My Hannah is 7 months today! She just had her 6 month check up 2 weeks ago and was 15 lbs, 8% on height (Im only 4'10", so she is short like me) 28% weight and 82% hc, she sits well by herself, gets in the crawling position and goes backwards, not forward yet , and she walks when holding onto things or when in her walker! She is a great baby, eating three meals a day plus breastfeeding, I make her food, she eats avocados, bananas, blueberries, egg yolks, sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, chicken, Turkey, bison, pumpkin, peas, peaches, plums, butternut squash, gran beans, carrots... Im sure there is more, I usually have to put a fruit in with a carrot and a fruit in with a meat, but she loves the egg yolk by itself!
Her sleeping is not as good as it used to! She is back Im her crib until anywhere from 1-4am then I just put her in our bed, she usually only wakes that one time between those hours to eat then back to sleep until 7:30!
Everyone who meets her always says she's such a good baby and rarely fusses!! She just started playing peek-a-boo with herself, it's so cute, she looks in her mirror toy and pulls up her blanket, wait a few seconds then pulls it down and smiles at herself! It's adorable!!