i think if you're considering this option it's best to speak to the clinics counselor which my clinic insisted on anyway.
our clinic had a better scheme e.g if there weren't enough eggs they'd let you carry on treatment whereas other clinics would make you give the eggs up and do a second treatment free of charge (but more waiting)
In the end we didn't go for egg sharing for a few reasons:
The cost difference wasn't massive £2k for us we would have saved but with all the issues of a child being able to contact us at 18 didn't put me off but it made me think as the counselor said...
"what if the child knocks on your door and you haven't told your children, how will they respond to that?"
"what if the donor egg becomes a child and then when he/she is 18 they contact you as they're ill and need a donor for something" how would your children respond?
How would you feel if you told your children (which they recommend you do) then they wanted to meet with them but they couldnt as the donor can't get in touch - only the other way round.
It was all questions I hadn't thought about so we personally made our decision but it was very helpful to run through things.
i think it's a great thing to do if you can and want to, just make sure you think of everything as I thought i had and in fact questions that they asked i obviously hadn't!!

to KJMM I hope you are successful in your journey for your BFP