egg donation *** UPDATE***


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Well its bad news girls :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I cant be considered for egg donation because i had a blood transfusion :cry:
The NHS arent willing to take the risk although all blood screaning will be carried out before hand and many other tests will have to be done before i could have even donated my eggs.

Their is one possibility i could do it is go private but i just couldnt afford it :( im gutted to say the least i thought this was my one chance to do something to help others but its not going to happen

I found out yesterday but was a bit upset and having Skye to i just didnt want to post

but thought i should let yous know

take care everyone
awww hun, not sure wot 2 say but heres some hugs! :hugs: u no where i am if u need me xx
well hun thats all i can say is that dont get too upset at least you have tried and you know that youve tried to help others (((hugs))) at least you are brave to do something like that xxx
well i cant say im brave, as i didnt get the real chance to go ahead and do it :(

im trying to find out how much it would cos me to go private but i know im not going to be able to do that for a long time :roll:

lets hope i win the lottery next week eh :roll:

Aww Weestar I would leave it there. You tried hun & thats a good thing.

how do u go about the process of donating eggs? i always fancied being a surrogate. I have such admire for people like u and every one else that does these things to help out famillies
how do u go about the process of donating eggs? i always fancied being a surrogate. I have such admire for people like u and every one else that does these things to help out famillies

I would say to contact a Fertility Clinic or hospital within your area.

You could go through your GP, but I think they would refer you straight to a fertility clinic anyway as thats where you would go to for the treatment.

Its a fairly lenghty process - First you have to have all the screening. Then you basically go through the IVF process, which involves daily injections to first "Down Regulate" your normal menstrual cycle so your body will be at the right stage as the recipient. You then have a series of hormones injections until your follicles are big enough to contain ripe eggs. You have a further injection to induce ovulation.
Your eggs are then collected. They will be fertilised with the recipients partners sperm and then transferred two to three days later.

You don't pay for any of the screening tests or treatment as the cost of this is covered by the recipients fees. You can also claim expenses.
you know I am thinking about this and now my deafness has been proven it snt heriditory I reckon I could get the green light....would defo love to do this and will make some enquiries when Melie is year old.


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