'd do differently this time is co-sleeping - my DD was in my bed until she was eighteen months (I was a single mother) but now with an OH who sleeps very, very deeply, I don't think it would be safe with a newborn, so I might not do that this time. I don't expect any comments from his family - maybe I'm being too optimistic, but because I raised one daughter on my own I'm kind of expecting them to trust me that I know what I'm doing...

Edited to add: oh, and we also used reusable nappies and I stayed at home with her until she was two years old. I might not use the nappies again, and I plan on going back to work much earlier - although this time I work at home, so it would be easier and less disruptive to a feeding schedule etc.
I'm a very deep sleeper unfortunately, I often roll over and crush poor OH's arms lol :p So no co-sleeping for us! I'd love to stay at home with my child for a few years. My mum stayed at home with us until we were 7, and I'd like to do the same if OH earns enough lol. Maybe I'd work 1 day a week or something, all depends on income :)
oh I am also a deepsleeper i will not have the baby in our bed unless I am awake.
I didn't plan on co-sleeping but I bf and inevitably fell asleep whilst doing so, and LO started off in his own crib and then very often ended up in mine.
Bad point here was, I ended up with him crawling into my bed through the night until he was about 4 or 5 lol - and always ended up lying horizontally across the bed pushing both myself and DH out lol.

Will prob do the same this time though.
DH and I had a conversation about co-sleeping the other night. I had never really considered it because my aunt co-slept with my cousin and she ended up sleeping in their bed until she was about seven because she "couldn't sleep on her own." I think that would drive me batty.

However, DH was reading one of my baby books and he thinks it's a good idea. He was like "well, it would be good to sleep in the same room all together, like a family." I told him I was paranoid about sleeping with an infant because it would be so easy to roll over or for him/her to be suffocated by the sheets.

This is what we came up with: . We compromised and said the baby would sleep in the bassinet for the first few months (not in our bed). It will give us easier access to the baby when he/she wakes up. The baby would sleep in the crib in the baby room during daytime naps so he/she is used to it. After a few months the baby will move to the crib for night time.

My mother has always been against co-sleeping. But I think this would work out for DH and I. My mom has also been an advocate of letting a baby "cry it out" which I don't think we're going to do either.

:shrug: I just figure that there's always going to be something that someone is going to disagree with...
I wont be co-sleeping but baby will be in our room untill its about 6m old. I dont agree with CIO but i dont think that picking a baby up as soon as it starts to whimper dose it no favours ether
I agree with Lozzy, when I babysit I leave them for a while, and they usually go back to sleep within about 30 seconds XD If they don't then I go in.
And yup, I think you'll never be able to make everyone happy, but screw them because it's your child! :p
I agree with Lozzy, when I babysit I leave them for a while, and they usually go back to sleep within about 30 seconds XD If they don't then I go in.
And yup, I think you'll never be able to make everyone happy, but screw them because it's your child! :p

Oh no, when I talk about CIO, I mean leaving the baby for 30 minutes or more. I'm not going to get up at the sound of the first whimper :winkwink:
Nope! I am lucky as my mummy is a lovely wonderful midwife :) We discuss various parenting things all the time and she's always full of good advice etc, but I know that even if I wanted to stray from the 'traditional' path in any way then she would support me unless she felt baby might be harmed, in which case I would want her to raise the issue anyway!
Kintenda you're so lucky! :p
Aaahhhhh I getcha now LadyOfRohan! I think that's the best way to be, not too mean but not too soft :)
i think the only thing my family may not approve of is when i have my next baby we plan to TTC as of JAN which makes annabelle 14 months old.

i want my children close together and it took 2 years to get pregnant with Annabelle so i dont want to wait to long then be waiting for it to happen for months afterwards too,

at the end of the day its none of their business though as long as i can afford to care for 2 and have the time etc i dont see the problem, i know its going to be hard going with 2 young kids but that is my choice

well...i was brought up as a jehovah's witness by my mum. So the fact i've left and and dooming my children to death doesn't go down to well with her :wacko:.
I had morgan when i was 16 and amelie when i wad 18, so no positive responses there either. Apart from that, i don't see my mum and other family that often so if they stuck their oar in i'll tell them where to stick it :blush: family are more trouble than they are worth (in my case anyhows!!)
I think that my mum will be supportive of whatever decisions we make regarding bringing up our children. She is a health visitor so will always be there to give advice but in her job she tries not to push her views onto 'her' mums so I think she will be the same for me, hope so anyway! OH's mum on the other hand :wacko: Her way is always the right way-she tries to tell me how to treat my animals (I'm a veterinary nurse :dohh:) and I'm sure she's not going to appreciate the fact that she will NOT be looking after LO without one of us being there. She smokes almost continuously and I'm not prepared to expose my child to cigarette smoke.
I think that when I become a parent, I will be a similar parent to how my mother was raising me. She has instilled a lot of the same values and beliefs in me, that she has...

A lot of things will be different to some extent, as my mother was a young teenage mother and wasn't very informed on parenting when she raised me - but I think she will accept and be proud of the decisions I make and know I am an informed and educated person

My grandma is another story... :dohh:

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