Elly and Ellie's stories on Sam and Sam... add your own!



It is my one year anniversary today:happydance: and in the spirit of luuurve, me and fuffyburra have decided to start a thread for everyone to explain how they met/got together with their OH. Go on, add your own and spread a little love :D

Mine isn't very interesting but I think it's cute in its own, weird way..

I have known my OH since I was 11, when I started secondary school. I never spoke to him for the first two years (too shy) but always thought, ooh he looks nice. My OH is about the equivilant of Troy Bolton in our school. He isn't the captain of the rugby team (the PE teachers son is, suprise suprise) but he is by far the best player, and everyone knows that. He is also an amazing runner/athlete. Everyone in the school knows who he is and looks up to him. Even in his own friendship circle people sometimes refer to him using his surname aswell! He went out with the prettiest, most popular girls in the year and I never for a second thought he'd be interested in me.

Then, towards the end of Year 9, when I was 14, we started talking on msn and texting. Soon we were having conversations lasting hours every day, and we never ran out of things to talk about. I started to like him, a lot, but was too shy to say anything. We'd meet up on weekends as well, in groups of friends, doing things, going swimming, going shopping, just hanging round each others houses, and though there were other people there, I only noticed him. 10 Saturdays in a row we spent together and I liked him more and more but was certain he only saw me as a friend. After all, he'd been out with the best looking girls in the year, why would he be interested in me?
Then one Saturday we went to the cinema. We pretty much ignored our other friends and spent the whole time just talking to each other.

That night on msn I was babysitting and talking to him, and on a whim I asked if he liked anyone. I thought if he told me who he liked I'd be able to get over him because I'd know it wasn't me. He told me to guess. I went through every girl I knew he knew, and nothing. I didn't even bother saying my name because I thought there was no point. Then one of the little girls I was babysitting ran off and I went after her. When I got back, he'd gone offline. But before he'd gone, he'd said 'It's you I like'. I actually did a :happydance: right there and then.

The next day was torture. I hadn't spoken to him and didn't know if he was joking or what. I finally managed to ask him if he was joking that night and he said he wasn't. I told him I liked him too. Nothing more was said of it.

A month went by. We both knew we liked each other but were too scared to do anything about it. I dared him to ask someone out and he asked me but I said no, because it was a dare. It was so frustrating. I hadn't told anyone he liked me, so I saw my friends flirting with him and it was horrible. Then, finally, on October 11th 2008 I was staying round my friend Hayley's house when he asked me out again. This time I said yes :D

A year from then I love him just as much, if not more than I did what seems like ages ago. I can't imagine not being with him. He makes me soo happy and we are so perfect for each other, I'll never find anyone like him. He is amazing :cloud9:

