Due in November

Dizzymoo....You back?? Haha, you havent posted in here for aaaaaaaagggggggeeeeeesssssss :D

Im fine thanks, cant believe Ive only got just over 2 weeks left - and am moving house next weekend. Did I read that you're moving too? Last time I moved house pregnant I went into labour the same day and had little man the day after so I just hope this one stays put whilst I get settled in!!

Well Ive just had a very naughty tea of McDonalds cheesburger happy meal, mayo chicken and caramel mcflurry, so naughty but so nice. I had it with tropicana though, so justified it by getting one of my 5 a day lmao :)

Gonna snuggle in bed and watch xfactor soon, Im shattered after all this box filling lol.

Its coz i keep forgetting about certain threads, i need reminders lol

I'm child free now & just sulked my way into a pepperoni pizza i'm so fed up its unreal :(

I was meant to be moving yeh but having to stay put now as the housing ass i'm with keep delaying the move & i'm being induced in 3wks & coz of spd i cant move by myself so i'm staying put GRR.

I've got a 37wk sweep in 3wks ! & if it dont work, 3 days later im being induced ...bring it on! I so hope the sweep works!!
Well, just a quick update from me, we got the new house keys yesterday so are hoping to move in this weekend :D

Ive been poorly sick all week, have THE worst case of man flu Ive ever had....So bad infact that I went to the docs this morning, just to see if there was anything they could do. He said its a viral infection and he cant give me anything <boo hoo> so Im just going to have to suffer.

MIL has spent the day bleaching the new house, and OH is there as we speak painting walls, Ive been in bed all day :( Ive only been managing to drag myself up to do the school run since Tuesday and have spent most of the week in bed, not good when Ive still got loads to pack. I just hope Im better for when bubs arrives, cant be caughing and spluttering all over the poor little thing can I?

Hope everyone else is well
Hi girls I thought I'd come see how u were all doing and leave an update!

Well let's start with when I went for my growth scan on the 19th. All went well, Josh weighed in at 6.75lbs, and from what OH has said his head was measuring at 40 weeks and leg-bone and stomach was at 38-39 weeks. Looks to be a big bugger lol!

Well after that I had a generally good week. Usual aches and pains one would expect at this stage and then on Saturday after dinner (which was about 3pm) I was loading the dishwasher with OH and I had horrible pains just under my bust right in the ribs as if Josh was playing football and getting his feet stuck lol.

I gave it a few hours and had a bit of a soak in the bath, and at MIL's advice rang the labour ward and explained all. The midwife on the other end suggested I gathered my things and notes and made way to hosp for a check over of me and bubs.
Well they did the usual checks on me - urine, BP, pulse and usual check on bubs - heart beat etc - and after 3 hours I got told I could go home as all it was, in so many words, was wind!!! Boy did I feel embarrassed! So I left the hosp at 11.30pm after taking a tablet called renitadin (i think) and with a bottle of Gaviscon.

So not an eventful week but an eventful weekend lol. Here's hoping the sweep goes to plan. I have it on the 2nd as I'm due the 6th so we'll wait and see if he's early.

Hope everyone else is OK xx :hug:
Hi ladies,

I hope you are all well :)

Dom are you better now? what an awful time to catch the flu! How is the bump? not long now. Have you moved in yet? Good that your MIL helped to clean it for you. Am recovering well from the C Section, I thought it would take 6 weeks before I could really do much at all but I can do most things really, just take things slower than normal and no heavy lifting. I walked into town Monday and looked around for couple of hours (was nice to get out and get some fresh air) think 2 hours was a slight overkill though as was a bit tender yesterday.

How are you Ellie? Anymore wind:winkwink: I am sure it has happened to millions of women and better to get it checked out. You don't want to be at home thinking it just wind and out pops little one - now that would be embarassing to say 'I didn't know I was in labour, I thought it was wind' :haha:

All great with us, Poppy came home last Wednesday - was so scarey at first
she so tiny and I completely clueless of what I should or shouldn't be doing. The health visitor came on Thursday and she was pretty useless as not know anything about premature babies (god knows why she is coming once a week then) the SCBU aftercare lady came on the Friday and she was great - thankfully she coming once a week too. She was weighed on Monday and Poppy is now a whopping 4lbs :happydance: am over the moon.

Take care of yourselves & bumps
Hey all, looks as if everyone has abandoned this thread now, but in case not, Ill give an update!....

