ladies, I am doing a little research and hope you won't mind helping me out:
- What products have you found really useful for your EC journey?
- Is there any item you feel you would have found useful had you known about it earlier or had it been more affordable or readily available?
- Is there any product you wanted for EC but were unable to find?
Thanks, very grateful if anyone has any answers for me.
1) I found that my LO got "heavy" really quickly for the under thigh hold whether over the toilet or sink (I usually used sink, because squatting with her by the toilet KILLED my knees)
2) Potty training seats once her bum got big enough, they're the bomb.
3) Potty training seats that are for the "big girl/big boy" toilet, but that are designed for EC'ing bums rather than the typical "2-3 yr old" bums. I have yet to find a satisfactory ECing toilet seat. The criteria I would like for one is as follows
-- Clips onto the big person toilet seat
-- Has "soft" seat for soft baby bottoms
-- Has a smaller hole, for smaller bottoms, but one that still goes through to the big toilet rather than into a bowl that has to be rinsed out
-- Has "handles" and a back so that as baby can sit on his/her own, they are still somewhat more secure
So I can find soft ones that clip on, but they don't have the back to them so if Aria were to lean back, she'd topple over backwards. OR they have a softer "insert" but then its a bowl I have to rinse out. OR they have the softer seat, but they don't clip onto the toilet. Its frustrating.