Hello Ladies,
I'm new to this forum. First of all let me introduce myself and give you some background.
I have a 16 year old son and I had my coil removed in Dec 2015. So i had the coil for 14 years. I then went on to get pregnant in Feb 2017 but unfortunately it was ectopic and I lost my left tube. The surgeon told me that I have alot of adhesions (scar tissue) and was told to keep trying to conceive and if nothing happens within 6 months I should go on to have a laparoscopy, so by Aug 2017 still no pregnancy.
I have had a hsg and hormone's checked which were all fine so I know it's the adhesions that are proventing me from getting pregnant.
I am scheduled in for remove of the adhesions, hsg and repair to right fallopian tube if needing in Nov 2017 and I have also been taking vit B complex, multi vit, Coq10, maca, primrose oil for cm, probiotics and high dosages of Serrapeptase.
My partner has also been tested and all was fine with him.
I have no other health issue apart from being slightly over weight.
Has anyone else had adhesions removed and gone on to having a healthy pregnancy without IVF or IUI etc?
Any advice, suggestions welcome
Thank you x
I'm new to this forum. First of all let me introduce myself and give you some background.
I have a 16 year old son and I had my coil removed in Dec 2015. So i had the coil for 14 years. I then went on to get pregnant in Feb 2017 but unfortunately it was ectopic and I lost my left tube. The surgeon told me that I have alot of adhesions (scar tissue) and was told to keep trying to conceive and if nothing happens within 6 months I should go on to have a laparoscopy, so by Aug 2017 still no pregnancy.
I have had a hsg and hormone's checked which were all fine so I know it's the adhesions that are proventing me from getting pregnant.
I am scheduled in for remove of the adhesions, hsg and repair to right fallopian tube if needing in Nov 2017 and I have also been taking vit B complex, multi vit, Coq10, maca, primrose oil for cm, probiotics and high dosages of Serrapeptase.
My partner has also been tested and all was fine with him.
I have no other health issue apart from being slightly over weight.
Has anyone else had adhesions removed and gone on to having a healthy pregnancy without IVF or IUI etc?
Any advice, suggestions welcome
Thank you x