So...We moved house on the Saturday and Sunday with help from my Mum and Step Dad and little bro and sis, and then on the Monday morning, I woke up at 8.30am with a contraction.....I phoned other half at work at about 9am when I was sure it really was labour. He was working with my step dad, so My step dad brought him home (OH drives to my mums, and then goes in step dads van to where they're working) and Step Dad took Mackenzie to their house so that my Mum could look after him (its was half term week). We got to the hospital at around 11am, and when the midwife examined me she asked what Id be happy with and I said as long as Im not 1cm and you dont send me home thats fine - Well I was 7-8cm gone!! I stayed walking around the birthing room to keep things going and pushed out Gabriella at 11.53am (the 26th October) - only a 3.5 hour labour. I didnt have any pain relief at all - I screamed the place down, hehe, but did it all by myself!! I stayed in hospital overnight because Im breastfeeding, and my MIL brought me home the day after - OH had to go back to work - Oh the joys of being self employed..

Im absolutely loving motherhood round 2 :0) She had been really good up to yesterday when she cried all day long - Daddy says its dummy time, but Im trying to resist for now. I think it'll be easier in the long run - But she doesnt cry during the night much and thats the main thing.

Breastfeeding is going really well - She goes about 4 hours between feeds and shes put on 1lb1oz in 3 weeks. She only lost 80g in the first couple of days which is great (aparantly).

I hope all you other ladies are well :0) xxxx
I'm still here :)

Congratulations on the arrival of Gabriella :flower:

Wow a drug free birth - well done you, how much did she weigh? How is Mackenzie taking to having a little sister? all settled in the new house ok? you only just made it before little one arrived!

How is Gabriella doing? given in to the dummy yet? I was adamant Poppy was not going to have one, but when in SCBU they recommended her having one and I reluctantly agreed, am so glad I did as it can settle her within seconds & falls fast asleep. She so noisy sucking it though can keep us awake lol and Marc has resorted to sleeping with ear plugs in. TBH she is pretty noisy when she sleeps anyway and makes really weird noises including sounding like a horse!

Good to hear the breastfeeding is going really well, when I was in hospital most of the women had such a rough time with it and the midwives were pretty awful to them. I tried once and Poppy was absolutely horrified and screamed and screamed at the thought of my boob (I was nearly in tears as she was so upset) so I am still expressing, find it really hard going but have perserveered and pleased that I have managed 6 weeks so far :) I just take each day as it comes and am not putting too much pressure on myself. She is on 2/3 prescription formula and 1/3 of mine so have already filled up a shelf in the freezer! Poppy is now a chunky 5lbs 6oz :) and has got a lovely round belly and chubby cheeks. She feeds around every 3-4 hours & just have the odd day when she hungry 1-2 hours after a feed.

One of my cats has not taken the arrival of poppy well, she spent few days at the vet due to a blocked bladder she came home yesterday (think she will have to go back today as she still not weeing) the vet asked if there had been any changes at home that could have caused her stress new pet/cat as that is what tends to cause it. Poor willow had been getting really upset when poppy cried and would start crying herself and following me about. Sods law my pet insurance ran out whilst I was in hospital and I totally forgot to renew it, so far it's cost £300.00 and she still can't seem to wee so think they will need to operate on her :( poor little thing.

Well enough ramblings from me, take care xx
Aw Im glad theres still somebody here to listen to me muttering on :)

Gabriella weighed 8lb 3oz when she was born, little fatty she is!! She looked huge to me, because mackenzie was only 7lb 4oz, but the same length so she looked really big. She didnt really look like a newborn either, it was really strange. I cant believe almost 4 weeks has passed already, its flown by way too quickly and Im sure Im not going to want to go back to work after, but needs must and all that :(

Shes doing great, and no, not given in to the dummy....yet!! She was a little princess the day after her awful day, just feeding and having a sit in her chair before drifting off to sleep. She also sat the whole way through the xfactor last night in her chair, just looking around the room!!!!! Some days shes really good and other days she just whinges the whole day, But shes still being good during the night so far - as long as I get some sleep I can cope with most things. She has done a 6 hour stretch the last 2 nights which is really good - except I woke up with my nighty sopping wet through with boobie juice ;)

Mackenzie is being really good with her - hes really gentle and gives her a kiss and a stroke on the head. He keeps giving her his teddies and says that he'll save things for when he's older. Hes also got his new bunk beds now in his new bedroom so he's really happy - The top is his and the bottom is Gabriella's. He says "mine and Gabriella's room" so Im hoping he'll still want her in there in another 5 months time!!