So take it away fuffyburra, and then, add your own stories about you and your OH! :D
Have a good day everyone xx
Awww that's so cute ^^, It's like movie love!! lol :p
Well I also met my Samuel at high school when we were 11. He was in different classes to me, and we hung around with different groups of people.
Obviously during high school your friendship groups change a lot and by the time we were about 14 we were both in the oddball kind of group (not bullied or anything, but the only one's who liked talking about comedy and decent music lol). There were "the girls" and "the guys", and we all sat at the end of the field together.
I'd always, for as long as I could remember, been after this guy called Andy, so barely noticed Samuel, plus we all thought he was a little pervert haha! Samuel invited me to the cinema one day and I thought loads of people were going so I invited my niece Emily who's a year younger than me, and we turned up and it was just us 3 XD He thought it was a date and kept trying it on and I just wanted to go home!! He cycled, walked and went running and stuff, and LOVED doing D of E, and he just wasn't really my type. He also had huge dreadlocks which were rather offputting!
Anywho, after that fiasco was over and we'd finished school, Andy and I started going out. We were together for 2 1/2 years, and broke up just before he went to university because I knew it wouldn't last and I'd rather have stayed friends, than face the arguments and unavoidable break up later on. I didn't think it was possible to stay proper friends with an ex, but it feels like we've just been best friends all along. He's my bestest bud! :D
I was single for about 3 months and loving it, I went out with all my friends and got drunk, and was determined not to get in to a proper relationship again for a while. I went on a few dates with people, but I made sure nothing serious happened and none of them were really that great anyway! I was MSN or facebook or something when Samuel came online and asked if Andy and I had broken up for real and stuff, and we started talking for a few weeks but he always very busy with work (he's an aeronautical engineer for Virgin Atlantic). One day he said "I'm home for the weekend, fancy going bowling?!" so I said yes, and I'd bring my niece again (as I still didn't want a relationship or anything, and I remembered him being the little pervert he always was at school!). So I turned up at the station and my niece didn't show, and it was too late to bail on the poor guy - So I'd just have to go it alone!
I arrived on the platform and couldn't see him anywhere, then a bloke right in front of me gave me a timid little wave; it took me ages to realise it was him! I couldn't believe my eyes (or my luck lol), he'd grown in to his huge eyes and he had a little stubble. He was wearing really nice clothes and I could see a six pack under his tshirt. I thought "Kerchinggggg!"
I'd expected him to still be the funny-but-kinda-pervy friendy sort of guy he was before, but we got on so well and I laughed the whole time we were out. He was all nervous and bumbly, it was so cute ^^,
And it all went from there! Had a few more dates, he moved back down here with his parents so he live nearer to me, and for the last 6 or 7 months we've been talking about marriage and babies lol! :)
Not as cute as Elly's, but I think it's lovely in it's own little way :p
How about everyone else? xx
Id not long come out of a realy bad relationship and out of the blue i get a txt of Zarababy1 saying i need to txt this lad from work. She wanted one of this lads mates fone number, he said jokingi want a number. She said something along the lines of "oh my cus is your tipe and shes single" He chickend out so she made me txt him. The fist txt was literaly "Hi zara said i had to txt you" We flirted through txt and msn for about a week and then he invited me to a lad from works party, i rang zara and said she had to get herself an invite. Well we went and he was soooooo shy! He would only talk to me when every one else went out for a fag. I went into the front room to try and get him on his own so he would actualy talk to me and zara had to tell him to go in.
We stayed up all night talking and erm doing other stuff. We talked all week, went out for a propper date the following sunday and went for a night out the following when we became official. A week after that he told me he loved me, after zara told me he was going to tell me.

3 and a half years later were still together, not bad for a drunken fumble.
Ok, here I go!

Well I was in the same school as my OH (Adam) but I was in the year above him, so I didn't really know him. I met him through a close friend of mine James when I went to 6th form (higher education). That year I went through a bad break up with my ex of 2 years, my other friends all abandoned me because he spread lies that I slept with his best friend James (who I was good friends with but nothing happened) I was devastated. Then James did admit he liked me and I was like :dohh: so he was inviting me out with his friends all the time. That summer I hung out with all his friends as a single girl and that was undoubtebly the best summer of my life and I will never forget it!

Then Adam's best friend Nick admitted that he liked me aswell and I was like :wacko: ....then Adam also admitted to liking me! But they were all best friends and I felt awful because they were fighting over me. So I said I would not pick any of them and come between their friendship. So Adam, James and Nick were all arguing with one another. Fun.

I didn't really know Adam, he was very shy! So I didn't really talk all that much with him and he always went on about his ex girlfriend so I assumed his attentions were with her (later I found out he was saying all this in an attempt to make me jealous! haha). I hung out with all of them and did like Nick but I didn't do/say anything because I wanted us to all stay friends..

Aaaaanyway one evening Adam came round and we got chatting and I realised he was lovely! He reminded me of my dad a bit (isn't that creepy).. Anyways before he left he put something in my hand and walked out, its was only an essay of a loveletter and it was beautiful, well aw few days later he asked me out, I wasn't sure because I didn't want to hurt anyone else's feelings and I wasn't sure how I felt about him, I knew I liked him but it wasn't like I love you! Well he said and I quote "You think about everyone else, think about yourself for once, we will all stay friends you will see"

Well its 3 and a half years on, we own a home together with two doggies and we are very much in love and what do you know, we are all still close friends with each other!! :cloud9: Its like something off Oprah!

Thats my story, complicated but true!

Edit:: The day before he asked me out I got paraletically drunk, threw up on his shoes and he carried me all the way home and put me in my bed! He even bought me flowers the next day so I would feel better (I was majorly hung over) Love must be blind if he saw all that and still wanted a peice!!
Edit:: The day before he asked me out I got paraletically drunk, threw up on his shoes and he carried me all the way home and put me in my bed! He even bought me flowers the next day so I would feel better (I was majorly hung over) Love must be blind if he saw all that and still wanted a peice!!

