Hello everyone, do you have a nice Christmas? Sure hope so
I got the result of MRI, which is good news, no tumor
I asked the RE my prolactin level, she said the first test without fasting is 60, and the second test after fasting is 31.6, and the normal range is under 30. So I'm still higher than boarder line. She will check it again after my surgery in Feb, (my RE is doing a surgery on me to remove a growth in the uterus and check the possible endos in my left tube) If the prolactin is still high after the surgery, she will have to put me on meds. She also said diet, exercise, breasts exam, and stress could affect the prolactin level.
I've been googling about diet and prolactin, found out b6 and zinc could help lower prolactin level. Also low carb, low fat, low sugar, lots of fruit and veggies. So that is my goal before the surgery right now, try to eat healthy, maybe exercise a little bit each day, and try to relax. And also, I'm taking B50 complex, and zinc 50mg everyday. Hopefully that will help.
Hope this information helps. And happy new year!!!