We're almost all settled in - We still need to get some wardrobes because we had fitted ones at the other house, so at the minute most of our clothes are still in bin bags, with just a few hung over door handles hehe! Im glad OH wears stuff that doesnt need ironing for work, and only Mackenzie's polo shirts need ironing for school so its not too bad.

Aw your poor little cat, bless her :( How is she around Poppy? We used to have a dog when Mackenzie was born and she was really wary of him when he first came along, but soon grew used to him. Are your other cats OKay? How many do you have?

So are you getting little smiles from Poppy now? How is she at sleeping? Its really great that you are managing to express for her - It will do her the world of good Im sure. Are you hoping to move on to fully breast feeding or will she not take to it now that she has been using bottles?

I cant believe how much easier it is BF than FF - I should never have listened to my mum last time around! I think Im going to have a go at expressing when she gets past 6 weeks - Give OH a chance to feed her. How are you doing it? (Hand or pump) And does it hurt?

Well Im quite a rambler this morning arent I?

Keep well :) xx
Fellow rambler still here!!

8lbs 3oz that is more than double Poppy when she was born lol. Does she fit into newborn clothes or 0 - months?

Scarey how time is flying by, I can't believe Poppy is nearly 7 weeks old and how much she has changed. She now has lovely chubby cheeks and round belly, Marc & I were chuckling yesterday about her chubby little fingers - such a chnage from when she was born.

Well done on the dunmmy front. I try to only give it to her as a last resort, OH on other hand tends to give it to her all the time! I can see why he does it, cos I will spend ages with a grumpy poppy to eventually give her a dummy & instant happy poppy & he just thinks if she not want it she wont take it then can work out what she does want.

Poppy on the whole is good :) she feeds every 3.5-4 hours mainly, although tonight woke us up after 2 hours starving bless her. Wow 6 hours oooh that would be bliss. I have been tempted with trying dreamfeeding to see if I could get her to sleep longer during the night, have you ever tried it? Haha yes the joys of waking up drenched in boobie juice.

Awww Mackenzie is so sweet, you must be so proud of him. Is Gabriella staying in with you for 6 months? We plan to have Poppy in with us for 6 months, she is such a noisy sleeper though making all these weird noises including sounding like a horse that often hard to sleep through it OH has resorted to sleeping with earplugs in so don't know if we will make it to 6 months.

Glad you nearly all settled in, when are you getting the wardrobes? I need to sort out my clothes now as still wearing all my maternity clothes when I can probably get into most of my clothes, well tops at least and they are all vacuum packed in the wardobe.

Our cat is on valium for stress due to Poppy bless her, we are trying to let her know that Poppy is ok when she cries as she gets so distressed by it, we are hoping she gets used to it soon as otherwise I think we will have to think about rehoming her (which I will be devastated at as she is a lovely cat) as it just not fair on her or our other cat as she attacks her sometimes when poppy cries she also bites my feet or pulls on my clothes when Poppy cries whilst being changed. I don't think she would ever hurt poppy and on few occasions has come and licked her head when she has been crying (we have quickly washed poppy afterwards), but you just never know do you so we are very careful not to leave her alone with Poppy. Our other cat is not bothered by her at all and acts like she not even there.

I think I had one smile last week but not had one since so think it may have been wind & when at dr's last week she wasn't sure if Poppy was smiling or not so said I have to take her back in few weeks for her to check her smile. She said as Poppy's corrected age was only 2 weeks then not to be worried, Is Gabriella smiling?

Am really struggling with the expressing now just want to cuddle her after a feed not have to give her to OH so that I can express for half an hour. I did try breastfeeding but Poppy was distraught at the thought of my boobie and I was so upset by her reaction I can't bring myself to try again!
I have the Medela Mini electric (which I bought first) and also the Medela Swing which I got few weeks ago - both are great, fairly expensive though so got them off ebay. The mini is good but found it so noisy (had subtitles on alot lol) and as expressing fair bit wanted something quieter. It doesn't hurt at all, as you control the suction, if you not attach it to boob properly it a little uncomfortable but a quick rejig and it fine :)

Well your fellow rambler is back off to bed as Poppy is all settled now.

