Due in November

Awww Willow, hun, I really feel for you! I didnt have a birth plan, and Im not doing one this time around so try not to worry too much about that - I just go with the flow!! How did you go on at the MW today?? I hope shes helped you out!!

Well, I didnt end up having a nice wander around town, I rushed around like a loony getting all my bits and bobs since Im not going to be in town again after Friday. I then had to rush for the train, get off a stop early, walk to a bus station, get a bus to another village, walk to the garage, pick up my car and then drive home. then I walked to & from school, and went to MIL's because it was her birthday. I was absolutely frazzled last night, and my feet were like balloons!!!!

Had a nice pub lunch today to celebrate me leaving work (even though I dont finish until tomorrow, but Friday lunchtimes in pubs are too busy). Im ready to leave now, its just such a stressful workplace, its awful. I really hope I can find something different when its time to go back. Is everyone else having a full 12 months off?

Almost school pick up time now, and then its time to make spag bol for tea yummy :)

Willow - keep us informed and I want lots of piccies once lentil arrives. And the full gory birth story - You can prep us all for our labours!!

Stay safe and well all :D Not long to go now

Hi Ladies,

Dom - naughty naughty doing all that, your supposed to be taking it easy!! Hope you make up for it by having a mega relaxing time whilst on maternity leave before little one arrives. Hope your last day goes well at work.

I too am taking 12 months off - was adamant I wasn't going back but everyone has been so lovely to me over the last few months I am so so sad I have left & I may see about going back part time. Time will tell I guess, as really could do with a job closer.

MW was brilliant - she was somewhat suprised that all this has been going on over the last 6 weeks and was shocked I am being induced at 36 weeks as usually wait until 37. She said it a tough decision and the consultant is doing it for the best reasons as lentil will grow better outside as not getting enough nutrients from me. I had forgotton most of the questions I wanted to ask doh but OH was brilliant and asked loads. She said that she has known tiny early babies coming home soon after birth and it all depends on each baby and that maybe Lentil won't have to stay in SCBU for long at all :) She said not to worry about missing the ante-natal classes as I won't be having a normal birth so it would all go out the window anyway!

Got a few tiny clothes from Tesco's today (not much as most was too big), mum is going to see what Asda have and bring a few things up on Saturday as Mothercare seems so expensive!

Really need to sort the house, have a sort out, give it a good clean etc,. and cook some meals to put in the freezer but have got hospital Friday & Monday, Mum on Saturday, friend on Sunday afternoon and OH is on nights so don't want to wake him during the day - so don't know how much I will actually get done!

Well thats enough ramblings from me, bed is calling.

TC xx
Awww, I bet the tiny clothes are so sweet, even my newborn stuff sends everyone coo-ey!!

Well, my last day was fine, just spent the day photocopying all the invoices and putting them in envolopes. Wasnt much point in me doing any proper work. I got a £40 voucher, some cards, some vests and some smellies - with strict instructions to put my feet up!! I dont want to mope around though, I've got loads of cleaning projects in mind, and might even try and get my xmas pressies sorted too!! Im also going to do lots of cooking - Cottage pies and stews and stuff for the freezer, and making corned beef hash for tonight, yummmmmmm.

I know what you mean about Mothercare, Boots is the same. Ive got nearly all of my clothes from boot sales. We had all brand new stuff when Mackenzie was little, and it was such a waste!! Next isnt mega expensive, but for up to 12months Ill be having all second hand. I got Mackenzie from Mothercare - 2 tracksuit type things - Bob and Thomas - as a present from us for when Bubs arrives, and a pepa pig t-shirt from Bubs, and it came to £36 - Yikes!! Ive also got him a new quilt cover, an electric toothbrush (hes been after one for ages) and a car from Bubs. I know its quite a bit, but I love him soooo much and hes such a sweet little man. I hardly ever spoil him, but went a bit mad for this - Hes seen me buying all the new stuff for Bubs and hasnt complained or moaned once.

Have you all chosen names now? We cant decide!! We knew Mackenzie's name before he arrived, but were finding it a lot harder this time round....So far we have:

Madison (although there seems to be lots of Madisons about now - Ive liked this since we were expecting Mackenzie 4 years ago!!)
Matilda (I keep changing my mind about this one!!)

Kaleb (I keep changing my mind about this one too!!)

Argh - Only 4 and a bit weeks to chose!!

Stay well all xxxx
Hi girls

Guess what? OH has finally passed his theory!! It's took him 3 attempts bless him but he was really chuffed when he came back from the test centre! I can't wait until he's passed the other and then we wont have to rely on his parents to get about.

