Due in November

Hi girls,

Dom am so jealous - I love farm shows as they are always so fascinating :) I love seeing all the different animals you not normally see.

Have a lovely time at your brothers wedding Elle, is it far from where you live? Hope you get pampered lots by your family whilst there.

When did you send your HIP grant off Dizzy? Hope you get it soon so can fill your cupboards with yummy treats... I sent mine off last week - no idea how long it takes to come through though! Going to just monitor, steriliser, breast pump etc,. with mine :)

The christening was lovely :) had such a nice time (even though I do look like a fluffy haired beached whale in all the pics- lol).

I bought my bio oil from chemistdirect was alot cheaper than boots etc,. also got some palmers stretch mark cream from there too.

Time is just going so quickly - am 30 weeks already. Scarey to think that in 10 weeks I will be a mummy forever!!!! Have any of you packed your hospital bags yet? yesterday I put a few things in a bag, just nappies, wipes, baby grows - really must look into what should go in my bag and lentils and make a proper start as god knows what OH would put in there if it was up to him - pre-pregnancy clothes, fluffy slippers and 200 nappies I would imagine - lol

Have tomorrow off - so looking forward to 4 whole days off work to relax :)

Take care
hey ladies can i join too??

im kirsten, am 21, and bubs is due the 29th of nov...

Hope you ladies all had a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Hi Kirsten :) how is pregnancy treating you? do you know if you are having a boy or girl?

hey ladies can i join too??

im kirsten, am 21, and bubs is due the 29th of nov...


Hi Kirsten, of course you can join in! Welcome!:flower::kiss:

Well the wedding was amazing! My new sister-in-law looked absolutely amazing, so much so, I welled up just looking at her!:blush: I was a little naughty with alcohol whilst I was there :dohh::blush: I had a couple of sips of champagne but gave the rest to OH, I had half a glass of white wine with my meal but didn't finish it, and then had a Jack Daniels with coke at the night do but didn't finish that either. I guess it wasn't that bad as I drank very slowly with little sips and there's the fact I didn't finish either drink, so I don't feel too guilty. :shrug:

I didn't want to come home today as I love being around my family, and I miss them dearly when I can't see them :cry::cry::hissy:

How are my fellow sparklers? I have missed you all! :kiss:
Where are all you ladies? Have you abandoned this thread? lol

Im feeling really well, feel incredibly lucky that Im still sleeping right through the night :) Going to pack my hospital bag this weekend, what Ive got to put in it anyway, and am going to make a list of all the suff I need.

Has everyone bought all their big stuff now = cot, pram etc? Ive got the mamas and papas skate pram, a car seat from Argos and will be using cot,steriliser etc from when Mackenzie was a buba.

I really want to buy a mei tai (babyhawk), but still need to persuade OH to let me have one of them!! MIL is als insisting on buying a new cot matress, even though its only Mackenzie thats had the one we've got from new. Need to get a changing mat and changing box, but think I have pretty much everything else. Will need some new teats incase I cant BF and some dummies too.....Blimey, you forget just how much stuff babies need!!

Mummy_Ellie, dont feel bad about having a few cheeky drinks, Ive had the odd glass of wine, as I did last time, and I really dont think it will have done you any harm.

cant wait to go on mat leave in 4 weeks, woop woop, Am planning on doing lots of floor scrubbing to get this bubba into a good position ready for birth!! :D

Hi Ladies,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend :) I had my friend to stay which was really nice.

Elle - glad you had a nice time at the wedding, I hope your not missing your family too much now your back home. I too have had the odd tipple over the last few months, so don't feel bad.

Dom - lucky you sleeping through the night. I have the bladder the size of a pea so am up every couple of hours weeing, then have to fight with OH to get my pillow back lol

I think we have bought most of Lentils stuff now :) just got to get steriliser and breast pump and few small bits and pieces and am done. Just waiting for my delivery from Babies R Us for all the bedding, went a bit mad and have bought a moses basket, crib and cotbed - so lots of bedding lol. I have a Graco Mirage Lightrider travel system, which I love as is easy for me fold up and fits easily into our little punto and was a bargain £1 off ebay :) We have a bjorn carrier, the babyhawks look lovely though, but don't think I will be able to convince OH to get one :(

Am booked into hospital tomorrow to be monitored for the day as my blood pressure has crept up :( was slightly high on Fri, so today had to go back to get it checked again and it has got higher :( all my bloods and urine samples have come back ok so doctor said not to worry and the hospital is just a precaution. To try and relax doctor said to take the day off work today, tbh think it would have been better for me to go to work and give me something else to focus on. OH's work have been great and said he can take tomorrow off to be with me, which I am sooo pleased about.