Take Care xx
Wow Willow, how did you manage to write all of that at that time in the morning? I dont know where you got the energy from! I think my OH would think Id lost it if I was on BNB at such an hour!!

Gabriella is now in 0-3 clothes <Cry cry>. Its a shame because my MIL went up to Mothercare when she was born and spent a fortune on clothes, and they've only lasted her 4 weeks. Im glad I bought most of the stuff I got from car boots, (I sound like a right tight arse dont I lol), Because its such a waste.

Aw Im gutted for you that the BF'ing isnt going as well as you hoped. Isnt there any BF'ing counsellors or anybody that could help you try again? FF'ing isnt the end of the world, I bottle fed Mackenzie and he was absolutely fine. In fact, Ive just said to OH this morning, Gabriella has got a cold at the minute, and Mackenzie never got ill at such a young age and I thought BF'ing was meant to pass on anti-bodies etc? She slep through the night last night - She went down at about 10, then snuffled at 1.30 but wasnt crying so I left her and she went back to sleep, then she woke up at 6.30. I think its probably just because shes ill though - Not a sign of things to come!!

Well, still no wardrobes yet. Im watching a few on Ebay as cant really afford to get new ones at the minute. We need a new fridge too, I think ours must have got damaged in the move because it keeps defrosting itself. OH was made redundant in summer and is self employed now and the guy hes working for doesnt like to part with money. He got his first cheque last week after working 7 weeks in hand!!!! We've had to jiggle and juggle our money around, well I say we I mean I because I sort all the money side of things!

No Gabriella isnt smiling yet, I didnt know it was something that they tested for...... I feel like a first timer again, Ive completely forgotten it all from last time.

Well, I must go and get Mackenzie up and ready for school - Its non uniform today and hes chosen to wear his lifeguard hoodie that we got on holiday in Newquay this year.

Something I hope will make you smile (It made me smile)....I led Gabriella on her bunk bed yesterday whilst I was putting some clothes away and Mackenzie went and led next to her to cuddle her and stroke her head. She turned her head to face his and started sucking on his cheek. Mackenzie burst out laughing and said "Mummy Gabriella is trying to kiss me but shes too little to know how to do it yet so shes sucking me instead" How gorgeous is that? I love these priceless moments you get as a mummy - you absolutely cannot beat them!!

Take care and I hope your pussy cat gets better soon xXxXx
Hi Dom,

I too am suprised where my energy comes from at that time in the morning. I had fed Poppy and was just sat with her as find that she will be sick if we lay her down within 30-45 mins of feeding her, there was nothing on TV so popped onto bnb.

That is soooo cute what Mackenzie said :) definately priceless.

I know what you mean about the clothes, they are so expensive and to be in them in only a few weeks is such a waste. I bought some off e.bay before Poppy was born but she is far too little for them at the moment so we ended up getting some small ones from Mothercare to tide her over until she a little bigger, thankfully I used my voucher I was given from work.

Have you tried freecycle for your wardrobes? Gotta love ebay though - I am addicted to it and am always watching things. Currently looking for some lined curtains for our patio doors.

TBH I'm not too bothered about BF, god that must sound awful but I love watching Marc feeding her and she has such a strong suck (hard trying to get her dummy off her) I don't think my poor boobs could cope with it! I was originally adamant that I was going to FF, so am pleased with myself that I have lasted 7 weeks expressing so far and tried BF.

I'm not actually sure why they test for smiling, the HV came yesterday and she too wasn't sure if Poppy was smiling or not. It is a one sided smile and is absolutely gorgeous :) melts our hearts when she does it. She has her first immunisation jabs next week, Marc is taking her as I can't bear to watch them hurt her.

Poor Gabriella having a cold, hope she better soon. Maybe the sleeping through is a sign for things to come - fingers x for you. We seem to be working the other way and Poppy has gone from 4 hourly feeds to 3 hourly and 2-3 hourly during the night.

Well best go and have my breakfast before Poppy wakes or might not get a chance for a few hours.

Take Care
Aw Willow, you sound like such a chilled out Mummy :) You sound like your just taking everything in your stride and not getting worked up by things - You've done really well with the expressing, I dont think Id have lasted as long as you have. You sound like your having a bit of a rough time too, having to express for half an hour after every feed, and keeping Poppy sat up for 45 minutes also - I dont know how your coping with the lack of sleep. Do you manage to sleep during the day? Have you given up with expressing now?