I know I'm not writing much this time but I just had to tell you all.

Hope you're all well xx
Hi Ladies,

Glad your last day went well DOM, you didn't blubber like me then - lol. I have been cooking like a mad women the last few days (loving my slow cooker, sling it all in then when come from hospital each day it all ready) so far have done sweet & sour chicken, chicken curry & spag bol all now in the freezer ready for when Lentil is here. Sausage casserole, chicken casserole, stew, then shepherd pie will be next (aslong as they not keep me in after today's hospital appointment!).

Aww Mackenzie sounds such a lovely little boy, he will love all his little pressies :) is he looking forward to bubz arriving? Does he want a brother or sister?

We have a few names - Rupert (love the name but worried about being bullied for it), Noah, Jospeh, Austin or Hollie, Poppy. They will either have Ray or Rae as a middle name, after my dad :)

Elle, well done to your OH , I bet you are so proud of him. When is he taking his practical test? bet he can't wait to get behind the wheel of your new car. I still can't drive (am 31) so hats off to him :)

My lovely friend sent me some little babygrows, vests etc,. for Lentil that are for up to 5 lbs (that were her little boys), so should have enough to get us by for a few days. They are so tiny, makes me want to cry when I look at them.... Just need to get a little cardie which they sell at the hospital, so will send OH to get one when born.

Well best go as need to put some washing in, as someone drunken idiot was sick all over OH last night and he needs his uniform for tonight and the other one has kebab all over it from the night before when someone threw one at him - hopefully it will all dry before he starts at 10pm tonight.

Take care xx
Hi girls hope you're all well

Willow, we're not booking the practical just yet. OH is going to have a couple of lessons with his instructor first for him to see what the driving is like. OH goes out in the car a fair bit with his dad to gain confidence behind the wheel. I think it's cause it's a bigger car than he learns in as he learns in a Vauxhall Corsa. As for looking forward to getting behind the wheel, I agree lol. He can't wait. He really wants to be the one who takes me to the hospital when I go into labour and also he can't wait to be able to go out when he wants to see his friends in places like Rotherham which is really hard to do at the moment.

Who else is looking forward to the big day? I know I am as right now I am in that much pain with LO's feet being stuck in my ribs and him poking me in the pelvis, the day couldn't come sooner lol. But I also want him to stay where he is for the rest of the time so that I know he's 100% developed.

Names did someone mention? Well our LO is going to be called Joshua Stephen Peter, but Josh for short. Stephen is OH's dad's name and Peter is my dad's name ans also Oh's grandad's name. We'd picked Rosie Aileen Marie for a girl - Aileen being my grandma's name - so that will stay if we have any more. OH has said if we have a boy again, then He wants the names Harry Keith and Joseph in there, which I thought was sweet as they are the names of our grandads.
Are the names you've picked special in anyway? Or are they just what you like?
A big well done to Mr Ellie, lol. When we moved into our first home, we had little man the day after, and that was in May (05). He didnt pass his driving test until the October of that year, but we coped without having a car, just meant that we had to do smaller shops more often and couldnt get to the places that we go now. It is great having the freedom of a car, it means we can go for lovely family days out at the weekend, and also I can get more shopping in lol. I put my car up for sale today, so fingers crossed somebody will want him!!

Good luck for tomorrow Willow, you probably wont see this before you go in but if you do, all the best and Ill be thinking of you (inbetween cleaning, lol - I cant keep still at the minute!)

Mackenzie has his daddy's name, his daddy's grandad's name, and my grandad's name as his middle names. If we have a boy this time, OH wants to put my 2 brother's names in as middle names (He doesnt have any brothers), and if it's a girl he wants my sister and his sister's names in. Theres just one problem with this - I really dont like his sister's name!! - I know that sounds really mean, but I just dont, so we're debating it at the mo. He did say I can make the final decision though.

I can't believe Im going to be "full term" (37 weeks) next Tuesday, its scary!! Its come around so quickly. I still need to put the cot up (once Ive got it out of the attic hehe) and find the bedding to go in the cot. I also need to bring over my moses basket and pram from MIL's. Oooohhhh I cant wait for bubs to arrive, I woke up at 2am this morning, with an overwhelming need for a cuddle (obviously I couldnt reach inside my tum and have one!!), it was like nothing Ive felt before!!

Mackenzie really wants a brother - He wants bunk beds so that baby can have the bottom and he can have the top. We're going to get them for his for Xmas - So that he will have them for a while before bubs moves into his room.