Well enough ramblings from me, I am off to have a little nap.

Keep well ladies xx
Aw Willow, <hugz> how did you go on at the hospital??

Regarding a breast pump, I was going to wait until my breastfeeding is established before I buy one, but do you think its wise to buy one now??

Well got my bag packed with the stuff I have, but think Im going to have to have a jiggle, have put my going home clothes in but think I might take them out and get OH to bring them in after. Ive also put a whole pack of nappies in lol, but dont think Im going to need all them - dont know what I was thinking!! Need to get pads and paper nickers yet too, and some snacks - for OH at least, I wasnt allowed to eat last time. Oh and some flavoured water too!!

Ive been going mad in the kitchen recently, doing tonnes of cooking!! Ive always been into cooking and when I was on MAT leave last time cooked all the time, but since I work I get a bit lazy and only cook at the weekends, rest of the time its jacket potatoes and stuff thats quick (although not ready meals, just not a full on feast lol.) I dont get home until 6-ish, then I spend time with Mackenzie and put him in bed and before I know it, its 7.30 and too late!! However, I had Thur-Sun off work, and im on half days this week, so done loads from Jamies Ministry of Food book, and its been delicious - OH even asked me why Id learned to cook so good (charming eh!! ) Wonder if ots my way of nesting? (or is it too early at 32 weeks?)

Anyway, Im off for a bath, need to tackle my bushy legs lol :)

Hi ladies,

Hope you & bumps are all keeping well :)

Dom - I too have been a whizz in the kitchen recently, nothing extravagent but been cooking things like shepherds pies, meatballs (from scratch), beef pie (even made the pastry), spag bol etc,. certainly beats my usual chips lol May have to invest in Jamies book too.

I have only put 10 nappies in my bag - do you think that will be enough? I have put some paper pants in there but they look horrible, may just get some cheap big pants to take instead. For snacks - was thinking about putting 6 boxes of jaffa cakes in there, that should keep me going for a while lol.

Hospital was ok, bp was really high at first 150/100 but came down enough to be let home few hours later :) was wired up to a monitor which records the heartbeat (which was perfect), lentil was going crazy at one point and i thought he/she was kicking every few seconds and I was getting really concerned - turns out lentil had hiccups lol. I have to go back this Friday for more monitoring and tests as they think that there may be a problem with the blood flow to the baby and that the baby is measuring small. Trying not to stress too much about it as if anything serious they would have kept me in.

Work have been great and have just told me to come in as and when I feel up to it :) having to have afternoon check ups at the doctors so only going in for the mornings at the moment. TBH I am glad to be working as it a bit of a distraction for me :) Are you enjoying your afternoons off Dom?

How did the leg tackling go? I really need to tackle the lady garden soon or I will soon be tucking it into my socks - lol....


Willow <hugs> How are you hun? How did you go on at the hospital??

Well, the leg shaving thing doesnt exactly go to plan. Since I cant stand in the shower and bend over to do it, I have to lie in the bath and do some acrobatics with my legs to enable me to do it lmao :D Im not that big either so I dont know how poor women with massive bumps cope?? I too have tackled my "lady area", albeit not very well!!! Ive got one of those little green razors (cant remember the make - gillette??) with an electic bit (batteries) on the bottom, so I did it with that so that I didnt have to wet shave blind. I sat on the loo with my legs apart, holding a mirror inbetween and shaved lol lol lol. OH had a right shock when he walked into the bathroom - Think I should have just asked him to do it with this head clippers lmao :D

Well, back to full days at work for the next 2 weeks, I loved being at home last week in the afternoons. Gave me a taster of the great things to come - cooking, cleaning, ironing, I LOVE it!!!!!

I have had a bit of a re-jig with my hospital bag - Took my going home clothes and babies coat etc out, and also only left about 6 nappies in (you get samples in the hosp too) so there was a bit more room, until my mum bought me a gorgeous new whinnie the pooh fleecy dressing gown, so now its bursting again lol.

Well, 7 weeks to go for me ladies - I cannot believe how fast its gone!!!! Slow down time, Im not ready yet.......

