Due in 7 days/Am I wrong??


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2015
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My husband wanted to have a diaper party at our house. Basically he invited a bunch of men over to drink and cook out and they bring pampers. Two weeks before this party he said he wanted to have, he requested that I take our daughter and we be absent for the manly hangout. I told him no problem. the party started at 5. He told me if I wanted, I could stay with his mom for the night or he would get me a hotel. I told him no way! Im 9 months pregnant, Im uncomfortable and I will be sleeping no where else but my own bed. He said fine. However, i did tell him I will not be watching anyone else's kids so they can attend his party and everyone needs to be gone by 10 so i can sleep. My husbands family is rowdy and plays dominos and poker well into 3 am in the past and I told him i wont deal with it 9 months pregnant or with a newborn. This conversation took place leading up to the party about 10 times. He never agreed or refused in each conversation simply was passive aggressive and said, "We'll see." Which isnt an answer. As guests arrived i announced to his uncles have fun this ends at 10 and Im going to bed. I left with our daughter and (might I add) someone elses kid in tow until 10:20 when i came home to a house full of men playing poker and blaring the T.V. I called my husband before my arrival and reminded him that everyone needed to leave and he said i will talk to you when you get here. Again evasive. I announced to the guys that the party was supposed to end at 10 and it was now almost 10:30 and it was time to go bc I am 9 months pregnant, tired, and due in a week. My husband gave me the death glare and asked to talk to me in the bedroom.

Once there I told him exactly what I felt about this and why I was so frustrated. He told me, "This is what is going to happen, they are going to stay here and play poker, we will keep it down and turn the t.v. down." I said no it is not going to happen like that bc we discussed this repeatedly, I was considerate of your requests and you need to be considerate of mine. If you wont advocate for my needs then I will. In the past his family is unable to "keep it down" cursing and yelling at each other during poker games until 3 am. Im not dealing with that crap! Everyone left after my announcement, but my husband accused me of embarrassing him and kicking his family out. He said I was classless in my delivery and ghetto. He says I should have pulled him aside to talk to him YET AGAIN, prior to addressing the guests. I told him no, you wouldnt do it so I did. Why because I was assertive, am I classless and ghetto, but if he did it he would have been manly, assertive, and showing leadership. Its a bunch of frustrating crap. So now he wants me to apologize to his family for asking them to leave. I told him no, he needs to apologize for misleading them to believe that this party had no deadline! He should also apologize to me for stringing me along for 2 weeks to believe that he was going to cooperate with my request to have guests leave at 10. I told him if he wanted to party later he should have had his gathering somewhere else or got his own hotel. IM PISSED!

Further he come home yesterday and announced when the baby gets here and my family comes from out of town to visit he will not be doing anything with them, accommodating them in anyway, or cooking for them because of how I treated his family/guests by asking them to leave the party. How immature and vindictive is that? I told him so too. This is juvenile. Hard to believe he will be 40. Grow up!
I don't have any advice, but I don't think you were wrong. What he did was inconsiderate and disrespectful on more than one level.

He was wrong and seems to be in denial about it. I hope you guys get the situation resolved before the baby comes.
So sorry hun you are having to put up with such BS so close to your due date. It really upsets me when I hear of men being so disrespectful, especially when you're doing the amazing but very tiring task of making an entire human being for the both of you.
My husband never gets the chance to forget I come first at the moment, and in fairness to him doesn't let me forget it either.
I've never heard of a diaper party, probably not a thing in the UK, but he should be thanking his lucky stars you even let him have one at home, especially requesting you go out. He should have gone out to a bar/casino, or gone to a relatives house if he was so set on it going on through the night with his poker. You are definitely not in the wrong, and I agree he needs to grow up. I hope you guys get it sorted before your relatives arrive. :hugs:
You're not wrong at all. You told him way ahead of time what you expected. It's totally unreasonable of him to act as if you did something wrong, when it's his fault his guests were misled. If he wanted to play poker til 3 he should have had the party at someone else's house where no pregnant people live!

He sounds really passive aggressive and manipulative. He thought he could get his way by avoiding the conflict til everyone was over, and thought you would back down and let them stay. Seems like he would know you better than that.
His behavior is outrageous. Was he trying to get in a fight with you before the baby comes? Are there no pubs near you where he could have gone to drink/carouse with his family? Do none of them have houses? He should have gone elsewhere and left you in peace. You should tell him you're going to wait until he gets sick or needs sleep for some reason and then invite all your friends/family over and be loud all hours of the night, see how he likes it.

If I were you I would let him pout and sulk and be a jerk, don't give in an inch. When your family comes, just warn them that he is in a "mood". You're totally in the right, its your house too, he can't pull nonsense like that so close to your due date.
Thank you for your opinions. I am so disgusted by his behavior. He has zero accountability and wants to blame this mess on me. He was embarrassed about how I handled the situation, but if he would have been assertive and taken care of business himself I would not have had to. I think he has a lot of nerve to try to just force this on me and make me "suck it up" and then to demand I apologize to his friends and family. I told him he is lucky he even got to have it at the house, and that most pregnant women as far along as me would have not been near as accommodating.
If he didn't want to be embarrassed in front of his friends he should have made sure the party ended when you requested. To say that he won't accommodate your family when the baby arrives is absolutely outrageous! And totally unfair to make you worry about this at what should be a special time for you and all the family. Maybe you should let him read these posts- he might realise you're not being unreasonable at all!
how selfish? oh I've had a few funny fives with my husband lately.
I'm sure its the run-up to delivery that makes them panic and release their 'so called' manly authority over us.
he should have had the diaper party before you were heavily pregnant and if not he should've booked a restaurant or gone to a casino with his family and respected the fact that you need your rest.
if he refuses to entertain your family then he will just come across as a douche, which will make you look bad, so don't stand for it.
perhaps you could book a hall for BOTH the families together to visit at the same time and have a naming ceremony (or something) and then he won't have a choice about NOT cooking will he? LOL
The more I think about it, the more frustrated and disgusted I am. This event happened on Saturday night and my husband is still being a jerk. Not interacting with me at home and isolating himself "to get away from me." He just does'nt seem to be growing or maturing as a person and a man. I would expect him to want to grow and develop into a better man for me and for our kids, but he is just a selfish ass. He had the nerve after 6 rounds of IVF to get pregnant to tell me, "I will claw my eyes and ears out if I have to deal with you being pregnant again." Seriously reflecting, Im not that bad, he is just trying to be hurtful and vindictive. He still acts like he did nothing wrong because he has too much pride and entitlement to admit he did anything wrong. I feel violently angry when I look at him. Monday night I came home from work, he had picked our daughter up from school at my request bc I had an errand to run. I got home and he had not fed her or started homework with her, so I did. He was trying to sleep on the sofa and then got all pissed because we where making to much noise for him to nap. He stormed off upstairs to lay in the spare room. Seriously you jerk, I am up at 6 am and leave at 7:30 every morning with our daughter to take her to school. He is still asleep when I leave every day. He gets home before me and needs a nap????!!!! He is useless, lazy, and Im disgusted with him. Talking to him about it turns into a week of walking on eggshells and ugliness just like the position I find myself in now. I should have married an adult. Feeling hopeless. My MIL says to pray about it and pray for him, but people only change if they want too, not if you want them too.

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