Aw, Ellie, your poor husband. Is he a policeman, did you say? I bet he comes across some right idiots - sounds like it!! I have the upmost respect for police, fireman, ambulancemen etc etc. My little man is determined hes going to be "fireman sam" when he's older - Id be so proud if he made it into the fire service.

Hope your all well, I feel great :D Hope I feel as good once bubs arrives!!

Hello Ladies!
I hope I'm doing this right; I'm 22 (soon to be 23) and pregnant with my first. I'm due Nov. 27th...the same day as DizzyMoo :) as I have read. I'm currently expecting a little girl!
Hiya Okamiko!! Welcome to the thread and congrats on having a pink bump! Hope to see a lot of you in here :D
Well, I think you've all abandoned me in here, but just incase you havent, Im still around!! :)

Just wanted to say good luck to us all, the bid d-day (due day - lol) is looming ever nearer and needs to slow the hell down lol :D

I may be moving house in a couple of weeks - Am hoping to anyway but cant look around the new place until some work has been done on it, so wont know until next week probably. Last time I moved house I went into labour the same day, and had him the day after, am hoping to at least be settled in this time!!

Willow, are you there?? How did the labour go? Hope you are well, Im thinking of you hunny <hugs>

Hi Ladies,

Hope you are all ok!

Just a quick one to let you know Poppy Rae was born on the 8.10.09 at 1.25 a.m weighing 3 lbs 7oz, she is currently in SCBU as needs feeding up before they will let her home, apart from being tiny she is absolutely perfect and needs no help at all :)

The birth wasn't quite as planned, I ended up with an emergency C Section as they were concerned about Poppy being able to cope with labour as she was showing signs of distress early on in labour. All I can say is Gas & Air is good stuff!! lol

Take Care ladies and will catch up properly soon xxx
Congrats Willow!!!
I'm glad the birth wasn't a bad one.

Hi Dom I was wondering when people were going to post in here again. I thought I'd frightened you all away!! Sometimes though I never know what to write which is why I don't post much.

So what to put now? Well as time slowly goes by, I think I'm getting a little more fed up. Don't get me wrong tho, I love being pregnant it's not that, it's the pain I'm currently going through. I so much as even stand up lately I'm in pain. It hurts when I sit, stand, lie in bed, move around in bed, bend down to pick things up, bend down to feed the dog, bend down to load the dishwasher, even to walk about in town. When I go round town I have to be pushing one of my nieces in her pushchair to make it easier! I'm not normally one to complain like this but it's really bugging me. I'm not bothering to phone the midwife as MIL says it's normal and I'm going for a growth scan on the 19th so I might just bring it up to the sonographer if it's still bothering me.

Sorry to be boring on this post lol
Hope everyone's ok!
Aww congratulations Willow, im sorry all didnt go as planned but the most important thing is that you have your healthy baby girl. And what a gorgeous name you have chosen for her - Poppy is my little sisters middle name as she was born on 11/11. I cant wait to see some piccies :0) I bet she is so tiny, bless her, and its wonderful that she doesnt need any help. Im glad you liked gas and air - I hated the stuff last time around but many women say they love it - I think I must have just been doing it wrong lol.

Aw Ellie, you poor thing - I bet you just cant wait for this pregnancy to be over? I feel sad that Im just flying through without many problems whilst some people suffer awfully. It just doesnt seem fair does it? But as above, as long as baby is healthy we'd rather be in pain ourselves.

Well I got the phone call yesterday to say that our house is ready but they cant show us around it until next week as there isnt anyone available, and we definatley have first refusal, so I spent most of yesterday packing, was up and down the attic ladders goodness knows how many times. Was shattered by tea time though, and have got it all to come again today, and until everything is packed up!! OH is also working Saturdays to try and earn as much money for us as possible, so Im going to be pretty much doing it on my own. Hes a builder, so its all physical and hes pretty much shattered when he gets in from work, so its going to be a tough few weeks, but we'll get by. I just need buba to stay put until we've moved!!

