Elimination Communication Support Thread

I've "caught" a few poos with Kesslie over the last few days, but she seems to STOP pooing when I put her over the potty (and I've tried a baby potty, the adult potty and the sink) until I put a diaper back on her. She's only 5 months old, so I'd *think* she wouldn't be that used to needing a diaper yet?

And I've only caught one pee so far, with plenty of no go opportunities. It's a tiny bit discouraging. I can't seem to see her pee queues...
I've "caught" a few poos with Kesslie over the last few days, but she seems to STOP pooing when I put her over the potty (and I've tried a baby potty, the adult potty and the sink) until I put a diaper back on her. She's only 5 months old, so I'd *think* she wouldn't be that used to needing a diaper yet?

And I've only caught one pee so far, with plenty of no go opportunities. It's a tiny bit discouraging. I can't seem to see her pee queues...

Try not to be too discouraged. If you've just started out it can take a while for baby to get used to the idea. Do you have nappy free time ever? It could be worth having a couple of hours bare bottomed and just observing. You may find she cues more reliably when naked. My daughter used not to cue at all when in a nappy. Now she does but she is older and I still miss a lot of wees!

Just persevere, take it slowly and enjoy. It'll get easier.

Good luck.
I think 5 months old is plenty old enough to be nappy trained. Perhaps she feels insecure over a potty? Could you try putting the potty on your lap and having her face out so that her back is close to your body and you can hug her as she eliminates?
Hi! I am hoping someone is still subscribed/reads this thread. DH and I have started this with DD, she is 3 weeks. The only issue is that she cries on the potty. She really just cries anytime her diaper is off, so I think she is just cold. Any suggestions? I don't want her to hate the potty!
Hi! I am hoping someone is still subscribed/reads this thread. DH and I have started this with DD, she is 3 weeks. The only issue is that she cries on the potty. She really just cries anytime her diaper is off, so I think she is just cold. Any suggestions? I don't want her to hate the potty!
Hi! I am hoping someone is still subscribed/reads this thread. DH and I have started this with DD, she is 3 weeks. The only issue is that she cries on the potty. She really just cries anytime her diaper is off, so I think she is just cold. Any suggestions? I don't want her to hate the potty!

Because if she hates the potty then she won't think of it positively?
Hi all, hoping to revive this thread a bit!

My baby is 11½ weeks old, and I've been ECing since he was 3 weeks, when his signals started to get a bit clearer. Initially I was using the newborn hold over a bucket but he seemed really uncomfortable and he was so tiny (5lb 3½oz) it was hard to feel that I was holding him securely. So I bought a little wonders baby potty and I just sit him on it, positioning my hands so as to support his back and neck (although he's had excellent neck control since birth). I think bug in a rug or someone else does the same.

I initially had to use disposable nappies as he was too tiny to fit into my washables but now I've started to move to washables as often as possible. I'm hoping that by the time he's 4 months I'll try having him in (washable) training pants of some sort, at least during the day. That'll also make pottying him a whole lot easier as I currently have to whip off his clothes and nappy at lightening speed to get him to the potty!

We've been having a great time with it so far, although I don't think I even catch half of his pees since he pees so often at the moment. I'm just waiting until he starts to pee less frequently or learns to empty his bladder properly on each occasion.
I catch almost 100% of his poos. He no longer poos at night, and his morning poo is very easy to catch as it's immediately he wakes up. His pee signal is the same as his poo signal, just less obvious.

The last two days have been a bit difficult though. He normally poos 4-5 times a day but yesterday there was no morning poo and I was too late noticing his signal when he finally managed to poo later on. Also his poo was very runny. Today he also had no morning poo and pooed in the middle of the day when we were out, also runny.

Also, normally when I go out I take the potty or a toilet seat adapter or just hold him over a big toilet.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their EC journey and getting lots of successes! I'm sure as my son gets older I'll face a lot of the challenges I've read about in here.:flower:
ReadyORnot - babies elimination habits change constantly... It sounds like you're doing brilliantly on picking up on his cues so just go with the flow. There will be times when you miss a lot, and there will be days when you catch everything. Just keep offering the potty!!

BTW - that potty looks great, I'm tempted to buy one for my DD as the one we have is quite tall and she has short legs so is a bit unbalanced!
A bit of a side topic but.... has anyone noticed that their boys take longer to poop than the girls?

My DS takes a long time (like his dad) but DD would alway be quite quick about her business (like me). Just wondering if its a boy/girl thing or anyone else noticed similar? I can have DS sitting on the potty for 10minutes sometimes while he works on getting it all out... (sorry if tmi!)
:wave: hi all! I'm jumping in on EC bandwagon - I've been trying it out for the past several weeks and it's been pretty good so far :)
A bit of a side topic but.... has anyone noticed that their boys take longer to poop than the girls?