That's the funniest thing I've seen all day XD lol! Classy :p xx
Edit:: The day before he asked me out I got paraletically drunk, threw up on his shoes and he carried me all the way home and put me in my bed! He even bought me flowers the next day so I would feel better (I was majorly hung over) Love must be blind if he saw all that and still wanted a peice!!

That's the funniest thing I've seen all day XD lol! Classy :p xx

:p I know I felt so bad about it, all I remembered was that I felt ill and wanted to go home, apparently I threw up on his shoes, on the grass, and was saying that I thought he had pretty hair all the way home... Oh dear.. :blush:
My poor OH has had to deal with me drunk before... I get pretty frisky and try to pull his trousers down in public :blush: and apparently once he had to carry me out of Beerfest because I wouldn't walk but I don't remember that at all so I'm convinced he made it up just to embarrass me.
I'm such a lightweight :L
My poor OH has had to deal with me drunk before... I get pretty frisky and try to pull his trousers down in public :blush: and apparently once he had to carry me out of Beerfest because I wouldn't walk but I don't remember that at all so I'm convinced he made it up just to embarrass me.
I'm such a lightweight :L

Hahahaha! That is so funny! Pulling his trousers down... oh dear!

When I drink Wine I get frisky.. :blush: I'm a lightweight too.. last Christmas eve dinner I had one glass of wine and started to tell all my OH's family about his private parts... That was a Christmas to remember XD
Cider goes to my head the most. One day in summer me and some friends had a barbeque in the woods, and got some cider to accompany it because yknow, we are uncouth youths and all that. Anyway, one can later and I managed to wee all over myself whilst trying to go to the toilet. I had to throw my pants and tights in the bin :blush: It really is embarrasing how little I need to drink to make a fool out of myself. All my guys friends think it's hilarious. If there is alchohol anywhere near me, they start telling me I've had enough because I'll be drunk off the smell. Not funny.
! Cider is what made me paraletic, makes me really drunk really fast! And yeah all my friends joke that if I sniff alcohol I will be drunk! :D Wooow I have a funny drunk friend yey! X
Ha I've never been so drunk I've been sick or anything like that, but only because my OH confiscates my drink before then! He looks after me too much, he won't let me get that wasted. :blush:
Hooray for funny drunk friends!
I met my OH from some of my friends at school. I was 16 at the time and it was the night of my homecoming football game at my school. He, his twin brother, and their friends came and met me and my friends. We didn't speak all night. Later that night I got a friend request on myspace from him and he sent me a message that said "Hey, you're pretty cute... even though you like hate me." I'll never forget it. We sent messages back and forth and he asked for my number. Two ngihts later he called me and we talked from 10 PM to 4 AM on the phone about anything and everything.

About a week later, he invited me over and asked me to be his girlfriend. Weve been together 3 years on October 20. Not a big romantic story, but I'll never forget. :cloud9:
right here i go lol. Sorry its very confusing!

was with my ex for 2 and a half years - the last 6 months were really rocky, i tried to split up with him several times but kept taking him back cuz i felt bad! A big group of us used to hang around in this car park (ok ok im a girl racer :p) and new people come and go all the time, the one day my now OH turned up with sumone, didnt take any interest as i had a bf. One of the bank holidays(in may) we all went to weston, i thought he was drop dead gorgeous but would never ever want a girl like me(since then hes told me that this was when he realised he really liked me).... Between then and September we had the odd conversation when we were out and about but nothing ever came it (for obv reasons) Then the one night i jumped in my friends car because i was freezing and my now OH was in the passenger seat (i didnt know, i wouldnt have got in if i did) I thought i cant get out cuz he will think im a pleb so we just started chatting - was in the car for an hour. my bf kept coming over and asking what we were doing lol. A few days after that his mate asked me for my msn addy, he didnt want my number cuz i had a bf and didnt want to cause any trouble. I only ever spoke to him on there once as he worked nights so it was difficult. A couple of weeks later we were all out one night, things were really bad with my bf and i passed on my number through a friend....

The next morning i work up and my boyfriend has txt me saying 'do you want to be with me' I txt him back and just put No.... (horrible i know!!) Then my OH txt me, we started txting and i told him i was now single...and it really went from there. he quit his nights job so that we could have a proper relationship and we were(and still are) completly inseperable!!! I knew from that moment in the car that i needed to be with him forever!! He is my soulmate, i totally clicked with him.

So to cut it all short - we met in a car park :rofl: So romantic!!!