No I havent tried freecycle - From what people have said about it I dont think Id want the sort of stuff thats on there - We got everything given when we moved into our first home from family and friends, but everything was just all mis-matched and not how you want it so Id rather just buy some second hand ones - God that makes me sound like a snob! I also like the bidding on ebay - Its well exciting!! :D

Well Gabriella too is going backwards with the sleeping - Shes started getting up twice again during the night....I think she maybe growing though because she did noting but feed all day yesterday - OH was amazed that I could produce so much milk lol!!

Well Im going to go and make bacon butties - The healthy eating starts on Tuesday and I need to cram in as many baddies as I can b4 then - Including Ben and Jerrys from the tub last night lol :) xx

**Update hehe, OH is making bacon butties - They'll taste even better**
Am trying to take it all in my stride, have my stressy moments though!!

Am still expressing, keep thinking 'right no more' then feed Poppy with a bottle of EBM and see how she guzzles it down, it makes me unbeliveable happy and proud knowing that I have made it for her and worthwhile all the hassle and get the Medela Swing straight back out. I don't do it 6 times a day like I used to perhaps 4, which has meant less milk but enough for her for the day & a little to freeze :) How are you finding all the feeds, especially the night ones, do you think you will try and express a little so he can help you with the feeds? Dom the milk machine lol....

At the moment OH is still on annual leave (he taking 25 days off & goes back on 9th Dec) so we have been sharing alot of the feeds. Not looking forward to him going back to work but coped before so sure I will again :)

I know what you mean about freecycle, my friend kitted out her entire flat with freecycle things, she said some things weren't good but good enough to tide her over for a few months until she could afford better and other things were really great, just luck of the drawer! How is the ebay bidding going? I bought 2 matching 3 seater sofa's for £5.00 :) from e.bay - the covers just needed a good wash so what a bargain!!

Poppy was a bit grotty the last couple of days, due to not going for a poo for 2 days soon as she went she was fine, we had this a couple of weeks ago also. I feel so sorry for her as know what it is but can't give her anything to help her go!

How was your bacon buttie? makes my mouth water thinking about it, just wish we had some bacon in the house, may have to have a sausage sandwich instead.

Well off to get dressed as have my friend coming over for Poppy cuddles later on today.
Ooohh you're so lucky having your OH at home with you all this time, I only had mine at home the day I gave birth, he was back the day after so itll be nice over xmas because hes having just over a week off, we can be a proper little family for that time.....Plus well have lots of new toys to play with too - I think we're bigger kids than Mackenzie some times :)

Feeding is going great, but I need to re-arrange the bedroom for the new wardrobes and the cot wont be right by my bed so Ill actually have to get up and out of bed!! Im going to do some expressing once im past the 6 week mark, then OH can have a go at feeding her. Itll also mean that I could go out (in theory if I ever get to that stage lol) and leave her with Grandma for a couple of hours. We got some new wardrobes yesterday - they were from a shop that I saw advertised on ebay. When we went it was a big warehouse thing with loads to chose from and I got 2 pairs for £150 which I didnt think was bad going to say theyre brand new!!

Wow, your sofa was a real bargain!! We once got a TV from ebay - A Sony one that was 32inch and we only paid £40. It got accidently knocked off our drawers (we had it in the bedroom) and it didnt even break! Its our back-up TV still :) I was impressed with that bargain for months after I got it.....

Bacon wasnt very good - It was smoked (which I cant stand) and the fat was still chewy - eeeewwww it makes me wretch, just the texture of it. Its one of very few foods I cant eat is fat - that and olives lol :) Poor OH tried hard aswell, so I ate it anyway because he brought it me up in bed and everything.

Gabriella is still caughing a lot, her nose is really snotty too, but isnt green so I dont think she has an infection. I dont think the doctors will be able to give her anything so I havent taken her. Its awful when you know they are poorly but cant take it away. Mackenzie got something in his eye on Saturday and was just crying and crying and it really tears at your heart :( if only you could take the pain away.

Anyway I must go and attempt to empty my washing basket - lol, it just keeps refilling as quickly as I can empty it - and shufty my bedroom around ready for OH to put new wardrobes up tonight when he gets home. Ive also got my little sis coming for tea tonight, so got a busy 3 hours before I pick them both up from schools lol, god these days go too quick.....

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