I had my scan yesterday and my girl is 7.5 pounds and my boy is 5.13 pounds. They said they will be definitely keeping a close eye on him because hes not growing as fast as his sister. Last scan he was 4.9 and she was 5.4 four weeks ago.
My consultant said she will phone me today with the results and I am just itching to hear back. I'm really quite worried about the difference in weight :/
Yesterday I had another 5 hours of contractions! Well it was longer than 5 hours, I only know how long from when I started timing them which was when they were really quite painful.
I even got my sitter ready to drop everything and come round, my kids were all excited and helped out heaps made sure I had everything in my bag packed for me but then the contractions died off. I was so convinced it was time!! But nothing! Grr I'm so tired and frustrated its not funny. I slept well and feel a bit achy again today guess I will just wait and see what happens, after this happening twice now though I'm not really expecting much. I do hope it is soon though! Well I am mixed about it. I'd like to make it to 37 weeks cos that was my goal BUT this is really draining me.