My DS takes a long time (like his dad) but DD would alway be quite quick about her business (like me). Just wondering if its a boy/girl thing or anyone else noticed similar? I can have DS sitting on the potty for 10minutes sometimes while he works on getting it all out... (sorry if tmi!)

:hi:hi Hanskiz!

katrinalorien, I'm so sorry I've been meaning to post this to you for ages but with one thing and another... anyway, you know how it goes.

I hope you're still persevering with the EC and if you are, I wanted to say that I think a lot of women offer a breast to unhappy babies when they're pottying them, and the babies do grow out of it. It's just for reassurance and to help cancel out any negative association with the potty. I did it a few times with Angelo in the early days and he hasn't needed that for at least 6 weeks now.
Also, it's amazing the difference the expression on your face can make. I make a point of talking and smiling and laughing with Angelo when he's on the potty, but this morning I totally forgot to smile and as soon as I popped him on the potty he started to cry. I smiled at him and laughed a bit and hey presto, happy baby! :shrug:go figure...

mumnbean, I've never had a girl baby but occasionally my son does take a long time to get finished! Once or twice I've taken him off the potty too soon after a poo as I'm afraid of him getting fed up of it, only for him to immediately poo in his nappy!
Good point ready! I will have to watch myself more closely... I think I mostly gimace because of the location of the potty and how I have to hold her... so maybe I should switch it up to make it more comfy.. and remember to smile!
I'd love to try this. I'm all for intuitive parenting, and all the responses for this method seem amazing!

Thing is - my little girl is almost 3 months now. How do i start from here?

Any help would be appreciated x
not sure exactly, but from other posts I gather you can start by doing a "diaper free day". It helps you watch for their cues and helps them cue better. You may have to do a couple of these? Then its all about watching for cues from there!

Oh ready I have dedicated myself to smiling while Lily is on the potty - BIG difference already!
Hello ladies! I haven't been on here in a while, so I'll recap our EC story these last few months. At 8 months, my lo started peeing in his diaper ALL the time, not holding it at all like he used to, so I took off the diapers to do some observation and see if I could tell what was going on. Lo and behold he started holding it again, so I left the diapers off, ordered some training pants, and we went great from there. But a month later when he started really crawling and getting around, he started pooping in his pants and having many more pee misses. We had gone like four months without a single poopy diaper. I figured it was just the developmental milestone and I'd wait it out. Well the pee eventually got back on track, but the pooping has gotten worse. Sometimes, if he poops first thing in the morning, he'll let me hold him over the toilet and I catch it, but the rest of the day, it's almost always a miss, and he never does a full poop in his pants, it's always in several installments. So I've been working really hard lately to get back to catching the poops, and have had a little success with the little potty. Many times I only catch him in the act, and immediately transfer him to the potty, to try to get the association back. Occasionally if I know he needs to poop but refuses the potty I keep him naked (if he's peed recently) and watch really closely and when he gets in position to poop I slide the potty underneath him. Really hoping we can get him back on track soon. Any advice is appreciated.
I don't know if this is the right advice, but for us when there were times that Isis didn't want to be on the potty I didn't push, I would continue to ask if she needed to go potty and just let her lead the way. She has a very strong personality and is very much a toddler. I don't want to make this a power struggle. This started around 10-11 months. She would refuse to sit on the potty, then a week later would love it. Then a month later back to hating it. There have been times when I thought she would be close to using just training pants and underwear but she just went through two weeks of refusing the potty. Just today I smelled poop so I asked her if she had pooped (previously she would tell me no), she said yes and so I told her we needed to change her diaper (before she would have said no), and she ran to the bathroom, waited for me to take her diaper off and sat on the potty! She didn't do anything but I'm still happy. Then before bath (we had a routine before of her sitting on the potty before bath) she "told" me she wanted to sit on the potty!
I thin if you're patient and understanding about changes in your child's life you will be ok. It might not go the way you want it to but as I'm learning I don't have as much control over my child as I used to.
I hope your LO cooperates!:hugs:
I am so glad to find this thread i dont visit this section my daughter has been using a potty since 3 months old. i am not sure if its ec. but all i know is i put her on the poty when i feel she is showing me signs and she poos and pees almost every time. i would like her out of nappies by 1 years old. so any tips would help!! shes 7 months old on wednesday! i asked for tips and to hear storys of other mums who potty train early or ec and everyone just thought i was weird.
If you need a bit helo or guidance there are good books by Laurie Bouke (shorter and longer versions :) )
Hey girls, just looking for some advice!

I initially thought there was no way I'd do ec but I'm getting kind of interested in it, is it too late to start with my LO? I like the idea of a more natural potty training method!

We don't baby wear, my LO hated being in the sling, and we don't co-sleep so I'd be happy to use nappies at night.

Any advice or suggestions? Thanks!!!

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