Hope you're all keeping well

Hi Ladies,

Hope you and bumps are all well :)

Hospital went ok on Friday thanks Dom, the scan measured me at 30 so only 2 weeks behind - which is much better than the 5 weeks behind they originally said. They are still not sure if the baby is just small or if there are placenta problems, I have an appointment with the consultant on Wednesday as I am showing signs of pre-eclampsia now too so will know then what there plan of action is. I also have to have another growth scan in 2 weeks time, to see how the baby is developing. Trying to keep calm about it all....

Dom I too tackled the lady garden last night, laid on the bed with my NAIR and a mirror and plastered it on lol..... Then had a shower to rinse it all off - thought I had done a good job until OH helped me out the shower and the look on his face told me otherwise, although he told me it looked ok (bless him). So had a look in the mirror myself and OMG no way can I leave it like that, so round 2 tonight lol. If all else fails, OH's electric shaver here we come.....

I can't believe how quickly time is flying by - hard to believe I will be 33 weeks on Wednesday :) and only 3 more weeks at work. Getting quite sad at the thought of leaving now, think they be glad to see me go though with the amount of time off I been taking.

Aww bless your mum Dom - keep you toasty and warm in hospital. Planning on hitting Primark tomorrow and getting couple pairs of big jogging bottoms and couple of tops so can get them packed in my bag as quite conscious now that they may want to keep me in anytime between now and 40 weeks and god knows what OH would pack!

Just found out today that the head gasket has gone on our car, so OH is car hunting tomorrow - just what we need!!!

Take Care of yourselves and bumps xx
UH oh - Your poor car!! We've had loads of car problems in the past - although I may say its always my OH's car and not mine, once he gets something into his head he goes out and gets it, without really thinking it through - bloody men!! Hes had more cars than hot dinners I think.

At the MW at 9.20 this morning, so get to take my little man to school today - yay!! Must remember to ask her all my silly questions about birthing ball and babies position and stuff.

I had to have loads of extra scans last time, but because my tummy was small rather than little man. It is quite scary, but a few extra chances to see LO before it arrives.

I ended up buying a breast pump in asda at the weekend, a tomme tippee closer to nature one, reduced from 25 to 10!! Bargain. I got a steriliser thing of theirs aswell a few months ago in wilkinsons, one that you can just fit one bottle in (thought itd be good for holidays maybe??), but it was only a couple of quid so that was a bargain too. Sent OH into the attic yesterday on this day off to try and find steriliser that should be up there that was little mans. In true man fashion he couldnt find it!! (sound like a man-basher today dont i? rofl!!) So it looks like Im going to have to go up and have a hunt at the weekend. Although, Im thinking Ill need new teats anyway for bottles so may just work out cheaper buying a new steriliser with bottles and teats in??

MIL came back from her hold on Sun, and has bought baby the most gorgeous outfit. And a teeny tiny little hat, Im sure little man was never that small!! It looks like itd only just fit onto a dolly, aw bless!

Anyhoo, better get up and dressed ready for school, mw then work. Ho hum, roll on weekend!!

:D xx :D

PS RIP Patrick Swayze
Hi Ladies,

My OH is just the same Dom impatient when it comes to cars and bikes - he has had 5 of each in the last 4.5 years :o

We managed to part ex the punto and got an Astra :) - I bought the Punto last Feb to learn to drive in and never quite got round to it. OH took me out for a few lessons (the first one the car broke down - lol), really need to learn now and plan to pass by Feb next year...Going to feel like driving a tank learning in the Astra though!

How did the MW go? I don't see mine for another 2 weeks - she going to get a shock when she sees my file as last time I saw her all was perfect, now my file has doubled in size with all the dr & hospital appointments.

The DR yesterday was pants, def not seeing her again, had to wait over an hour she then refused to do my bloods and have to go back on Monday to get someone else to do them :( she said 'lets see if we can get this baby to at least 34 weeks, as it will have a good chance in the special care unti' I was like I am 34 weeks in 5 days.....talk about scare the life out of me, no one has said anything like that before. Then she said right lets take your BP! Yeah like saying that won't make it sky high!! Seeing the consultant on Wed again and she nice so can put my mind back at rest.

Was the Asda event good? Good bargain on the pump :) We haven't got an Asda round here :( You be careful going up in the attic if you go up! OH would go mental if I went up there, he worries about me going up the stairs let alone a ladder! I bought some Tommee Tippee bottles when they were on offer in Superdrug (have 6 bottles) and bought 3 medela swing storage bottles - is this enough do you think? I still need to get a steriliser - have seen a Lindam one in Argos I like.

