Fellow rambler still here!!
8lbs 3oz that is more than double Poppy when she was born lol. Does she fit into newborn clothes or 0 - months?
Scarey how time is flying by, I can't believe Poppy is nearly 7 weeks old and how much she has changed. She now has lovely chubby cheeks and round belly, Marc & I were chuckling yesterday about her chubby little fingers - such a chnage from when she was born.
Well done on the dunmmy front. I try to only give it to her as a last resort, OH on other hand tends to give it to her all the time! I can see why he does it, cos I will spend ages with a grumpy poppy to eventually give her a dummy & instant happy poppy & he just thinks if she not want it she wont take it then can work out what she does want.
Poppy on the whole is good
she feeds every 3.5-4 hours mainly, although tonight woke us up after 2 hours starving bless her. Wow 6 hours oooh that would be bliss. I have been tempted with trying dreamfeeding to see if I could get her to sleep longer during the night, have you ever tried it? Haha yes the joys of waking up drenched in boobie juice.
Awww Mackenzie is so sweet, you must be so proud of him. Is Gabriella staying in with you for 6 months? We plan to have Poppy in with us for 6 months, she is such a noisy sleeper though making all these weird noises including sounding like a horse that often hard to sleep through it OH has resorted to sleeping with earplugs in so don't know if we will make it to 6 months.
Glad you nearly all settled in, when are you getting the wardrobes? I need to sort out my clothes now as still wearing all my maternity clothes when I can probably get into most of my clothes, well tops at least and they are all vacuum packed in the wardobe.
Our cat is on valium for stress due to Poppy bless her, we are trying to let her know that Poppy is ok when she cries as she gets so distressed by it, we are hoping she gets used to it soon as otherwise I think we will have to think about rehoming her (which I will be devastated at as she is a lovely cat) as it just not fair on her or our other cat as she attacks her sometimes when poppy cries she also bites my feet or pulls on my clothes when Poppy cries whilst being changed. I don't think she would ever hurt poppy and on few occasions has come and licked her head when she has been crying (we have quickly washed poppy afterwards), but you just never know do you so we are very careful not to leave her alone with Poppy. Our other cat is not bothered by her at all and acts like she not even there.
I think I had one smile last week but not had one since so think it may have been wind & when at dr's last week she wasn't sure if Poppy was smiling or not so said I have to take her back in few weeks for her to check her smile. She said as Poppy's corrected age was only 2 weeks then not to be worried, Is Gabriella smiling?
Am really struggling with the expressing now just want to cuddle her after a feed not have to give her to OH so that I can express for half an hour. I did try breastfeeding but Poppy was distraught at the thought of my boobie and I was so upset by her reaction I can't bring myself to try again!
I have the Medela Mini electric (which I bought first) and also the Medela Swing which I got few weeks ago - both are great, fairly expensive though so got them off ebay. The mini is good but found it so noisy (had subtitles on alot lol) and as expressing fair bit wanted something quieter. It doesn't hurt at all, as you control the suction, if you not attach it to boob properly it a little uncomfortable but a quick rejig and it fine
Well your fellow rambler is back off to bed as Poppy is all settled now.
Take Care xx