I also hope its not too much for little man either, hes just had starting to school to get used to, and now hes going to have a baby and new house to contend with in quick succession, I think lots and lots of cuddles are going to be needed. He's getting some bunk beds for the new house which hes been after since he found out about bubs (he wants the top and wants bubs to have the bottom lol), so that should help, and it also has a garden for him to play in, whereas we dont have one here, so he's excited about that too :0)

Right, time for me to get up and get Mackenzie to school before today's packing commences. And all the food I had cooked and frozen for after the birth is being eaten now, since Im spending all day packing up - ooppss - so that kind of went down the pot but never mind, Ill just have to hope baby is a good sleeper so that I can build up stocks once we're in our new home. And oh God, Christmas is just around the corner <eeeeekkkkkkk> !!!!!!

heya, just wondering if its okay if i join in? i'm sannemarica, 20 years old and due on november 5th.
he will be our first lol ( atm i'm thinking last aswell lol as had a hard pregnancy ) errr... been with OH for 6 years been married since 10th of august this year..... anything else you wanne know about..feel free 2 ask :D xx
Let me be the first to welcome you Sannemarica! Hope your ok hunni! Due the day before me :)
Hello Sannemarica, nice to meet you :D

Wow, you've been with your OH for a long time for such a young age!! Im 23 next month, and been with my OH for 6.5 years so much the same really, childhood sweethearts really do exist :)

You're having a rough time with it all are you huny? Ready to evacuate him then lol. Does he have a name yet? We still dont have ours chosen yet GGGGGRRRRR only 2.5 weeks left, really do need to get a wiggle on. Read a whole baby name book the other night and still cant decide!!

How is everyone? xx
Hi Ladies,

Hope you and bumps are all well.

Welcome Sanne :) are you all ready for your arrival?

Dom - took me a while to get used to the gas & air OH said that at the beginning I kept breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth so obviously wasn't getting anything lol.... Then I was addicted and wouldn't let anyone touch it, I literally ran to the loo to try and get back to it before the next contraction (ooh what a sight a pregnant women in labour trying to run). When they were about to take me to theatre they had to prize the gas and air from my hand, they promised I could have it back as soon as I got there - the liars lol!! Great news about the house, try not to over do it especially going up in the attic. Aww bless Mackenzie wanting bunk beds.

Elle - how is the car? what colour is it btw (typical girl question I know). Can you drive? As soon as I have recovered I am going to get ontop of this learning to drive lark!

I am jealous of you ladies and your bumps as I so loved being pregnant and feel a little robbed that she had to come early. Not that I would change her for the world and I know that she had to come early as she was not growing in my tummy! She is so perfect :) she may be tiny but she a feisty little girl and can't wait for her to come home on Friday 23rd and finally be proper family.

Well take care of yourselves and bumps ladies

Aw Willow, lovely to hear from you. I know what you mean about being pregnant, Im loving it and think Im going to mourn not having a bump once its gone. Im going to have to keep myself occupied with getting a honed and toned sexy body I think (yeah right lmao - Ill believe that when i see it!! My excercise DDD's (as Mackenzie calls them) will just collect dust Im sure!)

How are you healing Willow? How much can you do and when will you be back to normal? Im a bit ignorant I think when it comes to sections - More avoidance techniques I think, they scare me lol. Will your hubby have any time at home once she arrives home or will his paternity leave have finished? Aw it'll be lovely once your a proper little family, and its great that she'll be home so soon :D

Well Im shattered today, havent dont anything yet - well took Mackenzie to school, went to bank and post office and thats it!! Sat down to watch Jeremey Kyle when I got home (i know i know!! lol) and must have fallen asleep, because I woke up and this morning was on! I think I need to start listening when people tell me to slow down, but I just have so much to do!! I find it frustrating that my body just wont let me do what I should be doing, but I suppose its only doing its job and protecting buba by making me tired lol!!

Okay, time to go and make some dinner, then I think Im going to take it a bit easier today, and sort through my massive box of cook books to see which ones I actually use, and also sort through my big box of college stuff to see if theres anything I need to keep!!

Im taking my step-dad to go and pick up his new work van tomorrow, which is a two hour round trip. I have to be up at 7, drop OH at work for 8, then pick my step dad up and come back home. OH is then having step-dads old van (his car is too jam packed with tools!!) so his car is up for sale too, along with mine. Once they're both sold we can just get one family car and hell have his work van. Does anyone else have any plans for the weekend? Apart from that, Im packing packing packing.......

Hey Willow, glad ur ok sweetie :)

The car's good thanks. OH still goes out every so often with his dad learning. It's red by the way - well maroon I think they call it. No I can't drive. I'm not that bothered at the moment. I'm bothered about crashing the car lol

Onto the labour topic your making me want gas n air now lol I never could decide which pain relief to use but I think I'm gonna go for that - you've made my mind up for me haha
Welcome sannemarica !

Hi ladies, just thought i'd see how you're all doing. Times going so fast at the moment :shock:
How are you all feeling? x

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