Aww your MIL is sweet I haven't seen mine since Feb (she lives quite far away). She coming down for few days end of Nov :) few weeks after Lentil is born and is staying at hotel round the corner.

You up to much this weekend? I think we are going to try and sort the furniture out in the nursery so that I can put all the clothes and bedding away that I have just washed. Also need to juggle our room about to fit crib in, OH has also just built a chest of drawers (from scratch) for our room too- it is gorgeous, he just needs help getting it up the stairs as it solid pine and weighs a ton!

Well best get the washing out on the line and make the most of it not raining.

Well Willow, I think its just the two of us in here now, lmao!!

Ive not been very good at coming in here recently, or on very much to be honest!! Tried to do a post last night, but bloody stupid laptop turned itself off and I couldnt be bothered to turn it back on, so am sneaking on now at work :)

Well, Im getting a bit tired now, am glad Ive only got next week left at work - and Im only doing mornings aswell to use up my holidays. My legs are also really swallen and sore, if I press my finger onto them they stay white for ageeeeesssssss - and Ive got cankles too :( Small price to pay though eh? Ive got my feet up on another

Aw no, boo hiss - I cant fit through the opening into my attic any more. Was squeezing through sideways but cant even do that now, So hanging up the washing is going to have to be OH's job for the next 6 weeks lmao!!

I got a new steriliser at the ASDA event, the tomme tippe closure to nature one (same as my breast pump) for £10, and 6 bottles (same make) for £5 - bargain! - Like I thought, cheaper than new teats.

Sooooo, Im almost all sorted now, am going to get my cot down next week I think once Ive finished work, and start bringing other stuff over from MIL's house (moses basket etc) and get other stuff from attic - Ive got stuff everywhere!! Still need to get a babyhawk, think its going to have to go on my list to santa, or maybe my birthday list (day the babies due!!)

Had to get the train to work today, car is in for MOT, only the train was cancelled so I had to get a replacement bus to work instead and ended up being a bit late. And then, OH phones up the garage to see if its passed, only to be told that they didnt have time to fit it in, and Im going to have to wait until tomorrow, boo hoo, so train (if it turns up!!) tomorrow too.

I sound like a right moaner today, just in a completely cant be bothered mood!!

How are you feeling now Willow? You're due the day after me, Its soooo exciting now dont you think?

How is everyone else? (If theres anyone out there) :D

don't really know how this works but i'm 20 in 6 days and i'm due 4th November with our baby boy
hope everyone is doing well x
Hello NmcDs <waves>

Everyone seems to have deserted this buddy thread apart from me and Willow buy you're welcome to join :D

Hope your well Hon, your due 1 day after me!! Is it your first?

Hi girls. How are you all? Welcome NmcDs!!

I haven't been on here in ages have I?! I haven't been on the site in ages either lol.

Update methinks lol. Well to be completely honest, there isn't all that much to report. Not much has changed. OH is loving having a car that much, bless him he sits in it doing nothing quite often. At least it keeps him happy and it gives me peace!

LO is moving lots like always and he hates it when I have my tray on my knee when I have my tea as he's forever trying to kick it off haha

Well I don't want to ramble about naff all so I'm going now! Speak soon sparklers!
Hi ladies,

Welcome Mcdsc I am due on the 4th November too :) can't believe how quickly the time has gone, how is pregnancy treating you? Are you ready for your arrival?

Welcome back ellie - lol. What car did you get? We just bought a new Astra as the head geasket went on my little punto so got rid of it quick!! OH loves it and makes any excuse for us to go for a little drive - he certainly didn't ever do that with the old one, all I ever got was what a pile of 'sh**' it was!

Did your car pass it's MOT DOM? Not long until you finish work - bet you can't wait. How is the swelling? keep an eye on it hun just to be on the safe side. I can't believe we are only 5 weeks away now, it is very exciting :) are you nervous about the birth at all? I am trying not to think about it, ignorance is bliss - lol.

Well I am still having lots of check ups due to BP and protein in wee. On Thursday had to do a 24 wee collection (worked from home that day as no-way taking a 3ltr bottle to toilet everytime at work and then bringing it home on the train lol). OH had the fun task of taking it back to the hospital on Friday for me, haha he was working so had to do it in his full uniform when on a break - he said they were a little suprised when a copper turned up with a huge bottle of wee - lol.

I have another growth scan on wed and appointment with the consulatant - so should know the plan of action then. I am looking forward to seeing Lentil again, but nervous as know it may mean I could have Lentil next week.......eeek..