Lol you're a classy bird, lovehearts!! :p OH and I met in a PE class when we were 11, and he was one of only two guys, the rest were all girls. So in my 11 year old mind he was either gay or slightly perverted! Ah well, we live and learn...
DH and I met on MySpace :haha:

DH had just moved to the US and the only people he knew his age were his flatmates (as all the people he works with are over 40). So one of his flatmates told him to sign up to MySpace because "there are tons of girls on there." So DH set up a profile, typed in the search engine for girls between the ages of 21 and 30 who lived within 20 miles of where he lived. He said that over 4000 profiles popped up. As he scrolled through them he was slowly losing hope because most of the profiles had pictures of the girls in their bikinis and had hobbies listed like 'getting drunk' or 'partying.' Then finally he got to my profile just had my college graduation pic on it and my hobbies included: science, biology, reading, hiking, and Lord of the Rings. Being a huge geek himself (he has a masters in theoretical physics) he said he was immediately attracted to my profile and decided to send me a message. Out of all those profiles that popped up in his search, I was the only one he sent a message to.

Now, I had just put up the profile to keep in touch with my college friends and had no interest in meeting guys on it. In fact, I was always getting messages from guys that basically consisted of "hey baby, you're hot, call me" which I just ignored completely. So when an unfamiliar male name popped up in my inbox I was just ready to delete the message except the title caught my eye "hello seemingly relatively normal person." I read the very long message attached and found out that we had a lot in commmon and that we literally lived just around the corner from each other.

We messaged back and forth on MySpace for about two weeks before deciding to meet for dinner at a nearby restaurant where we sat down and talked until the restaurant closed and they kicked us out!

8 months after our first date we were engaged and we were married 10 months after that. We'll be celebrating our two year anniversary in two weeks! :kiss:
I met my boyfriend in school aswell.. he was in my Standard Grade biology class. Anyway we started talking lots and stuff and about in March 2007 the boy he sat beside asked me to go out with him- while he was standing right behind pretending not to hear:dohh: and I was kinda put on the spot so I said yes. Needless to say that didn't work out very well and we broke up about a week later and went our separate ways- different classes etc.
Then about 8 months later I saw him in school with some girl and got sooo jealous for some reason lol but I didn't want to do anything coz I'd been a bit of a bitch to him before so I let it go for a while. Then on 21st Jan 2008 me and my friend were walking home from school and she was talking about this boy she fancied and we both said "right tonight we'll ask them out". So I went on msn and Jamie was on for the first time in months (fate lol) and I asked him out in a very round about way, apologized and said I really wanted to give it a proper go etc and he said a very tentative yes:happydance: and that's been us ever since!
Aww.. Well im currently lurking in here until AF comes to get me then im a full WTT'er :D

But, me and OH met at school. He was 4 years above me so we never spoke but we kind of smiled and said hi out of school. He worked in Woolies and I used to go in and have a chat with him stealing the pick n mix :D Then we lost touch and never thought anymore of it until he got his lil bro (who was a year below me) to ask my friend for my number and he started texting, and then talking on msn and stuff. He had the day off of work one day, I wasnt at school so we met up. And we never actually asked each out or anything but just started seeing each other. He moved in with me a month later, my mum really took to him, it was easier for work with him so he just moved in. Then 5 months later I MC'd his baby, 3 months after that I was pregnant with our now, 21 month old DS. We got out own place when DS was 6 months old and was TTC until a few days ago when we decided to go out to Australia to see my brother so we're saving for our trip and after a very bad few months are hopefully trying to make our relationship work (!!) I had a MC in July too at 11 weeks ish so TTC is being put off. Im only 18, got the whole world at my feet so a career and once in a lifetime trip come before anything else at the mo.

So hopefully, see me stalking around WTT for a bit. Hello everyone and nice to see you all :D
I met OH on a dating website... scary, i know.

I had just gotten broken up with by this douche bag named David and in a fit of anger and hurt I made a profile on a dating site. I didn't do much on the site other than check and (maybe) respond to messages, and one day i received a message from OH. He seemed like a "normal" person, as most of the guys on there are weird and creepy. We messaged back and forth then chatted on MSN for a couple of weeks. Then my computer breaks!! It was a week before I got it fixed and I was so worried that he would think I wasn't interested anymore... but everything was ok, and he was just worried something happened to me. A week later, we finally agree to meet. We saw a movie... about a wedding... :rofl: and now a year and 5 months later we are planning our wedding.

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