I had my leaving presentation on Friday (work were worried I wouldn't make it too my last day next friday-bless them). I was so embarassed when I saw everyone crowding round my desk and would have happily climbed under the table if I could of - lol. They gave me a huge card & said such lovely things and gave me a gorgeous photo album/scrap book kit for Lentil, things from Lush for me (which I love) plus £50.00 mothercare voucher - it was so much more than I ever expected. All I managed to say was ''oooooh thanks, ooh god I'm going to cry, thanks so much' then the eyes welled up and that was it!!

well enough ramblings from me, hope you all had a nice weekend

Hello all,

No, Willow, my car didnt pass its MOT - Boo Hoo!! It failed on some sort of wheel bearing or other. And beacause its an Audi (no Im not posh haha!!), you cant just buy the bearing, youve got to buy some whole kit, which costs a fortune because it can also ONLY come from Audi, so including labour, parts and MOT its setting me back £300!!!! Sooo I was on the train Thurs and Fri (they didnt get round to the MOT on thurs) and this week until they get the parts in and fix it. I had to run from work to get the train on time (theres only 1 every hour) and then sat on the train wheezing and panting like an 80-a-day smoker. Also thought I was going to go into labour lmao (yes im dramatic hehe) so tomorrow, I think I may have to wander around town and get the next train, so as not to do myself an injury!!

Well, I really cant believe its only 5 weeks away, its gone too fast!! Im weirdly not scared about the labour this time round, even though I cant remember my labour last time because of the gas and air sending me loopy. I think its because if it all gets too much im going to have an epidural (again) - Maybe thats why Im not scared. Im more afraid about breastfeeding I think - I didnt do it last time around so im quite nervous.

So do you finish work this Fri Willow (2nd)? I cant wait to be at home cooking and cleaning!! :D I love it

How is your astra? Im going to sell my Audi to release the equity and get something cheaper and bigger - am thinking of an astra or maybe a civic?? OH is selling his car and getting a van for work also (hes now sef employed so needs one) so he has to be in on the decision too as its going to be a "family" car instead of just mine.

Am at the mw again in the morning, hoping shell tell me that buba is engaged with all the bouncing and rolling Ive been doing on my ball hehe!! :)

Anyhoo, going to have a hot chcolate and some galaxy mmmmmmmmmmmm only got 9 weeks of pigging out to do (am planning on being a pig for 4 weeks after birth) Before diet and excercise starts! Ive already made a fatty thinspiration chart to document my progress, lets hope itll motivate me eh??

Keep well everyone (If theres anyone out there haha)

Thanks Willow lol
We got a Ford Escort. It's not much but it's enough for me and Rob (OH) and enough for when we put Joshua in. I demanded a 5-door lol seeing as I want ease of putting Josh in when we go out. I hate 3-door cars when you have kids.
Shame about your Audi Dom. It's a bugger when things cost the earth.

You're not wrong about the 5 weeks. I'm getting excited but I'm also getting scared. I think it's cause it's my first and I don't know what to expect and I don't want to do anything wrong. I've been told my my parents and Rob's parents not to be daft, and that things will come to me naturally but you can't help worrying can you?
Hi Ladies,

Sorry about your car DOM, hope you get a good deal on selling it and getting either an Astra or Civic. OH and I both love civics but the insurance was just too much for us, so we opted for the Astra instead. Maybe when I have passed my test (in a year or two lol) we will get a Civic. Hope you had a nice wander around town and not rush for your train again....

Ellie, I know what you mean about 5 door cars - I can't imagine managing with a little one and getting them all strapped in, in a 3 door one. My brother has always had Escorts and loves them :)

Quick update for you - Lentil is not going to be a November baby. We found out today at the growth scan that he/she has not grown much in the last 3 weeks and is measuring 4 weeks behind so they have decided to induce me next Tuesday (yes NEXT tuesday) talk about shocked!!!

I am completely terrified..... like you Ellie I am scared of making a mistake and not knowing what to do etc,. and thought the next 5 weeks I could read up on everything about babies and what to do, get everything ready and now I have less than a week to get my head round we are having a baby and get everything ready! As for the labour, my ante natal classes start the day I am being induced so have no idea what to expect and haven't even thought about a birth plan. Have midwife appointment tomorrow so hopefully she can put my mind at rest.

Not long now until your last day at work :) cooking and cleaning here you come! Hope you get a nice send off and don't blubber like me - lol.

Well ladies TC xx

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